Nomi's Page

my daughter Nomi

Bio(by Nomi): The story so far:

I grew up in foster care, giving everyone around me a hard time. In one, I met a lovely young girl (Charlotte) who would later become my best friend. As soon as I was old enough, I went out on my own. I landed a good job, had an apartment of my own. I got in contact with the lovely young girl, and when she escaped the system, she became my roommate. We had a happy little life, she met a boy and fell in love (with Cody), got attacked by some monsters, and ended up committing suicide. Not much later, on Sept. 11, as I stayed home sick, the building where I worked fell down.
Now I have a new job. After much mental torture, Cody and I fell in love, then later fell apart. I live alone with my rabbit, Jack, and hope the rest of my life will be boring and safe.

Additions to that (by her dad):

I adopted Nomi on 5 NOV 2002, cuz she's way cool, and she deserves a family.
Hmm, what can I say about my little daughter?
Well, for one thing, while she can see beauty in others
(like Charlotte, a rare and lovely person)
she may lack the objectivity to see the awesomeness in herself,
cuz I happen to think she's pretty darn awesome,
and a very caring and loving person.
Additionally, I think the most interesting thing about her
is that she doesn't think she's that interesting, lol,
…which is, of course, far from reality. ^_^
Yup, she's very special.
Hence this page, just so I could tell you of her coolness. =)

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