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My Most Memorable Gig

Camden Town 1997

Theo Klassen

My brother David (a drummer) and I toured Europe in 1997 with a gospel artist, Trevor Sampson.

On this particular Sunday morning we had to do 3 performances one after the other at 3 different venues across London. The last venue was in a night-club in Camden town that doubles up as a church on Sundays. We were told that all the venues would have back line and that all we have to do is plug in and play. Totally exhausted from the other two performances we arrived in Camden to discover that there were no drums for David.

With only an hour before the gig, we pulled off some of the best improvisation that I have ever seen. David had his snare drum, two cymbals with their stands, his hi-hat without its stand and his bass drum pedal with him. First we found a stainless steal rubbish bin. Stuffed it with two leather jackets and put a drum mike in front - it sounded great. The snare was put on three small stools so the "snare wires" were exposed. The hi-hat was put on one of the cymbal stands. It stayed closed throughout the gig but worked fine. So, with one cymbal, permanently closed hi-hats, a snare and a make shift bass drum we pulled off a full performance with a mother of a drum solo, plus I have got everything on video.

