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2001-9-11-Americas Heros *A -BlueClear- Creation*

Support Freedom

United We Stand

In Loving Memory Of Our Rescue Personel

Author Unknown

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In the light of this tragedy and despair,
on this day, September 11th 2001,
a day of multiple terrorist attacks
on our Capitol and New York's World Trade Center
There are brave souls that give all they have.
They are the members of firehouses, EMTs,
Doctors, nurses and Officers of Peace.
They never hesitate to go in to do what has
to be done. Whether it is mid day or
the middle of the night. They are there
with open arms, with hearts of gold, and
the strength of steel. Yet some go in and never
come out. They are the ones who gave their ALL.

We need to pray for, to comfort, to SUPPORT them, for
they are the ones we depend on every day.

Unspoken Heros

My daughter, Ashley, asked me to purchase
water to have sent down to New York City,
thru her school.
As we walked thru the store I work at,
she happened upon pallets of dog food.
Right away she said that the rescue dogs
needed food too!!
So that is what she is donating, doing her part.
And since we are on this subject,
We want to thank the people,
who are making the bootied,
{that will protect their tender paws}, for our
K-9 Rescurers, The Unspoken Heros!!

Penned by -BlueClear-

We need silent prayer in our
be it to the RELIGION of choice

Let us all Pray for those that have lost their lives.
at this time, the missing count is 202 firefighters.
and 56 police officers.

Those who have given their ALL

The Rev. Mychal Judge, Fire Department chaplain

Ray Downey, New York firefighter, chief of special operations

William Feehan, First Deputy Commissioner of Fire Department

Peter Ganci, Fire Department chief

Yamel Merino, 24, Yonkers, N.Y., emergency medical technician

Support the Red Cross At 1-800-Give Life

Support your local Fire Departments

Support your local Police Departments

United We Stand
Brotherhood Of Man

Some Gave All
Billy Ray Cyrus

September 11th, 2001

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