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Rachel's Quote collection
Cool quotes, be sure to check back for updates!

I'm worst at what I do best, and for this gift I feel blessed
Found it hard, it was hard to find, oh well, whatever,

I ran up the door and closed the stairs, I said my
pajamas and hopped into my prayers, I turned off my bed
and got in my light,
all because you kissed me goodnight.

Poof be gone, your breath is really strong!
Wait come back, I think I've got a Tic-Tac!
Not one, not two, a whole six pack.
Not to be mean, you need some Listerine.
Not a sip, not a swallow, but the whole dang bottle!

What do you do when the only one that can stop
you from crying is the one who is making your cry?

Love to be loved,
Hate to be hated,
Love not to be hated,
Hate not to be loved.

Karate is a form of martial arts in which people who have had
years and years of training can, using only their hands and feet, make some of the worst movies in the history
of the world.
(Dave Barry)

So what are you going to do? release the dogs, or the bees? or the dogs with bees in their mouths so when they bark they shoot bees at you?
(Homer Simpson)

Time's fun when you're having flies!
(Kermit the frog)

Living on earth is expensive....but it does include a free trip around the sun...

"I am the bubble gum that sticks in your hair!"
"I am the ingrown toenail on the foot of crime!"
"I am the itch you cannot reach!"
"I am the paper cut that ruins your day!"
"I am the parking meter that expires while you shop!"
"I am the plot twist in the 2nd reel!"
"I am the terror that flaps in the night!"
"I am the weirdo who sits next to you on the bus!"
"I am the winged scourge that pecks at your nightmares!"
"I am the wrong number that wakes you up at 3am!"
I AM!!!....
Darkwing Duck...

He who laughs last, thinks slowest.