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Mor-In Toys
A Northern Indian Owned Company

by Kenny Morin



A Winnipeg
Local artist creates Buffalohunter Action Figure
by MARYANN FLETT  Grass Roots News


Kenny Morin has always had a desire to promote Half Indian culture. What he remembers most vividly about his youth is that he never had the opportunity to feel the pride associated with his Half Breed heritage. Because, as he said, seeing his culture portrayed in toys and comics was never a reality.

Ten years ago Morin decided to change that reality for the new generation of Aboriginal youth who may be in the market to see the reflection of their ancestors in action figures.

"A number of our youth are not culturally involved in which they should be. I've seen action figures of all kinds of other ethnic groups but I haven't seen anything about the Michif," explained Morin.

At this point Morin has produced a Artist Conception of the action figure. He hopes to sell a Limited Collector's Edition of the doll for now, and then eventually begin production of a Collectors Edition figures. "I hope that I'll be able to one day employ many of our people," he said.

The heritage display figure is 12 inches high and is dressed in what Morin describes as a fully authentic costume with accessories. The figure is fashioned after Morin's Great Great Grandfather Joseph Morin, a Assinoboine Sioux Half Breed buffalo hunter who participated in the Captn John Palliser exploration of the Kootinee from 1856-1857.

"He was truly an admirable hero and part of our cultural history, in fact he was noted in Palliser's Journal as one of the best buffalo hunters in the Red River Settlement," said Morin.

"In this Limited Collectors Edition I have included a booklet which describes who Joseph was as well as providing an explanation of who the Métis( Indian and French) were and what contributions they made to the structure of Western Canada."

"I want a Special Edition of this to be accessible to the general toy buyers. This type of opportunity could create jobs and would be beneficial just by virtue of getting Métis products on the market," said Morin.

In the future Morin hopes that the other figures which he has been working on will surface to the collectors market.

"It would be wonderful to see. Gabriel Dumont and Louis Riel available as part of this collection," he said.

The Morin Limited Collector Edition figure has been sold to this date mostly in Europe where they have been sold for $200.00 U.S. as collectors race for the "Buffalohunter."

"I hope to one day be in a position to manufacture these products where I'll be able to donate these figures to schools for educational purposes. This was completely politically motivated on my part because I know nothing like this was available out there to tell our stories," he said.

  Une figurine de Joseph - Antoine Morin

La Liberte News by Anne Cloutier

Collectionneur de figurines, Kenny Morin vient de mettre au point sa propre poupée articulée. D'une hauteur de 30 centimètres, elle est à l'effigie du leader métis Joseph-Antoine Morin, ancêtre de Kenny Morin.

Enterré au cimetière de la cathédrale de Saint-Boniface, Joseph-Antoine Morin a fait partie de l'expédition de John Pallister dans la région de Kootanie en 1857 et était un chasseur de bisons réputé, rappelle Kenny Morin.

Kenny Morin habite Winnipeg. Il est comédien à ses heures et compositeur à l'occasion. « Ça faisait bien dix ans que je pensais à me lancer en affaires, indique-til . J'ai d'abord pensé créer une figurine de Louis Riel, mais j'ai finalement opté pour mon ancêtre, Joseph-Antoine Morin. C'est un projet que j'ai à coeur et j'espère que ma figurine servira à faire connaître et valoriser la culture métisse.

Kenny Morin n'en est encore qu'au prototype, mais espère bientôt recevoir ses premières commandes pour les figurines de collection limitée. Seulement 10 000 exemplaires de ces figurines articulées seront vendues dans un premier temps, explique til. «Je prévois vendre mes figurines de collection pour 200 $ américains l'unité, indique Kenny Morin. Je pourrai ainsi couvrir mes frais. Puis, je lancerai la production à grande échelle et elles se vendront pour environ 50 $ américains. Ensuite, si le projet est réussi, je compte créer d'autres figurines à l'effigie de Gabriel Dumont, un autre de mes ancêtres, et de Louis Riel.

Buffalohunter Action Figure

THE PACK RAT News by Tyrone B. Deise

Yes that's right. The 12 inch action figure is from Winnipeg by Comic Artist Kenny Morin of
K C Comics.

The figure is dressed in an authentic costume with accessories and includes a booklet describing who the Métis were and their contributions to the structure and history of Western Canada

The Figure is based on Kenny's Great Great Grandfather, Joseph Morin, a buffalo hunter who participated in the Captn John Palliser exploration of the Kootinee between 1856 and 1857. Ken also has Gabriel Dumont and Louis Riel figures in the works and hopes to add them to his line.

The 13th Annual Winnipeg Doll Show & Sale
This years show offered over 90 tables of unique and exciting merchandise. There were Beanie Babies, Barbie dolls, porcelain, antique dolls, doll houses and more from dealers and collectors that came from B.C., Saskatchewan, Ontario and here in Manitoba. The show was held on Sunday the 14th of October at the International Inn and is the largest of its kind In Western Canada. Prize draws at the show raised donations for The Children's Wish Foundation.

The show was a great success and every one is already looking forward to next years show, The 14th Annual Winnipeg Doll Show & Sale. Doll show organizers Irene Henderson and Connie Royal are planning a Millennium display of dolls and toys covering at least the past one hundred years. If you would be interested in taking part in the next doll show, either by renting a dealers table or displaying your collection please feel free to contact Irene or Connie. Hope to see you all at the show next year.

One of this years participants in the doll show was Kenny Morin of Mor-In Toys. Kenny is the creator of the Half Indian Buffalo Hunter action figure. We had a short article on Ken and his creation in our last issue. The action figures, are based on real life characters of our proud Canadian history. Kenny's figures are a very limited production and definitely a great addition to any doll collectors’ collection. For more info on these very nice figures contact Kenny directly. At above Email Address.

Comic Artist Kenny Morin
Creator/Designer of the Buffalo Hunter
Action Figure