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Friday, January 20, 2006

Memoirs Of A Geisha (PG)

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"Arthur Golden's blockbuster bestseller, MEMOIRS OF A GEISHA, has been brilliantly brought to the big screen by Oscar-nominated director Rob Marshall (CHICAGO).

The film opens in a remote Japanese fishing village in 1929, where two sisters, Chiyo and Satsu, are sold by their troubled father to people who place Chiyo in a classy geisha house known as an okiya in Gion and Satsu in a much more vulgar and dangerous district. Chiyo becomes a maid to Hatsumomo, a cold, controlling, and calculating geisha who is instantly jealous of Chiyo's unusual, beautiful eyes and childish innocence.

Chiyo is befriended by Pumpkin, another maid at the okiya, but the two are soon driven apart. Chiyo is shown compassion by the Chairman and another, more successful geisha, Mameha, who takes her under her wing as her "little sister," furthering the battle between Chiyo, now called Sayuri, and Hatsumomo.

As Sayuri is trained in the art of being a geisha, learning how to walk, talk, dance, and serve (up to a point) in order to please and honor her distinguished male clients, World War II looms on the horizon, threatening to upend Japan and its old ways."

I rate it 4/5 ~ A show you won't wan to miss! :)

Tho im not a Zhang Ziyi fan but you'll just be swept away by that soulful pale blue eyes...oso not forgetting the little girl acting Chiyo, she has such a lovely smile.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

2005 self reflection

points - about mi:

always sick, say 200 days out of 365 days. =( <<< very upsetting

clumsy, trip and fall like so often <<< okay la im living with it

stupid, understanding jokes take alot of time <<< okay la

thick lips, guys prefer sweet and small ones <<< learning to live with it still

too tanned, i always hated my skin colour but no amt of products can make me fairer <<< upsetting

eat-too-much, what to do! i'm a natural glut. I eat alot! <<< i lurve it!

big butt, makes me look fat <<< upsetting

small boobies, some guys prefer big round ones <<< super upsetting

short, i'm onli 160cm (noone likes short legs ><;;) <<< upsetting

picky-over-food, phobia about food that may hurt mi cause i can't figure out bones. <<< stress

weak stomach, can't drink fizzy stuff coz i get wind very easily and dono how to get the air out <<< okay la, water/greentea is fine

can't smoke, just inhaling the smoke from others can cause me a sore throat! <<< okay la since ciggys cost $$$!

can't drink, dono leh like so easily drunk and beer really tastes like "Essence of Chicken" to mi. <<< heard that it's beneficial to drink alcohol so it's disappointing

expect attention, who doesn't wan attention from people u care fer? But it's hard to curb the disappointment when the attention is not given. <<< hard to control

can't put on make up well, people say make up boosts a female's confidence. I suck at it! :( Sho ugly. <<< very upsetting

forgetful, kns very bad memory i got. <<< stress

expect presents, for bday and special occassions. <<< hard to control

*slaps* face reality girl! The whole world is moving on without u!

points + about mi:

No matter what, I am still Charmaine. :)
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Please love me for who i am.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

DinDin tonight ~ =D

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Blur mi, bought some veges that i thought looked fresh home...after taking away the outer veges, the inside ones were yellow... >< Ended up i went NTUC the 2nd time to buy another pack of veges. 1st time buy bad veggies home. zzZ

Monday, January 16, 2006

clean, pack, clean, pack!!

So many drawers to clean out and repack
So many cupboards to clean and throw in anti-insect stuff
So many worn-out shoes to discard and clothes to donate
Still recovering from my flu. ~>.<~
Left an idiotic cough...
Weather been better...wearing back my flimsy pyjamas. lolx
Drank some superb chicken tonic soup made by my mother-in-law. Pity i dont have that kind of ancient earthen pot to brew such good stuff. hehe
Think im gonna add a "chinese wok" to my wish list.

Havent been eating KFC for 11 days since i fell sick. SIGH!
WHY IS MY FAV FOOD soooooooooooo bad for mi!

Friday, January 13, 2006

Baleno CNY Whales - kind stranger

Saw this pair of cutesy whales at JP when i was shopping for groceries @ Ntuc.
Went in to check out the price...
"Spend $38 on Baleno products to purchase a pair of CNY whales @ $8.80!"
Just buy the whales at $28.80

Okay so i'm low on budget hence i left the shop to continue with my grocery shopping (which is sponsored by Mummy at the moment. lolx, detergent, tissues etc etc)

Sms-ed hubby to seek his opinion. He said to buy the $38 worth of shirts. So after buying NTUC stuff, went back to Baleno to see if there was anything nice.

Was browsing thru some long sleeves shirt when i overheard the sales person trying to sell the pair of CNY whales to a guy who looked like in his 20s. Saying these whales are so cute, can buy to decorate for CNY or give to your galfren. That guy kept shaking his head, saying he has no use for them.
(i was trying to gather my courage to ask him...i very timid one ma... =X)
So while he was looking at some other stuff as the pants were being wrapped at the counter, i went up to him and asked if he could help me buy the whales. I gave him $10. VERY LONG NEVER SEE SHY GUYS liao lor...he suddenly like so shy like that, nodded his head and went to the counter.

I waited at the entrance. Den he came up to mi and handed me a bag that contained the whales. I said thank you and he handed the $10 back to mi. I declined and said thank you again. Next thing i know, he put the $10 in the bag den he smile and walk away. (ITS OBVIOUS THAT HE WAS BLUSHING LOR! WTH?!?!)

1) i didnt chase after him. so drama.
2) i oso ran back home. LOLx coz a bit strange la, scared later he really not a good guy.
3) it's nice to know still got kind strangers ard :)

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Happy Chinese New Year All~!~! :D

Thursday, January 12, 2006

penguin long pants!!

wore long sleeves and jacket still feeling cold...
was on msn with kor and he asked if i was wearing long pants...
i said shorts...
den he suggested that i should change into long pants as many of us tend to neglect our legs. ><;;
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True enough...after putting on my ancient penguin pyjamas pants, (never wore it for like 2 years? =X )felt so much warmer so i told kor that i would blog this advice down for my friends to keep in mind. ^^;;
but dis should have been blogged down last week, heee too sick to think properly so after taking the photograph as promised, 4got to blog until i remembered today.

so here you are kor! my ancient penguin pyjamas pants!

What kind of anime smile have you got?

You have a Cute Smile. -^.^-

Cute Smile
How Do You Smile in Anime? (Girls Results) (Guys can take too ^^)

brought to you by Quizilla

still having bad throat, no voice now but nose is much better...

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Too sick le...dono what to blog...this test from viki. :)

Your Dress Personality: Elegant

Your Personality
You love everything that's classic. People see you as the quintessential woman - refined, poised and feminine. You exhibit an aura of sophistication, and your class and maturity is reflected through your style.

Your Dress Style
Your philosophy on style emphasizes on understated beauty: well put-together outfits and makeup that are timeless but ultra-feminine at the same time. You're not especially fanatical about buying the latest fashionable apparel, but you can be very particular about the finer details of your clothes: how it drapes on you, the colors and designs, etc.

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