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Third Trimester

So we went back to Minnesota. I am really happy about it. Although I had to take care some paperworks again, had to reapplly for insurance and everything again, the stress that I felt when I am here is nothing compared to the stress that I felt during the past months.

I had to choose a new doctor. Since I just moved out of state, I had to arrange for my medical records to be faxed over to my new doctor.

September 6, 2005: They did the usual tests on me, blood test, took my blood pressure, took baby's heart rate, and my weight. Everything was normal. My weight was 134.1, baby's heart rate was at 160 and my blood pressure was normal (I forgot what it was). I had to take the glucose test too. I stayed at the hospital for 3 hours.

September 9, 2005: I was scheduled to have another ultrasound. Baby was so cute!!! It seemed like he was posing for the camera or the sonogram because on almost all of his picture, he had his hands on his chin like this one.

Tech took more pictures than this but i have no scanner :( . Baby was 30 weeks then and weigh 3.1 pounds, which was completely normal for that fetal age. They took a picture of his legs, which is so long like the tech said. Baby had the hiccups too during the whole session. I was so thankful that they saw me that day. I almost missed my appointment because I woke up late. I was 15 minutes late. The nurse said that since I missed my appointment, I might have to wait longer for them to see me, till a spot opens up. I didnt really want to wait. When I was about to leave, another nurse called my name out and told me that they were ready to see me. I got so lucky I guess. I almost didnt go through the appointment too because my partner sister told me that ultrasounds are not supposed to be administered after 5th month. She said that the procedure could be harmful to the fetus. But since I was really curious on how my baby was doing, I still went. Just when I walked into the sonogram room, I asked the tech and made sure that the procedure wont harm my baby in any way.

September 20, 2005: My second appointment with my new doctor. Usual test was done. My weight dis time was 141.1 and baby was measuring 34 cm. Doctor thinks that baby is measuring large. My baby is 32 weeks then. I had to redo my glucose test oday because my sugar level was too high on the first test that they gave me. It was normal, but it was too close to the 140 threshold. My sugar level was 137. So the doctor told me to come back for another check up a week from today rather than waiting two weeks from today.

September 27, 2005: I had to go back for another checkup. I am really worried about the results of my glucose test. I hope I dont have a gestational diabetes. The past week has been hell. My partner kept watching whatever I ate and kept telling me not to eat too much sweets, which I dont anyway. They did da usual test on me again, took my urine sample, my weight, my blood pressure. Doctor said my glucose level was normal, 85. so yay!!!! I felt so good. My blood pressure was normal and at 124/60. Babies heart rate is 160 and my weight was 140.6. But I still kept wondering why was my sugar level test was so high on the first one. Maybe it was because of the milk I drank a few hours before that test. Doctor said she'll see me again 2 weeks from today. My legs has been cramping so bad. My hips hurts a lot too. I try to exercise or walk outside every chance that I get. But I had to stop since there are too many weirdos outside. Baby is measuring 33 cm.

October 11, 2005: Usual test administered. Took urine sample, my weight, blood pressure etc. I kinda scared the nurse because my blood pressure was high when she took it. She retook it, and it was still high, close to 140 mark. Nurse said that she had to test my urine sample really quick to see if I really have a high blood pressure. Doctor asked me the usual questions, if i had felt any contractions yet or anything. I told her I havent except for the fact that my legs hurts most of the time. I lost weight; I lost a little under a pound. I asked the doctor if it was normal she said yes. I have trouble eating now. Overeating makes me feel sick like I am going to puke or something. Doctor wont let me leave. They had to retake my blood pressure. This time my blood pressure went back to normal. Probably I was just tired when they first took it. Baby's head is down and baby is measuring 34 cm.

October 19, 2005: I gained 2 pounds and now weight 142 pounds. I had been eating more though. Baby was measuring 35 cm, my blood pressure is normal. They had to do the Group B strep test on me. Doctor also checked if I am dilating, I am not yet... Thank you!. Nurse said that someone who was supposed to have the same due date as me gave birth yesterday to a premature baby which really scared me. Although I cant wait to deliver my baby, I'd rather have it overdue or on time rather than deliver it prematurely. I have hard time sleeping now. I always wake up in the middle of the night because I cant be comfortable. I am always hot too. My long hair (waist length) didnt help at all with the situation. I want to cut it really bad but my partner said to not to since he loves my long hair. I had been looking at exercise videos also, something that I can do after I have the baby. I ordered Leisa Hart's Post Partum work out DVD on the net the other day. It has been getting a really good rating from people.

