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Well, oh happy day! I completed my Movie page!
(Kinda. You know this list will have to be updated from time to time!)

Since the former page was a little lacking in thought, I decided to put some effort into this one.

The end result? Categorizing movies by beverage. 


Every movie on this page I liked and recommend.

My criteria is simple:

Wine bottle

Movies under 'The Wine List' are best watched with a nice bottle of Red Wine. Shed some tears; celebrate life...

Coffee cup

Keep the Java steaming. Look for the deeper meaning in movies listed in 'The Java Zone'.

Hot chocolate

Put in the video, push play, curl up in a warm blanket, wrap your paws around a nice mug of Hot Chocolate... perhaps a warm fireplace crackles in the background... maybe some snuggling. Yeah, I know. Sappy. So bite me.

Frosty Mug

Beer Run! Watch this movie with your favorite IMPORT. Yes, IMPORT. Preferably Canadian. We like Canadians. Canadian flag 


Everybody understand what's going on here? Good! Carry on!

(Click here for Movies you should avoid like the plague.
But read through my recommended movies first!)

Recommended Movie for the Month of May, 2003: The Secretary.

WineWineWineWineThe Wine List:WineWineWineWine

Wine Affair of Love, An: French film, English subtitles. Hmm. Since this movie is on my recommended movies list, I must be suggesting it. The woman, played by Nathalie Baye, places an ad in an alternative magazine seeking a man to act out a sexual fantasy. The man who answers, Sergi Lopez, agrees to be her anonymous lover. The scenes are post-affair interviews with each lover. This movie hits a little close to home... but the masochist in me recommends it.
Wine Amelie: French film, English subtitles. Welcome to my new favorite movie. Amelie is a socially-challenged young woman who spends a good amount of her time trying to quietly improve the lives of those around her. Her own life develops its own form of intrigue as she searches for two mystery men surrounding photo booths. Best scene in film: Amelie briskly walks a blind man along the street, rapidly describing children, dogs, and roasting chicken. She drops him at an entrance to the subway. He looks to the sky. The world is filled with color.
Wine Big Night: Two Italian brothers take a big risk and throw all their money into a huge banquet in an effort to save their failing restaurant business. The usual love-triangle plus feuding sibs add additional quirks to the storyline. Stars Stanley Tucci, Minnie Driver, the beautiful Isabella Rosselini, and "that guy who played Antonio on Wings."
Wine Bleu (French with sub-titles): Stars Juliette Binoche as a grieving widow/mother. (Actually, there are three movies in this entry: Bleu, White, and Red. Bleu is definitely a personal favorite of mine, the other two are not. I didn't particularly care for White. Red is a good movie, but I found it lacking. Still, Red ties all three movies together. So watch them in order: Bleu, White, Red.)
Wine Bridget Jones' Diary: Oh this movie is so damn funny! I absolutely loved it! Renee Zellweger stars as a thirty-something single Brit with a flair for the fun and generally tactless. Also stars Hugh Grant (bad guy) and my new favorite leading man, Colin Firth.
Wine Chocolat: Awesome film!! No wine? Can also be served with--what else? Hot Chocolate! This film reunites Juliette Binoche and Lena Olin in a sleepy French town shook up by a softly mysterious new resident (Binoche).
Wine Clue: (Also serve with Hot Chocolate.) Based on board game of same name. What a fun movie! Several endings provide various "what if's?". Stars the clever Tim Curry. 
Wine Four Rooms: Tim Roth as a bellhop on New Year's Eve. Just when you think it cannot get any more bizarre, is does. Hysterical! Four separate 'stories', including Witches, bratty kids, a whacked-out married couple, and a psycho Quentin Tarentino (shocking!).  Madonna, Antonio Banderas, Marisa Tomei, Lili Taylor, Bruce Willis and a handful of other familiar faces make appearances. 
Wine Full Monty, The: (Also serve with Beer.) Funky Brits removing clothes to stay off the 'dole'. Cool. UPDATE: Saw The Full Monty as a musical on stage recently. Didn't stay true to movie. Americanized/localized it. Fine performers, but disappointed in show.
