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Friday, July 18, 2003

I am moving once again...

Sorry for jumping around, but I had to move to get more flexibility. Hopefully I am settled for awhile now at my new site and I can start working on moving to Moveable Type. Yeah!!! Please come visit my new site as this will probably be my last post here. The new site looks the same for now. I have a feeling the switch to MT is not going to be much fun.

In case you forgot, France still sucks...

These assholes are just too arrogant for their own good. The term e-mail suffices for the entire world now, except for France.
posted by Phil @ 12:54 PM

Tony Blair was amazing...

During the Clinton years, I never had a very high opinion of Tony Blair. He seemed a little too cozy with Bill, so I just dismissed the possibility that there might be some substance to him. I certainly did not think he could possibly have a spine. After today’s speech, I have to say that he changed my perception. I know, I know…he didn’t write the speech and he might not totally agree with everything that he said, but it was moving nonetheless. If you did not get a chance to listen or you have not read it since, I would suggest reading every single word. It would be even better if you can find the audio and listen.

 He gave the speech with a lot of conviction and there were several notable quotes.

 “In the end, it is not our power alone that will defeat this evil. Our ultimate weapon is not our guns, but our beliefs.”

“…anytime ordinary people are given the chance to choose, the choice is the same: freedom, not tyranny; democracy, not dictatorship…”

“The purpose of terrorism is not the single act of wanton destruction. It is the reaction it seeks to provoke: economic collapse, the backlash, the hatred, the division, the elimination of tolerance, until societies cease to reconcile their differences and become defined by them.”

“I know out there there's a guy getting on with his life, perfectly happily, minding his own business, saying to you, the political leaders of this country, "Why me? And why us? And why America?" And the only answer is, "Because destiny put you in this place in history, in this moment in time, and the task is yours to do."

I may not agree with the guy socially, but I could not have more respect for anyone on security and defense than I have for Tony Blair. Not only is he willing to stand up for what he believes in, he is doing so to the possible detriment of his political career. What a novel idea, a politician with personal convictions that extend beyond his electorate.
posted by Phil @ 9:30 AM

Thursday, July 17, 2003

I know where Imagoin' woman...

Another Seasoned-Citizen, that has no business behind the wheel of a car, mows down a crowd of people in Santa Monica and everyone is shocked. Aside from the possibility that they might charge this poor guy with manslaughter, there is not a single thing that will come from this.

What should occur is an out-cry for the elderly to be forced to pass some type of driving/sight/general competence test at regular intervals after age – plug whatever number in you want. The age thing is debatable, but for me I would say no later than 70 and they should be tested every 2-3 years. You no pass…you no drive.

Why does this have to be such a big deal? There is plenty of scientific data out there showing what the aging process does to the body to justify this. But it will never happen. Senior citizens are the most powerful group of voters in this country and their lobby influence is amazing. AARP would have a gawd damn conniption fit at the mere suggestion of testing their members. Did you know that there are some states that allow these people to renew their license through the fookin’ mail? That seems safe, right?

Look, I know a lot of elderly people view their driving privilege as one of their few remaining freedoms. But, it is a privilege, not a right. If this were some kid that had done this they would start talking about increasing the driving age again (which is a very good idea – BTW). There would be an outcry from state and federal representatives in California about how immature the driver was and how he/she/it was not mentally prepared to handle that much responsibility. The problem is you could make the same argument about this 86-year old guy yesterday. If he confused the gas and brake pedals, then he is no longer mentally prepared or capable or fit to drive an automobile.
posted by Phil @ 12:20 PM

There is nothing funny I can say about this...

This poor kid goes to the doctor and says "hey doc...I seem to have these flies coming out of my pecker. Is that normal?" At last check the docs still don't have an answer for him.
posted by Phil @ 8:28 AM

Wednesday, July 16, 2003

I'll be blind as a bat, but at least I won't have cancer...

Masturbating Lowers Prostate Cancer Risk
posted by Phil @ 2:48 PM

Bombs away...

