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Here's My Opinion About Everything
Thursday, 24 February 2005
This Is Me
Mood:  lazy
Topic: Me
I'm not sure if anyone will ever read this, but if you do, it might help to know about me. So if you have the foresight to check this first post, you'll have a least half an idea who you're reading about.

I'm 21 and as of this first entry I will be graduating college in about 3 months. I'll be a chef.

This was not my original plan when I first graduated high school. In fact, it wasn't my plan five months ago. It's funny how things change so fast.

When I graduated high school, I was set to go to Ohio University. It's about 2 hours from my home and family. I was going to be a teacher, I was going to make a difference.

Turns out I didn't like being there all that much. Too far from home and I decided I really didn't want to be responsible for myself, let alone someone else's children. So I transfered. To a community college, much to my dismay.

Now I'm going to be a chef, and I'm quite happy about it.

Five months ago I was getting married to the guy I've been dating for the last 7 years almost. Things were planned out. I knew how everything was going to go. We started fighting, not getting along and the spark was just generally gone. Now we're just kind of floating around in this weird limbo not really knowing what's going on. He's a great friend, and I think that may be all we can be. It's sad, but true. I never know from day to day.

I actually have another blog, I'm not sure why I changed, or if I'll close the other one. I was bored I think, so I decided to subject TWICE as many people to my ramblings.

I have a love of pop tarts, fruit snacks, and all furry creatures. I live with my mom for the time being and am slowly deciding what I want to do when I graduate. I share my home with 3 dogs, 3 cats and a ferret. It's interesting here.

Posted by blog2/narcissus_and_echo at 11:51 PM EST
Updated: Monday, 21 March 2005 12:06 PM EST
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