My Robin Hood Page

Robin Hood, as with King Arthur, is another of my boyhood heros.
All movies aside, I'd like to get any info on the real guy. If you have any info, please send it to me.

But, as movies go, sorry Kevin, no offense, but the first Robin Hood movie I ever saw was the 1938 version with Errol Flynn as Robin Hood, and Olivia de Havilland as Maid Marion. So now, whenever I hear the words, "Robin Hood", I kind of picture Errol Flynn (kind of in the same way I expect Moses to look like Charlton Heston in "The 10 Commandments").

OK, here is some excellent info from Amy (see her web page linked below) from the Fact & Fiction,
The Real Robin, section of her page:
"All in all, most researchers have agreed on the likelihood that the man who became Robin Hood was alive under the reign of Richard I around 1193. I believe that there was a man who was deemed an outlaw around the end of the 12th century, whose name became Robin Hood and was used to refer to other outlaws. And so the legend grew..."

Thanks, Amy. Very cool info.

An Excellent Robin Hood Link:

Amy's Robin Hood Page

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