Take a look at this article and decide who should have been charged and with what. My vote is to charge the dead guy and the five other dumb asses that got into this thing.
posted by Phil @ 1:23 PM

Stick this up your Chirac...

France has neither winter, nor summer, nor morals. France is miserable because it is filled with Frenchmen, and Frenchmen are miserable because they live in France.
-Mark Twain

posted by Phil @ 12:19 PM

I still get chills...

I was watching the beginning of the All-Star game last night sitting through the 30 minute line-up announcement (these guys really have a feeling of self-importance) and this very young girl comes out to sing the National Anthem. This has become one of my least favorite parts of sporting events over the last few years because we have been forced to listen each artists interpretation of how the song should be sung. But every once in awhile someone just comes out, sings the song the way the sheet music shows, and blows you away. That happened last night. This gal had a beautiful voice and did not vary any part of the song from how it was meant to performed. I have to admit, I still get chills near the end of that song when it is done right. 
posted by Phil @ 8:14 AM

Tuesday, July 15, 2003

I could have been killed...

I am driving home from work last night minding my own business, trying to get thoughts of killing the guy in front of me out of my head (I really hate the damn traffic in Atlanta), when a story on the radio grabs my attention. They have just released the new “vehicle roll-over” report and they are announcing some of the results and the worst result of all vehicles is the Tacoma extended cab P/U. Geez, I would hate to be driving one of those, they must be really dangerous. I mean, to be the worst, that thing must just spontaneously flip upside down. Good thing I am not in one of…wait a minute, I am in one of those. Holy crap, I am about to flip over and I didn’t even know it! So I think, OK, calm down, relax, it must be a mistake. Then the guy on the radio repeats it “…the Tacoma extended cab got the worst rating…blah-blah-blah”. OK, I think, keep it together. Don’t make any sudden moves and you will be OK.

I went from being slightly irritated to being completed frightened in mere seconds. Then I remembered seeing a report on Dateline showing how they do these types of studies. The car or truck is sitting still, and they hit it in the side with a big angled wall going 35 mph. Halleluiah, I am safe after all. I haven’t seen one of those big angled walls on the interstate for weeks! And even if I do, I certainly won’t be sitting still waiting for it to ram me. I will just run away.

Photos and commentary from Iraq...

This is an excellent site. Take some time to listen to the reporters stories, particularly the females. I have also added this as a permanent link. War Photos

Are you there God? It's me Pat...

Jesus this guy is scary! Maybe a bad choice of words...Pat Robertson is calling for a prayer campaign for changes on the Supreme Court.

"One justice is 83-years-old, another has cancer and another has a heart condition. Would it not be possible for God to put it in the minds of these three judges that the time has come to retire?''

At least he is not asking God to smite them or just strike them down where they stand. This guy needs to get laid.
Monday, July 14, 2003

Government schools at work...

Here is an excerpt from a personal ad some of you might find interesting.

"I love rainbows, Mickey Mouse, the beach, mountains and waterfalls. I consider myself to be sensitive, caring and kind-hearted. I'm currently serving a life sentence on the charge of murder." - Susan Smith

Doesn't it just touch your heart? I am going to write her back. Just a brief example of what my letter will include...

I hope when you get out we can spend some time together. I would love to take you to dinner and a movie. Maybe afterwards we can drive down to the lake and look at the stars. When the evening is done I will strap you into the seat of the car and push it into the lake. If you’re lucky you might get to see a glimpse of your children on your way to hell!

Sixteen words: "The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa". Not only were they true when they were stated, they are still true today. The British government continues to state that they do not make intelligence estimates from a single report. They also continue to say that they still believe that Saddam Hussein sought to and actually did purchase uranium from the African country of Niger.

