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  1. Body Lanaguage:

  2. Boundary Spanners:

  3. Closed Question:

  4. Cognitive Dissonance:

  5. Cognitive Theories of Motivation:

  6. Communcations:

  7. Commucation Circuit:

  8. Communcation Loop:

  9. Communcations Process:

  10. Context:

  11. Credibility Gap:

  12. Ecological Control:

  13. Electronic Mail:

  14. Face Saving:

  15. Feedback Seeking Behavior:

  16. Functionally Illiternate:

  17. Gossip Chain:

  18. Inference:

  19. Lateral Communcation:

  20. Management Communcation:

  21. Management By Walking Aroung (MBWA):

  22. Network:

  23. Networking:

  24. Nonverbal Communcations:

  25. Ombudsperson:

  26. Open Door Policy:

  27. Open Questions:

  28. Readability:

  29. Performance Feedback:

  30. Psychological Distance:

  31. Realistic Job Previews:

  32. Semantics:

  33. Sematic Barriers:

  34. Short Circuiting:

  35. Social Cues:

  36. Social Support:

  37. Telecommuting:


Managing Communcations

Body Lanaguage:

Way in which people communicate meaning to others with their bodies in interpersonal interaction.

Boundary Spanners:

Individuals with strong communcations links within their department eith people in other units, and often with the external comminity.

Closed Question:

Those which focus on a narrow topic in counseling or counseling or conversation and direct the receiver to provide a specifc response.

Cognitive Dissonance:

Internal conflict and anxiety that occurs when people recieve information incompatiable with their value systems, prior decisions, or other information they may have.

Cognitive Theories of Motivation:

Motivational theories based on thinking and felling (i.e. cognition) of the employee.


Transfer of information from sendor to receiver and back to the sender.

Commucation Circuit:

Two&-way flow of information from sendor to receiver and back to the sender.

Communcation Loop:

See Communication Circuit.

Communcation Overload:

Condition in which employees recive more communcation inputs than they can process or more than they need.

Communcations Process:

Steps by which a sender reaches a receiver with a message and recives feedback on it.


Environment in which words are used.

Credibility Gap:

The difference between what someone says and what they do.

Ecological Control:

Alteration of the surroundings so as to influnce another's feelings and behavior.

Electronic Mail:

A computer based communcation system that allows messages to be sent to mulitple parties simultaneously.

Face Saving:

When one status is threateened, face saving becomes a powerful driving force as a person struggles to maintain a desirable image.

Feedback Seeking Behavior:

Act of monitoring one's performance and inquiring about progress tpward goals.

Functionally Illiternate:

Not having the reading skills necessary to comprehand even basic job descriptions or work orders.

Gossip Chain:

Grapevine in which a person contracts many others.


Interpretation of symbols that is based on assumptions, not facts.

Lateral Communcation:

Communcations across chains of command.

Management Communcation:

Also Intramanagement Communcation; Communcation within the management group.

Management By Walking Aroung (MBWA):

Communcation and learning that occurs when managers take the inititive to systematically make contact with a large number of employees.


Group of people who develop and maintain  contact to informally exchange information, usually about a shared interest.


Being active on a network.

Nonverbal Communcations:

Actions (or intentions) that people take which serve as a means of ccommuncation.


Person who recieves and responds to inquires, complaints, requests for policy clarifications, or allegations of wrongdoing from employees.

Open Door Policy:

Statement encouraging employees to come to their supervisor or higher managers with any matter that concerns them.

Open Questions:

A system that engages in exchanges with its environment through its boundaries, receiving inputs and providing outputs.


Degree to which writing and speech are understanable to receivers.

Performance Feedback:

Timely provision of data or judgement regarding task&-related results.

Psychological Distance:

A feeling of being emotionally separated.

Realistic Job Previews:

Employment process in which jib canidates are given a small sample of organizational reality.


Science of meaning.

Sematic Barriers:

Communcations limitations caused by the varity of meanings in the symbols used.

Short Circuiting:

Situation in which people skip one or more steps in the communication hierarchy.

Social Cues:

Information that employees recieve from their social surrondings.

Social Support:

The network of activities and relationships that satisfies an employee's perceived need to be cared for, esteemed, and valued.


The process of accomplishing all or a part of an employee's work at home through computer links to the office.