Wine Imposters, The: What can be better than a movie with the absolutely adorable Stanley Tucci? An incredibly funny movie with Tucci and Oliver Platt! The set-up: Set in the 1930s, two out-of-work actors (Tucci and Platt) end up as accidental stow-a-ways on an ocean luxury liner. In the process of avoiding a lunatic egomaniac who would have their heads, they stumble upon a plots to bilk an heiress, kill a prince, and finally a Communist attempt to blow the ocean liner sky-high. In the meantime, the innocent pair manage to reunite old lovers and hook up some new ones as well. It's a laugh-riot and the musical scene at the end might find you on your feet dancing along. Also stars: Steve Buscemi, Isabella Rossellini, Lili Taylor, "Antonio" from Wings, and several other familiar faces.    
Wine Life is Beautiful (La Vita Bella) (Italian): You know what? Just rent this movie. And skip the 'English' version. See it in it's original Italian. The story takes place during the Nazi occupation in Italy. No happy ending here, folks, but certainly a must-see movie. This movie celebrates the amazing love a man can give to his child in the worst possible circumstances. Stars director Roberto Benigni.
Wine MidSummer's Night Dream, A (1999) (the one w/ an adorable Stanley Tucci): NOTE! Do drink a bottle of wine with this movie, but instead of red, choose a sweet-sweet white. Let's see, if you're not familiar with Will Shakespeare's play, in this movie you'll find unrequited love, struggling actors, a couple weddings, fairies, and other mystical creatures playing practical jokes on unsuspecting humans. Many faces you'll recognize: Calista Flockhart, Kevin Kline, Michelle Pfeiffer, Stanley Tucci, Rupert Everett.
Wine Moulin Rouge: Stars Nicole Kidman and Ewan McGregor. Nicole Kidman plays Satine, infamous courtesan, can-can girl, and love-interest for Bohemian writer Christian (McGregor). True, the star-crossed lovers theme is way tiresome, but it's the music and costumes that make this movie well worth the $3 rental.  
Wine O Brother, Where Art Thou?: WOW! This movie is so much better than I expected. This flick has a storyline 'loosely based' on Homer's Odyssey, and yes, I can see the connection here and there, however I think it stands quite nicely on it's own. I'm generally not a fan of George Clooney, but here he's simply charming. Another awesome film from the Coen Brothers, who also brought us Fargo.
Wine Rocky Horror Picture Show, The: Musical with Tim Curry as outrageous transvestite from space. :)
Wine Secretary, The: Stars James Spader and Maggie Gyllenhaal. I probably would not have rented this movie if it had not been recommended by the guy at Blockbuster. (I had asked him to direct me to an erotic film for a date I had planned that evening...) *ahem* I think my "date" was a little curious as to why I would pick out a domination film, *laughing*, but I do give it points for being strangely erotic anyway. Gyllenhaal plays Lee Holloway, a young woman who is released from an institution and finds a job as a secretary for a lawyer. Spader, E. Edward Grey, finds himself attracted to this timid, self-mutilator (don't worry folks, nothing graphic!) and after he administers a spanking for a typo, the two begin a strange game of domination and submission. The ending, however, is very loose and disappointing, with the exception of the last scene. But it barely redeems itself. Would I recommend this film? Probably. But I don't want to hear it if you don't like it.   
Wine Unbearable Lightness of Being, The (French): Stars Juliette Binoche and Lena Olin as wife and mistress (respectively), to the same man (Daniel Day-Lewis). Don't be fooled--the movie is so much more than a typical love triangle. Plus Binoche is just lovely to look at.
Wine Waking Ned Devine: (Also serve with Hot Chocolate.) What an INCREDIBLE movie! This movie is actually in my top five favorite movies of all time! I can't even begin to tell you how great I think it is. And if you don't get a bit bleary-eyed at the 'funeral' scene, you have no heart and know no love. Yeah, you heard me... Stars Ian Bannen, David Kelly (not of The Practice/Ally McBeal fame), and James Nesbitt (plays Adam on Cold Feet) in a story of clever Irish villagers who manage to rake in a million...
Wine Wonder Boys: Awesome flick! Michael Douglas really did a helluva job in this movie. Kudos to everyone in this film. The writing is simply fabulous. Douglas stars as an addict/teacher/writer molding the minds of his talented students.