October 22, 2005: My mom is supposed to send me some of the things that she bought for baby today. I dont really know what I would do without her. Hopefully, ill get it in a week. I can't wait to see how cute the stuff are. I have the feeling that my partner has been kinda jealous of my computer lately since I havent really paid attention to him. I was always too busy reading some baby articles on the net or just working on this webpage.I had to keep myself busy, its the only way I forget about all the bad things that stresses me out. If i dont keep myself busy, I would just keep thinking, stressing myself some more.

October 23, 2005: Was by myself for a few hours today because dey had to go on a sweat. It felt good being by myself with no one telling me what to do or watching every move that I make. Ever since I got pregnant, people seems to tell me what to do or how to act everyday, which is really annoying, as if I cant take care of myself. Afterall, I am pregnant, not disable! I felt so good yesterday. I had the chance to really relax and have a time off from everyone. I cooked my own meal and watched a movie. I got to relive the good old days when I was living by myself, paying my own bills, and being independent. Very relaxing. I guess thats all I need, a break from everyone.

October 24, 2005: Called nurse today and ask them about the result of my Group B test. It was Negative! Yay! :) One less thing to worry about. I also asked the nurse about the light spotting i got after cervix exam last wed, and then again this morning, she said that its normal because my cervix is getting really thin because im almost ready to go. I got my package today from my mom. Priority mail was really quick considering that it was sent off on a Saturday. Three huge packages full of baby clothes. Another less thing to worry about coz she bought so much that I dont really need to buy some more anymore :) Today, I decided to keep everything in perspective, I keep telling myself that I would handle and go through everything and that there is nothing to worry about. I told myself that I am more than capable of handling everything by myself and that I dont need neone to make me happy or feel good about myself. It feels good to be in this kind of psyche once again. It is something that I seem to have lost for awhile ever since I got pregnant, making me vulnerable to everyone.

October 25, 2005: Didn' make it to my WIC appointment today and had to reschedule coz I didnt have a ride. My next appointment is on November 8, 2005. Packed my labor bag today. Have to buy some robe and slippers. I dont have any of those. hehehe.

October 26, 2005: Went to the doctor today for my 37th week checkup by myself at 1:45 in the afternoon. Blood pressure is 122/60, totally normal. Baby's heart rate is 160. Baby's head is still head down. Baby is measuring 38 cm, 3 cm bigger than last weeks. Doctor said that baby is tucked under my ribs. Doctor has to brought up my 137 results again from my sugar level before, but then she said I got retested for that so she thinks everything should be good. I asked the doctor for an approximation of baby's weight and she said that baby is weighing 6 1/2 pounds right now, which is totally normal. I was kind of worried that baby is skinny, but then I guess everything is okay. Doctor gave me the number for family birth center at the hospital. She also explained to me what to do when I go on labor.

October 27, 2005: Got my DVD today. Finally received everything that I have ever ordered on Ebay. It wont play on my laptop though for some unknown reason. Still have to try to play it on a regular DVD player. Looked at baby clothes again. Today is a really boring day, really nothing much to do. Got a lot of rest though. For some reason, I still feel so tired. Took a little nap this afternoon and I still feel so tired. My back is killing me most. I hope that I dont go onto early labor. Most likely not since my mom has been telling me or other people that first borns are most likely to be overdue. My one week of not smoking yesterday. I could go on labor anytym soon since im already full term as of yesterday (37th week). Just hope that I complete my whole 40 weeks instead of going on labor earlier than that.

October 29, 2005: Got my package today from my mom. More baby clothes, a shirt for JR, my slippers and my robe, and some jacket which I dont know who it is for since it is too big for me. I havent called my mom yet. I'll give her a call tomorrow. Still no contractions today, although baby is still moving. Needs to start washing baby clothes since I already have all of them, if my mom doesnt buy new ones again. Seriously thinking and consdering the whole day about going back to work and taking that black jack class. I really want to move into a place where there is more privacy for me and my family... it doesnt have to be a house or an apartment. It can just be a small room where we can have our privacy and not deal with people who gives out an attitude.

October 30, 2005: Didnt go to the sweat lodge today. Planning on washing baby's clothes but got side tracked with taking a picture of them first. So here they are:

Had hard time fitting everything in one page. These are most of the stuff. There are more stuff that I didnt take a picture of.

