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The Ramblings of the insane...

My Dearest Amy,
I realize this letter shall never be so blessed by the silken touch of your fingers, or perused by your jade gaze. Yet strangely after all these years, I find myself still drawn to speak to you. No other in all my time knew me quite so vividly, or so completely as you did, no other celestial body did I so entrust with my divine madness.
I have slept for so very long, dreamt the dreams of futures that should have been, yet never shall be, and lived the lament of losing you to the sands of time. In all the dreams I often wonder, the ever-popular question, what if? What if I had stolen from you everything, which I so loved, which always drew me nearer to you than any? Yet I know that would have forever turned you from me, taken the mystery that we shared from us both.
In this new era, people have not many real fears left; the things that go bump in the night forever have been lost to them. I could bring all these to pass once more, yet I grow so weary of the eternal damnation of my own soul. They have lost the fear that drove the hearts for so very long, science now is the normal thing they rely upon to guide them. The petty religious injustices of the grandiose days of yore, the civil injustice of the insurrections, the domination of some great dictator has all but faded into nothing. Now don’t think me a fool, there are many who think they are the reincarnation of Alexander, Napoleon, even a few that could nearly measure up to Caesar, in shear ego alone of course. They lack the flair for the dramatic these great men had, the determination is there, but they have no comprehension of how to go about getting it.
I had all but given up hope, that I was forgotten, lost, forsaken and alone in the world. That is until I found this repository of lost lore, and forsaken relics, and oddly as much that has changed, you would not believe all that remains the same. This library that held the knowledge of the ages, was available to the masses, any could read these volumes of literary excise, take a page of the greatest bards to ever exist, and a few who I don’t necessarily agree with, but none the less had a point to get across.
I spent much time there reading, and learning of this new found era, their history, the paths that lead them to this new found pinnacle of human existence, or as best as they can comprehend it, then when I finished those books I turned my eyes to the newest authors of the time, I read many enchanting tales of fairies, one of hobbits, even a few new works of dragons, and knights. They do so love the idea of chivalry in this century, even though no concept of it remains with them, barely a notch above the Carpathians in that really. Forgive me love; we both know how I do so love to torment you with my jealousy for your own heritage.
This letter is just my attempt to reach out to you, find what is left of my past, if I have a past to reach. Should your soul still be roaming the world, so find me, there is much we need to speak of, and many things I would have you teach me, even now…
With all my love,
Laquix D’lashen
Next chapter…
“My love…should this find you, let me hope it finds you well.” Slender fingers glide slowly across the spine, folding it neatly, and placing it upon the stack of hundreds already written. A muffled footstep, leads ever softly to the large oaken door that holds the world at bay from him, a raspy voice pierces the stone cold silence of the room.
“Laquix…Shall I ready your carriage?” Rising from his seat, gliding his hands across the silken linings of his wears, the beleaguered writer answers quietly, “No, tonight I shall walk.” Turning his eyes to the windows, the last gasps of sunlight fall seductively into the ocean, a small sigh of lonely misery slips crimsoned lips. Never seeming to move his eyes from the window, no sound echoes the room as he glides to the sill, searching the night for answers, “Michael…you think I am a fool don’t you? Writing her all these letters, and never sending them anywhere.”
A slight chuckle crosses the room, echoing off the leather bound bindings that encompass his passion, “No Laquix, I think you're in love…and a man in love will do many things that seem foolish, but so rarely are.” Stifling a laugh, though appearing quite taken aback by the jab of Michael’s words. Leaning upon the cherry veneer of the sill, gliding an icy nail along the glass, drawing in a useless breath, “Maybe once, but I was to foolish to act, and much to scared to retreat. Remember that Michael in love time is always your enemy.” Lowering his head, a wisp of dark locks slowly dances across his forehead; a slow canter carries him to the street. “Amy.” The word pierces his pout as he travels the night in search of something to remove the past from his mind.
Dragging his feet along the concrete edge of the road, the rustling of the newly fallen leaves carries with it a sense of being, a longing for more, but not entirely knowing what more there was. A glimmer of white catches his eye, kneeling slightly to wonder at the rarity of a rose in fall, a slight movement catches his visage. A wry smile pierces his lips, as the scent of life wafts over his palate.
“Its not polite to follow someone, especially someone you don’t know.” Rising from the ground, turning to face a stunning child of no more than eighteen, dressed in tattered wears, covered head to toe, in the filth of the street.
“I. I..I am sorry sir… I only thought you..” Cutting her off midsentence, a vagabond smile creasing his lips.