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Coffee cupCoffee cupCoffee cupCoffee cup The Java Zone: Coffee cupCoffee cupCoffee cupCoffee cup

Coffee cup 28 Days: Sandra Bullock as recovering addict. This movie is a lot better than I thought it would be. And it's WAY better than that annoying 'Miss Congeniality'.
Coffee cup American Beauty:  (Coffee if you're female; Beer if you're a guy.) Kevin Spacey in the throes of mid-life crisis, with a bitch for a wife (Annette Benning), having sweats over a teenaged-girl. This movie will enlighten you as to why middle-aged men take long showers. *wicked grin*
Coffee cup Being John Malkovich: Hey, you'll never guess! This movie stars John Malkovich--as himself! John Cusack and a terribly not-so-pretty Cameron Diaz find a doorway into Malkovich's head. 
Coffee cup Enemy at the Gates: Jude Law and Ed Harris star in this WWII movie about a Soviet sniper (Law) playing cat and mouse with a Nazi sniper (Harris) during the battle of Stalingrad. Disturbing images of Soviet soldiers forced to charge German forces with Soviet guns at their backs, poised to shoot any retreating 'deserter'. Also stars Joseph Fiennes as Soviet commissar who helps make Law a national hero. Based on true story.  
Coffee cup Fargo: (Also serve with Beer.) Kidnapping gone wrong, murder, disposing of bodies via wood chipper... A bit on the dark side, but pretty damn worth it to rent. Stars Frances McDormand, William H. Macy, Steve Buscemi, and Peter Stormare.
Coffee cup Fierce Creatures: Ahem, JOHN CLEESE IS A GOD! And also goes well with Beer. The movie--I don't know about Cleese. I think he'd go well with cheese. Anyhow, this flick reunites Cleese, Kevin Kline, Jamie Lee Curtis and Michael Palin--that other guy from Monty Python. The scene with Cleese and the zoo animals in bed... *snort!*  
Coffee cup Fish Called Wanda, A: Cleese again! The 'original' movie starring Cleese, Kline, Curtis, and Palin--who stutters in this movie. OK, let's see: Kline, Curtis, Palin, and a fourth guy, rob a bank vault and steal a bag of diamonds. As usual, there's no honor among thieves! In the meantime, an unhappy English barrister (Cleese) falls for Curtis while being stalked by crazy Kline. Oh, and there's a fish. Called Wanda.     
Coffee cup Grosse Point Blank: John Cusack is always a fav of mine. We like him. Cusack returns for high school reunion as a hit man with a job to do. Minnie Driver also stars. Good flick!
Coffee cup Gun Shy: Stars a very amusing Oliver Platt (although I don't find him as sexy in this movie as I have in others), with Liam Neeson as an undercover cop who has lost his nerve. Sandra Bullock is his helpful nurse. We like Sandra Bullock.
Coffee cup Road to Wellville, The: ...strange uses for yogurt... Stars awesome actors such as Anthony Hopkins, Matthew Broderick, Bridget Fonda, and John Cusack. And that's all I'm saying.  
Coffee cup Saving Grace: Brenda Blethyn as Irish widow who needs money--fast. Grows some pot, sells some pot. Also stars The Drew Carey Show's Craig Ferguson (Mr. Wick), who co-wrote this amusing story. 
Coffee cup Shawshank Redemption, The: Stars Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman. Jailhouse tale of perpetual hope. Sometimes, the bad guy gets what he deserves, and sometimes good does triumph over evil. Based on novel by Stephen King. (I didn't read the novel... no idea how true to the original storyline...)
Coffee cup Shining, The: Drink with coffee--a LOT of coffee. The more jittery you are, the better... Stars the amazing Jack Nicholson and Shelley Duvall stuck in a possessed old hotel during a blizzard. 
Coffee cup X-files, The Movie: Recommended for X-files fans only--if you don't watch the show, you just won't get the movie. I actually made the effort to see this flick when it was still in theatres. Finally reveals some long-awaited-for answers, but after the 2000-2001 X-files season, who cares? Although to be fair, I think Robert Patrick did a great job as new man on the corner. Too bad he climbed on a sinking ship.