I have an idea, lets start a contest. Come up with some 16 words quotes that we can attribute to the Bush administration that would cause more of a stir than this has. The poor Dems need something to cling to so let's give it to them. Just email your suggestions and I will post as many as possible. Be creative, the poor Dems dearly need your help!
Sunday, July 13, 2003

No link for this one but you should be able to find several articles about it if you want more details. I saw on the news last night that Title IX would not be challenged or overturned. Not that this is a surprise, but that does not make it any easier to stomach the fact that it exists at all. There were several women on during the story talking about all of the opportunities being created for women’s athletics. Look, I am all for women’s athletics. I went to the University of Tennessee and women’s basketball was second only to the football program. But why are schools being required to have an equal (or near equal) number of women and men on athletic scholarship. Women’s sports are not now, and will never, bring in the kind of revenue that men’s basketball and football are bringing in at most large universities. So what happens? The men’s basketball and football programs have to subsidize the other programs that are spending more than they are bringing in. One of the women in the story on CBS was talking about how some men’s sports are making huge profits and she made it sound like that was bad thing. She went on to say that this money should have no other purpose than to first, support sports (women's athletics) that are unable to make these kinds of margins. Here is a novel idea, if a sport cannot bring in enough revenue to support itself, take these people (men or women) off scholarship. If they still cannot cover their costs, stop playing that sport. Who is going to care that a school is no longer supporting women’s water polo? If it is a big deal to stop playing a particular sport, where the hell was all the support when these people were busting their ass competing. Look, I feel for these guys and gals because I know they love what they are doing. I also know they would love to have free ride for school. But this should be treated just like any other business. If it is not making money or covering costs, shut if fookin' down.
Saturday, July 12, 2003

I still don't believe Bush would make a statement in his state of the union that he know was false. But Tenet is just the sacrificial lamb here. The dems have been on a witch hunt looking for anything that they can get to stick to the President. Someone had a conversation with Tenet and convinced him to fall on his sword for the greater good. The dems are really going to go after this guy now. They have no choice. With all of the chest beating that has been going on, they have backed themselves into a corner. They know as well as everyone else that this is not Tenet's oversight. But they have gone too far now to let this drop. What a shame.

You have to see this. A little musical interlude to start your day off right.Pavarotti
Friday, July 11, 2003

This is certainly the first step towards a lasting peace process! Before the fighting even stops they are starting with treats. When exactly did we decide it was OK to negotiate with a terrorist? Hamas vows to kidnap Israeli troops if truce fails

Alright, I know this has been run into the ground, but it is still pretty damn funny. The only unfortunate part is that Simon actually is going to have to pay a fine. Look at the video for crying out loud! They were just having some fun. Even the sausage says so.Sausage-gate grinds down

What a huge shock that the Democrats are questioning Bush's credibility. ( No WMD, no purchase of plutonium from Africa, I guess there was no reason at all for us to even go into Iraq. Oh wait, what about the thousands of Kurds Sadam murdered and was continuing to try to wipe of the face of the earth? What about the brutal torture and murder of the innocent citizens in Iraq? I guess none of that justified us going after this SOB.
Thursday, July 10, 2003

Some light summer reading for your kids to counter-balance the crap on the reading list from their government schools. If your kids are in private school, congrats. You won't need this because they are already teaching them this.

What a shock! The Saudi's fund terrorists. Someday our government might actually admit that these bastards are not allies, they are - Your Miami Everything Guide

Is anybody paying attention to this? If this group was able to pull off an elimination of affirmative action in California public education, Michigan should be a cake walk. Can someone please explain to me how lower test scores, lower GPA's, less community involvement and so on will lead to a more diverse education.

There was a quote from a Michigan law student during the Supreme Court case that was along the lines of "...I would not be able to defend a black defendant as well if I was not exposed to blacks while in law school." What a f**king idiot! Not only will this not help him, he is implying that being around black people in law school will help him better understand black criminals. So, does that mean all of the blacks in his classes have criminal tendencies? - Race question spurs action in Michigan - Jul. 9, 2003

So who heard about the guy in AR that woke up from a 19 year coma? This guy was in a car accident and has been in a coma for 19 years. He wakes up this week thinking Reagan is still president and Clinton is still governor. Oh if only we could go back. Maybe we could fix that 8 year mistake.

This was also a story of loyalty. His wife was still married to him when he came out of the coma. Now, my question is - does he still want to be married? What if he just faked the whole thing hoping she would leave? ;-)


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