“You only thought that maybe I had some coin to steal? Or perhaps, a crumb of bread to offer, is that it?”
Slightly blushing, and turning to run, the child is stopped by the pressing of a hand into the wall behind her. “Going somewhere? There is that rudeness again, are all of you this way, do your parents not teach you anything?”
The child tears up instantaneously, falling to the ground at Laquix’s feet. “My family shunned me away, I have…” snorting back the tears “ I have to do this to survive!”
“Ah you have to do this, I see, someone has forced you to be rude, and a thief, and a vagabond. Is there not one soul in all the world that would help you, or is it that you refuse to help yourself my dear?"
Rising quickly to her feet, the child drives a lithe fist into his chest, “I am what they have made me to be! They created this monster that I am.”
Grinning Laquix reveals his pearlescent canines, they glimmer in the moonlight, “You have no idea what a monster really is child.” Rasps Laquix as he grabs her by the collar of her shirt, pulling her up to eye level.
Tears stream along her rosy cheeks, trails of dark skin mark the lines of her face. The moonlight cascades low across the buildings, matted locks of ebon fall over her shoulders, turning her eyes towards his.
“D..Don’t kill me…” The hushed tone echoes loudly in his ears, sending a torrent of pent up emotions across his spine.
“And why shouldn’t I? You are rude, impish, and quite dirty. I doubt the world would notice if you were to vanish from the world. Hell I doubt you would notice.”
Slowly she lowers her head, shaking fingers glide across his shirt, the raven hue of her eyes glides across his head, searching the fine lines of the well-chiseled cheeks. The soft sea breeze covers them both, pale moonlight glistens back off of his pearlescent canines.
“You are right, no one would miss me…the world could be a much better place with me gone from it.”
Stepping back from her slightly, eyeing her up, Laquix turns from her. A swift motion of his hand, “Leave! Leave me now, before I change my mind, and you become the thing to satisfy my palate.” Watching her go into the ebon veil of darkness, shaking his head slightly as the pennant heart of eternity beats within his chest.
Next chapter
His gait picking up slightly, the rustling of the leaves follows his path, in the distance preternatural ears pick up the soft sounds of footsteps. Smiling a devils purse, the forsaken child of creation finds solace in an alley, watching as the child goes by. An errant pang of curiosity has been summoned within, as he has now become the hunted.
A few blocks into the chase, a stark black van screeches to a stop, two rather thick men leap from the confines, cornering her against a wall. A low growl pierces the night, as Laquix watches, holding fast to the masonry edge of the street, keen vampiric ears pick up the conversation.
“Hiding from me are you Wynn?” Gliding a leather glove across her face, grasping her face, squeezing it slightly. “Did you think I wouldn’t find you? This is my city, I own the night, and I own you.” The shrill voice of a middle-aged man bursts forth.
A wicked grin, and a half arrogant laugh bursts from the shadows as Laquix steps forth, the light from a street lamp shone brightly over his face, illuminating his raven locks, the glisten of his blood stained eyes hauntingly illuminated. “So you own the night…and me thinking I held domain over that little nugget of eternity.”
The pair steps back slightly, eyeing him up slightly, their hands quickly going to their sides producing a pair of handguns. Laquix, steps towards them, preternatural speed leading his way, in a flash he is between them and the girl.
“Now what if I told you gentleman this child was mine…and I really hate it when someone takes liberties with my property?” The wicked grin twisted now into a stern smirk, his teeth protrude slightly behind those crimsoned lips. “Now I can abide most anything, but the one thing I really…really hate is rudeness.” Laquix said, grasping the larger of the two, raising him from the ground with one hand. “I think you are a very. Very rude man.” He slung him against the van; a thunderous boom resonates the night, landing in a crumpled heap blood seeping from his mouth. The second stands mouth agape, backing away slowly. “What are you?” Walking towards him, flashing his form around behind the man, his slender fingers glide across the pale flesh of his neck. “Now you, I believe it was you that grabbed her…Yes?” The beleaguered mound of a man, stammers out, “I.I am sorry.”
Leaning in, his fangs glide across the nape of his neck. “See normally I really wouldn’t care, Hell I might have even laughed…or killed her myself. But I owe her a debt, and you see, you owe her an apology!” Razor like teeth slice his flesh softly, a small trickle of vitae courses along his shoulder.
“I.I am sorry.” Falling to his knees, begging the girl for forgiveness.
