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What is it?
Caused by fungus it makes the eyes appear "foggy". It is not particularly serious nor common, however must be treated immediately.

Foggy appearance to the eye. Eye appears to have a gray or white film covering it.

Firstly, make sure the water is of a high quality, check pH and ammonia levels. Correct these and proceed with treatment.

There are some medicines developed to cure eye fungus. One of the most recommended is Eye Fungex by Aquatronics. If this is unavailable to you, use a general fungicide or broad spectrum treatment

Remember, water quality is always extremely important- so always check that first as it is often the cause of disease in aquarium fish. When treating sick fish, try to put the least amount of stress on them as possible, as stress will hinder the heeling process. Another thing is to remember is that generally, a healthy fish is a happy fish.

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