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After many months of waiting... after wondering if things would ever change or would they stay the same... another homepage is born in the depths of the Information Superhighway.

Hide the kids and warn the neighbors! Tony has returned!!!

What kind of madman can conceive a page like this?!?
Name:Tony (but you knew that already)
Occupation:Gubment Employee
Pursuits:Currently pursuing certifications as a network administrator.
Okay, so I'll bet yous all are wondering just where the hell I've been these days. To be honest, I'm not quite sure. Life has been.....interesting to say the least. Many changes have occured. Some good, some bad. But enough of that crap :-) Let's get on with the somewhat important homepage junk!

1.The Music Page: Music has once again become a very important part of my life. Here you can see how.

2.The Martial Arts Page: The Martial Arts has also returned as an important part of my life. This time I will get it right.

3.Knight Rider: My all time favorite TV show gets it's own page.

4.Friends: Ya gotta love 'em.

5.Sites Of Interest: What would a hompage be without a page of useless links?

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Last update: December 6, 2000