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Hot chocolateHot chocolateHot chocolateHot chocolate Cozy Up With Some Hot Chocolate: Hot chocolateHot chocolateHot chocolateHot chocolate

Hot chocolate Beautiful Girls: Timothy Hutton as a pianist who returns to his small hometown for a high school reunion, and comes to terms with growing up. A great cast starring Uma Thurman, Matt Dillon, Lauren Holly, a young Natalie Portman, and Mira Sorvino.
Hot chocolate Chocolat: (Serve also with Wine.) Awesome film!! This film reunites Juliette Binoche and Lena Olin in a sleepy French town shook up by a mysterious new resident (Binoche).
Hot chocolate Clue: (Serve also with Wine.) Based on board game of same name. What a fun movie! Several endings provide various "what if's?". Stars the clever Tim Curry.  
Hot chocolate Field of Dreams: I'm not a Costner fan, but... Dead baseball players visit Costner's corn field in Iowa in effort to help him close a few chapters from his past. Also stars James Earl Jones, Ray Liota. Warning: Heartstrings will be pulled.
Hot chocolate Home for the Holidays: I am not lying when I say I rent this movie EVERY THANKSGIVING. Holly Hunter returns home to visit her hysterically dysfunctional family. Also stars Robert Downey Jr. and the always sexy Dillon McDermot. 
Hot chocolate Legend: Early Tom Cruise as forest child in a magickal fairy-tale about the eternal struggle of good verses evil--innocence in the shadow of darkness. Check out Tim Curry as Lord of Darkness! Yeah, THAT'S him! 
Hot chocolate MatchMaker, The: Janeane Garofalo is sent to tiny town in Ireland during a match-making festival in search of her boss' ancestral roots. David O'Hara also stars. We like David O'Hara.  
Hot chocolate Muppet's Christmas Carol, A: Alright, let's get one thing straight: This movie entertains kids, but is totally for adults. Jim Henson's creatures tell the old Dickens tale in this wonderful adaptation. Kermit as Bob Cratchet, Michael Caine as Scrooge, and Gonzo the Great as Narrator. Rizzo the Rat is cute as Gonzo's story-telling sidekick. 
Hot chocolate Princess Bride, The: Another fairy tale for the young-at-heart. Girl falls in love, guy goes off to make his fortune, enter evil prince. Pirates, swordsmen, and giants make their appearance to keep the tale rolling along. Funny and sweet at the same time.
Hot chocolate Sleepy Hollow: Tim Burton's dark creation starring Johnny Depp as a very human Ichabod Crane, sent to Sleepy Hollow to solve a gruesome murder. Some scenes are really disturbing. The special effects are pretty cool.  

Hot chocolate Waking Ned Devine: (Serve also with Wine.) What an INCREDIBLE movie! This movie is actually in my top five favorite movies of all time! I can't even begin to tell you how great I think it is. And if you don't get a bit bleary-eyed at the 'funeral' scene, you have no heart and know no love. Yeah, you heard me... Stars Ian Bannen, David Kelly (not of The Practice/Ally McBeal fame), and James Nesbitt (plays Adam on Cold Feet) in a story of clever Irish villagers who manage to rake in a million... 