November 2, 2005: Went to my regular doctor appointment. My weight was 143. Baby's heart rate is at 150. But my blood pressure was too high... it reached 150/62... doctor told me to relax and retook my blood pressure but my blood pressure was still too high... it was so high and at a dangerous level that the doctor actually considered inducing me. I was so scared coz i was by myself. I went for my check up by myself. They also found some sugar in my urine... probably it was from eating too much chocolate on halloween. Doctor said before considering inducing me, she wants to run three test on me first: blood test, biophysical ultrasound, and neonatal stress test. I called JR and told him what was going on and was really worried and excited at the same tym. He wanted to go to the hospital ryt away but I told him to just wait till that the hospital is really sure on my condition. I took my blood test (i think it was for my hemoglobin count rather than for a sugar level)... then i went for my biophysical ultrasound ( a test that determine if baby is breathing on his own, baby's heart rate, muscle reflexes, and something else). Baby scored 8/8 on that test which means baby is perfectly healthy. Then I went in to the birth center for my neonatal stress test. Nurses put me in a room where they hook me up to this machine which monitors baby's heart rate, my heart rate and if i was having contraction already. Nurses said i was having contractions already ( i havent felt anything though). That test came out good. Nurses said that baby is in great health coz whenever he moves or active, his heart rate goes up similar to when adults run from one corner to the next. Sooo .. everything was normal and didnt have to induce me. Thank goodness!!! the tests took 3 hours. Sugar and Jennie had to picked me up from the hospital. Doctor had to put me on a modified bedrest though. Which means, I have to relax more, have to stay in bed, only sit or stand up to eat or shower, no vacumming, and no sex.

November 7, 2005: Had to go back to see the doctor. Blood pressure was normal, 122. Probably because i was so rested and relaxed. Just got really agitated though because I had to wait at least 45 minutes in the room for the doctor. Doctor was behind that day. Almost missed my blue ride. Doctor has to start seeing me twice a week now till I give birth. I have to go back to doctor on thursday, nov. 10.

November 10, 2005: After days of bedrest, my blood pressure stabilized to 118. Sugar level was normal. Baby's heart rate is 160. Have to go back for check up again on Monday.

November 14, 2005: Blood pressure is 118. Again another good blood pressure. Baby is 41 cm. I gained 4 pounds. Probably from stuffing myself up with donuts. People are still getting on my nerves. Still trying to stay relax as much as I can, at this point I just wanna be all alone. Doctor told me that its okay to have sex now to hurry up my labor, something that I couldnt do ever since they put me on bedrest.

November 17, 2005: Blood pressure is still 118. Weight is 142.6. I lost all the 4 pounds I gained from my last appointment because I stopped eating donuts. Baby is measuring 40 cm. Yay! :) Obviously, doc and nurse is happy because they dont really lyk seeing my blood pressure sky rocket. Kinda surprising actually because people around me has been getting on my nerves more and more lately that I feel lyk Im about to have a heart attack. Due date was supposed to be yesterday, as of today Im a day overdue. Doctor checked if I had dilated today; she said Ive dilated less than 1 cm, 9 more to go. No contractions whatsoever, only the braxton hicks ones. Im supposed to buy a car today but the damn person just called me an hour ago to tell me that it has been sold already... another stress added to my part because I have to wait another week for the damn classified papers to come. Just growing impatient more and more everyday. Impatient because I cant wait to go on labor just to get it over with and also I cant wait to get a car so that I can have something to use when I want to be alone instead of walking through the snow (it started snowing 2 days ago). I have to go back on tuesday, 22nd for another BPP to see how baby is doing. Doctor said that they might have to induce me just ryt then. If baby is doing okay, nurse said that I can choose the date on when they are going to induce me, which would be really challenging because a week from today is thanksgiving. Supposedly, baby is 8 pounds now according to doctor.

November 19, 2005: Another boring Saturday. Kinda cloudy outside, but at least its not snowing. Three days overdue now, still no baby. Getting so impatient. Cant wait for my appointment on tuesday. Its too damn early though, 7:45 in the morning. Getting tired of my hair. I so want to cut it but a lot of people has been telling me not to since it has gotten so long. I guess a lot of people like my hair. A lot of people do compliment my hair though, even those people I dont know. I kinda miss Alkin, my partner's sisters 16 month old kid that I baby sit. He had to go home wid his dad yesterday, so his mommy is out partying now. Im sleepy, maybe I should go to sleep.