A bit cockily she advances, kicking him square in the head, sending him to the ground in a heap. “Dang right you are!” Realizing the current situation she has just been placed in, her confidence fades as quickly as it appeared, looking at the stranger who has just saved her. “Oh this is gonna hurt isn’t it?”
Laughing slightly, turning to walk away, “I don’t know you’re the one who has to find a new pimp not me.” The girl begins to wail uncontrollably, turning slightly to her. “Would you like a place to stay until you can get on your feet?”
She runs to him, wiping the tears from her eyes, “Thanks…I think…you are not gonna eat me are you?” A wry laugh slips his lips, as he speaks to her. “Well not until I get you fattened up a bit at least.”
Next chapter…
After a long, and quite silent stroll to the manor house, the pair stand outside, centered in the garden. The soft smell of calla lilies drifts in the air, the sea breeze dances in the trees, a trickle of water cascades along the many fountains as he glances over his garden a while. “You can stay so long as you like… Or until I get annoyed with you and kick you out.”
A bit taken aback by her current surroundings, she silently nods along with his words, drifting along the edge of the garden. Leaving her alone briefly, Laquix drifts into the house, bringing Michael out side to see her. “Think you could find her something…a bit less smelly”
Another mouth to feed Laquix? As he slowly approaches her, taking in a breath of her. “And to bathe as well I see.” Softly the words flow from Michael’s lips. Wynn steps back slightly, the fear of unknown surroundings taking a toll of her senses. “You…you’re…Not going to eat me are you mister?”
“Well I could, but I don’t think you would digest very good, besides what would I do with this steak I made then?” Michael’s words break the toned moment with a laugh.
Sighing she follows him into the house, Laquix left now in the garden, drifts to the edge of a shimmering pond. A silvery voice from the shadows leaps forth, “Still picking up strays I see…you will never change Laquix.” Stepping from the copse of bushes that line the way, a ravishing man of around six feet, long locks of shimmering white dance softly in the breeze, metallic hued orbs dance behind, all surrounded by a smile that would shatter the minds of the masses.
“And you still lurking in the darkness I see. What brings you to darken my stoop this eve Syadon. The girl, and what I do with her is my concern not yours…I stopped being your lackey so very long ago.” Laughing slightly, he flashes behind Laquix, his fingers glide over the ebon black of his hair, “Now you know many things of me Laquix, and still you never understood, never a lackey, but a pupil, a…replacement if you would only allow yourself to be so.”
“What you are Syadon, I shall never endeavor to be. You are cold, callous, and quite possibly the most arrogant I have ever known, yet somehow you always manage to capture me in your magic.” Turning slightly to face Syadon, Laquix’s calloused glare hauntingly caresses the timeline of his life. “You are mine Laquix, you shall always be mine…Don’t think I ever will stop watching over you.” Slowly gliding his hand over the side of Laquix’s face, tracing every outline, then slowly the lips, which house the essence of his being. Pressing one finger against the lower teeth of Laquix, a trickle of dark blood seeps across the younger vampires lips.
“Drink…lest you forget what you are my child.”
Taking in a ragged breath, Laquix draws in the blood, absorbing it as though it were a preciously aged wine. The darkened, and thick blood sends convulsions over his body, but as quickly as it was accepted he forces the hand from his mouth. “No…I am Laquix D’lashen..I am the last of the forsaken.” Leaning back from him Syadon begins to laugh, “Last…My child you were simply the first, they cover the world like demon spawn, infesting every corner of existence with the dark veil of wicked temptations.” Stepping back slowly, Laquix looks at Syadon, a bit of trepidation in his voice. “What have you wrought upon them Syadon…What have you done?”
Lowering his head slightly tainted locks dance over his face, nearly concealing his pain. “I did what I had to do…I did what they could not…I created the darkness once more.” Slowly walking towards the fountain, a soft carried breeze of sea-spent darkness leads his way; the whispered dance of the past softens his mind. “When you left me Laquix, I thought it would not affect me as much as it did.” Leaning upon the stone lining of the fountain, a slender finger dipping into the pool, ripples in the surface lead to images of the distant past. “I after all am one of…Simple pleasures. I have mastered times passing as so few ever shall, I have seen the changing of the guard so many times, and the passing of the seasons so often that I truly thought it mattered not if I was alone, or had you to accompany me…but you left me didn’t you?” A low growl emanates from Syadon's gullet, as he speaks. “I have created more vampires than the world has ever known, now or any time hence forth.”