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Frosty MugFrosty MugFrosty MugFrosty Mug Beer Run! Frosty MugFrosty MugFrosty MugFrosty Mug

Frosty Mug American Beauty: (Coffee if you're female; Beer if you're a guy.) Kevin Spacey in the throes of mid-life crisis, with a bitch for a wife (Annette Benning), having sweats over a teenaged-girl. This movie will enlighten you as to why middle-aged men take long showers.
Frosty Mug Blade: Wesley Snipes as a badass (really? a badass you say?) part-human/part-vampire "vampire-hunter" called "the Daywalker." (Got that?) A wonderfully bloody movie with Stephen Dorff as the evil up-and-coming vampire "godfather". Update Spring 2002: Blade II is out! *happy dance* Did I ever mention that I love vampire movies? Will let you know if it's worth renting! UPDATE: It wasn't.
Frosty Mug Breakfast Club, The: The quintessential 80's movie. Brat Packers Judd Nelson as the delinquent, Molly Ringwald as the prom princess, Emilio Estevez as jerky-jock, Anthony Michael Hall as a typical nerd, and Ally Sheedy as the class freak, all star in a story of a day in the life of high school detention attendees.
Frosty Mug Clerks: Jay and Silent Bob! And a cast of others in a great B&W, next-to-nothing budget flick about, what else? Clerks! Kevin Smith is a genius. Yes he is.  
Frosty Mug Fargo: (Serve also with Coffee.) Kidnapping gone wrong, murder, disposing of bodies via wood chipper... A bit on the dark side, but pretty damn worth it to rent. Stars Frances McDormand, William H. Macy, Steve Buscemi, and Peter Stormare.
Frosty Mug Fierce Creatures: (Serve also with Coffee.) Ahem, JOHN CLEESE IS A GOD! This flick reunites Cleese, Kevin Kline, Jamie Lee Curtis and Michael Palin, that other guy from Monty Python. The scene with Cleese and the zoo animals in bed... *snort!*  
Frosty Mug Full Monty, The: (Also goes well with Wine.) Funky male Brits removing clothes to stay off the 'dole'. Cool. UPDATE: Saw The Full Monty as a musical on stage recently. Didn't stay true to movie. Americanized/localized it. Fine performers, but disappointed in show.  
Frosty Mug Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade: Harrison Ford! Don't you wish they were still making the Indiana movies? Raiders of the Lost Ark is also pretty great; but skip Temple of Doom--way cheesy. UPDATE MARCH 2002: Whoever said that the Gods don't listen?!? A NEW INDIANA JONES WILL BE IN THEATRES THIS YEAR!! *world's best happy dance*  
Frosty Mug Lake Placid: See, I have this thing for Oliver Platt... Out of control crocodile terrorizes residents living on the edge of a lake in Maine. Betty White's mouth is pretty *insert expletive here* hilarious. 
Frosty Mug Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels: OMG! LOL! This movie is EXCELLENT! Gee, where to begin? Directed by Madonna's hubby, Guy Ritchie. We're back to Brits. Several different stories going on in one movie, from 4 friends who wage money on a crooked card game, to bumbling thieves, to spaced-out pot-growers who are robbed, um, technically by several people... You just have to see it. Violent? Oh yeah. Bloody? Yup. Funny as hell? But of course! 
Frosty Mug Monty Python's Holy Grail: King Arthur searches for the Holy Grail in a parody of the medieval crusades. Stars the original Monty Python cast. 
Frosty Mug Snatch: Hey! Did you see Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels? You just might recognize some of the players in this movie! Brad Pitt stars too as a hard-to-understand Irish gypsy/boxer. Also an appearance by Benicio Del Toro. Ok, were back to British violence, plus bare-knuckle fighting, corruption, and a dog who seems to swallow pretty much anything, including a diamond. It's the usual violent bloodfest, but, maybe I'm just becoming more desensitized to violence these days, but, it's funny...  

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Click here for Movies you should avoid like the plague.

Coffee cup, mug, beer, and Canadian flag graphics can all be found at:
The Matrix Vault, Pixel Warehouse.