Following his yarn with much interest, a slight satisfaction on his face knowing that Syadon had so been hurt by his departure. “Syadon you are as my own father, I spent many years under your tutelage learning from you all that you would show me, and as most children ignoring what I had not the taste for. It was time for me to go, learn, and grow up. I have often reminisced about the past, wondering just what would have been should I have stayed at your side.” Syadon raises his hand softly to stop Laquix’s words, tilting his head slightly to one side, that ever-present grin seemingly mystifying the eve. “Ah my dear fledgling, you above all know me, and what I have created in you. All that remains for you to take your rightful place is time.” Grinning still, a bit of a laugh breaks the realm of his supple pout “That and my departure.”
The laughter now overcomes Laquix, a bit of a swagger in his voice, “I could never live so drearily knowing that you were no more.” Grinning an eerie grin of his own “But It does so lead the mind to wander.” Drifting together, their arms wrap in the embrace of family bonds.
“Yes that is my child indeed. Tempting the wicked is acquired skills so few of them ever learn. Which leads me to the reason I have come to you Laquix.” Staggering back slightly, all the gravity of his reasoning comes over the area, the metallic glint of his eyes now lost in fear. “What I did upon your leaving was childish, and now I know extremely foolhardy of me.” Laquix turns quickly as the balcony windows above come open, a glowing light from the candles glare illuminates a ravishing beauty, and both men stare helplessly in her wake. Momentarily forgetting the conversation, a single word harkens the night as it slips Laquix’s lips, “Wynn…”
Peering down from above, she sees the pair awestruck, with her, blushing slightly, she simply says “What you never seen a woman before?”
A great roar of laughter rips the wind, overcoming the two, “No it’s just that we didn’t realize how nicely you would shine up.” Wandering slightly towards the door the pair, softly gaze at one another, a hint of curiosity leading the minds of both men.
Next chapter…
Entering the room, a leading stairway to the second floor, holding in its grasp a woman where once had been a ragamuffin orphan. The flowing gown that wraps her form glistens against the white backdrop of the room. Coming down the stairs slowly, her legs not quite accustomed to the heals of the shoes given to her. “If god had intended for me to walk on stilts he would have made them with training wheels.” Sternly eyeing Michael who stands in the corner, laughing slightly at her attempt. “And you I will have to talk to you about this later Mr. Butler man, giving me these death traps to wear.” An impish grin caresses her mouth as she speaks.
Laughing briefly, but containing himself Laquix speaks up. “It’s not his fault my dear, we just rarely entertain or have guests at the manor. It seems we may need to get you some new clothes tomorrow, for now you look devastatingly enchanting.” Syadon bows softly to her, left arm wrapping around his waist, right slightly over his head. “ Seems I shall introduce myself, as no other will. I am Syadon.” Raising his head metallic hued eyes locked on her, sweeping along the tables edge, he draws a chair out for her. “Please join us for dinner.”
Sauntering down the stairway, her flowing dress cascading along behind, the impish grin still seeping from her pout. “I have never met folks like you before.”
Standing at the head of the table Laquix runs a slender finger along the edge “We are nothing special, simply students of a long past era Wynn.” Syadon laughs as he pushes the seat under her. “Speak for yourself I am very special, no other in all the world looks nearly so devilishly handsome, or has my own specific charm.”
A whimsical laugh escapes her lips, turning those radiant eyes to him. “Well my mother always said say something enough, and eventually it will be true.” Laquix bursts into a roar of laughter hearing her words. “Seems she has you pegged already Syadon.”
Michael serves the meal to Wynn, giving the men a large goblet of sanguine fluid, a sprig of mint protruding from the rim. “Do enjoy your meal, and should you need anything more I will be in the parlor cleaning up.” Nodding slightly to him, a brief motion of his hand Laquix sends him off.
Eating very quickly Wynn devours her food, glancing up to notice the pair of men staring at her. “What?” Going back to her meal, only stopping momentarily to drink from her glass, then as quickly as she began, she is finished and staring at them once more.
“Something on your mind my dear?” Syadon smirks out the words.
A hesitant shake in her voice, a bit of insecure twitching in her hands, “Yes, I have wondered why I am still alive…I know you’re not human, I don’t know what you are, but human you are not.” Never being one to resist showing off, Syadon stands very quickly preternatural speed leading his way in a flash seated beside her smiling. “Then just what are we?”
Standing up so quickly that his chair slams hard into the wall, “Stop! She is a guest in my house Syadon, and not one hair on her head is to be harmed!” A low growl seeps up from the depths of his gullet, glaring at him.
“And you would stop me I suppose Laquix?” That ever-wicked grin now in full splendor as Syadon rips the words into form.
“Yes I would.” Laquix gnashes his teeth as he looses the words.
Leaning closer to her Syadon whispers into her ear, “I wouldn’t have hurt you.”
A nervous giggle escapes her shivering form, “You’re his father aren’t you?”
Turning from them both, crossing his arms low over the waist, “In a manner of speaking he is more than that, but you still have one question that needs answered Wynn.” His arms stretched outwards, a soft breeze leading in through the windows he slowly raises from the floor, a shower of the purest white petals enters from the garden.
“Show off…” Grumbles Syadon as he watches.
Wynn’s eyes go wide, as her mind tries hard to wrap around what she has witnessed. “You…you are Vampires!” Stumbling out of her chair, landing hard on the floor, Laquix descends to her, wrapping his arms around her body pulling her to him. “It is alright, vampires are not exactly what they have been made to be in the lore of the literary world.”
“So your not bloodsucking, women stealing, magical monsters that haunt the night?” Syadon, Rolling his head, a roar of laughter resounds in the room. “Well if your going to put it that way, yes we are.” Helping to regain her balance, they gather her to the sitting room, “Umm you gonna suck my blood?”
Shaking his head, flowing locks of ebon drift across his face, Laquix speaks softly, “If I were going to ‘suck’ your blood wouldn’t I have done it earlier?”
“I don’t know? Maybe you’re freaky, and feed your victims first.”
Syadon speaks up softly, “He won’t hurt you, for the same reason he never could hurt her.” Pointing towards a large portrait hung low over a great fireplace. “Wynn isn’t Amy you know, but I can see a large resemblance between their attitudes.” Slowly Laquix drifts to the portrait, fingers softly gliding over the subtle features of her face. “No she isn’t, but she is in need of help, and I will help her.”
“So you have taken to a stray I see my son. You know this will only lead to your unhappiness Laquix, she is not Amy, nor shall she ever be. I never understood why you didn’t ask her to be your consort, that is what being royal is about, getting what you want when you desire it.” A smug grin slips his lips as he tosses a slender foot over the tables’ edge, crossing his arms low over his stomach. “You could have had a dozen like her, and then a dozen more to see to that yet in all your honor, not one have you known in a century now. I worry for you Laquix, it is not natural for a man, let alone a vampire to be so…” Scratching his chin searching for the words to drive Laquix’s heart even lower. “Sequestered, yes I think that is about right. You are so nearly a monk in that you love her so completely, yet have her not.”
Slamming his fist into the oaken top of the table, growling slightly, a fire hidden behind his gaze Laquix a bit more forcefully he booms. “This is not the time nor the place father! I have invited you into my home, as a penance for my transgressions towards the bloodline. Amy is gone, dust in the wind, all but a memory in my heart.”
A wicked grin unlike any others slips Syadon’s calloused lips, as he whispers. “Is that so? Why I saw her…” Stopping just short of any real answer, as he plays his game, turning an interested glare to Wynn now. “So tell me what has Lancelot done to save his damsel? Hmm let me guess, he saw you, tried to kill you, then saved your life, that sound about right? He always did have a penchant for playing with his food. Or…” Glancing to Laquix, that twisted grin now formed into a full-blown smile. “Has she found that which I never could…that window to your passion that I have strived for ten centuries to boil forth?”
Nearly turning ten shades of red, and sweating beads of blood sweat Laquix mumbles softly. “No…”
A soft trembling laugh breaks the monotonous tone of the game they have played for so long as they have lived. “He has been nothing save a gentleman, and quite the host. I do owe him a debt, that in time I shall repay. I have a few questions I need answered though.” Bowing her head humbly, supple hand coming up to her glass as she raises it to the pair. “Umm…if that won’t get me eaten that is.”
“My, my Laquix this one has manners, very few but manners none the less. I see why she is your guest for dinner, and not the entrée. Would that I found her, she would be one of us by now, shame you always had the luck with that.”
“That is my first question…” Interrupting them before another argument can begin, “How does it feel? To be immortal I mean I would imagine it to be a great adventure.” Turning his crimsoned glare to her, growling the words, “Then you would be a fool Wynn, eternity is the single worst torment any soul can endure. Nothing ever changes…not really, kings fall, gods disappear, and empires crumble before your eyes, only to be replaced by another, with new gods, and more hunger for land always rises in the hearts of man.”
Laughing at Laquix’s words slightly, nearly falling from his chair, and adeptly regaining his balance Syadon barks the words. “And that is the fun of it all Laquix! The relaxing tones of repetiton, the more things change the more they shall forever remain the same.”
A befuddled look crosses her face, as she absorbs the answer. “Ok then, why would you live if it so torments you? Why not just eat some garlic, or bathe in holy water, and kill yourself?” A roar of laughter shatters across the cavernous room, as they answer nearly in unison.
“We are not Bella Lagosi, or some figment of a drunken authors mind, we my dear are the eternal damnation of creations own hand. Those we create are not exactly as we, but still it is very hard to kill a vampire. Steaks are for eating, garlic is a simple seasoning, holy water, that’s just the flavor of the millennium, fire well it makes a rather toasty marshmallow, and sunlight.” Syadon draws forth his arm from beneath his cuffed shirt. “Nice tan don’t you think? Hell if we were so easy to kill, then do you think we would have survived being born? I mean really come now; the first of us would have died before the night had fallen on the day of creation. To kill one such as Laquix, or myself you must…” He trails off slowly, not saying enough to reveal that last secret, but beginning again with this “ Now as for those we create, killing them is no simple task yet it can be done, remove the head from whence it lies, or tear out the heart, but for the first ten years or so, they are still more mortal than most would realize. I myself have always reveled in that fact, its so much fun to watch a fledgling singe to ash trying to pierce the flames of a fire, or take a bullet to the head…But then I am more morbid than most.”
Shuddering slightly at his words, Wynn stares blankly towards them, nearly losing her thoughts of questions. “What…what..Do you eat? I mean is blood all you feed on? That would suck, I once had to eat pizza for a week, and to this day I can not even look at a pepperoni without gagging.”
Laquix giggles a bit at that, “No I happen to enjoy many foods, Lobster, steak, even the occasional hamburger. As for the blood hungry fools that haunt the shadows, they do exist, but it’s a fallacy to have you all believe we feast on the blood of virgins, and babies. I hate Dracula, such stereotypes should be burnt from the world.”
Scoffing slightly, Syadon chimes in once more, “Now Laquix don’t leave out the juicy bits, it is from the blood of mortals that comes our power, without them we would not be as we are, nor would we be needed. It is we that keep the world from being overrun with the fleas that they have become. Such as we are we, have a meaning, we are the wolves that keep the sheep in the fields, and not in the heavens whence we fell. God had no want for us, angels were his passion, we are but the miscreant sons of necessity, cast down for nothing more than being as we were.” A wry grin crosses his lips, as Laquix listens knowing full well how this always has upset Syadon.
The reverie turns dark as now Laquix speaks softly to the elder statesman “Syadon, we shall always be the forsaken children of creations own hand…. Yet must you hold a grudge against someone who desires you not?”
Crystalline glare locked on Wynn, Laquix inches his way to her, drawing in towards a breath of the faint musk that surrounds her body. Glass like nails glisten in the candlelight, glistening of wax shimmers as it pools at the base.
“Look at her Syadon, in her eyes rests the key to heaven, in the palpitations of the heart lay the key to rapture, and in her soul the temptation of decadence.” A shiver crossed the spine of Laquix as the words slip forth, backing away slowly, now realizing his desire.
“Laquix, you always were the lost poet…you just never learned how to give into your carnal nature. Listen to her breathing, feel the heat coursing through the veins, taste the lust upon her bosom. Savor it my son, do not shrink in fear or what you shall do.” Watching with baited breath as the pair slowly part.
Drawing a single finger long the rim of a crystal glass, low humming tunes reverberate within the burgeoning room, slightly misted eyes grow more tempting as Syadon’s words echo in her mind, Wynn grins impishly towards Laquix.
“Your not afraid of me are you?” Fingers idly grazing cross-chilled fingers as she tempts his heart, leaning closer to his body allowing tainted locks to graze his form.
“I only bite when asked.” Purrs off her lips, her right hand drawn to painted lips, biting softly upon the tip, tongue licking round the edges.
Pulling back from her touch, almost though he were in awe of her beauty, a roar of laughter echos within the confines of the estate. “You really must excuse him dear one, he hasn’t been that close to a woman in so long, he thinks you want to devour his soul.” The words flow from lips that have twisted into the wickedest smile ever known to man.
Adjusting himself in his seat Laquix struggles to regain his composure, “I do not! She just caught me off guard is all…” Pale cheeks flush with sanguine emotions, fingers slowly dig into the oaken top of the table.

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