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Andrew's Webpage
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Hey everybody. Well welcome to my website. The primary function of this website is going to be for me to share with you what's been going on with me life. It's actually for when I do leave for college, and that's in about a year. But I decided to put one together now so it would only be a matter of updating it when that time came.

Primarily you'll probably see the most activity in my BLOG. There I'll be posting things that I think about, lessons for the youth group, a journal of just things that I do and probably a bunch of just misc. stuff.

Then you'll also find my PHOTO ALBUM . What are you going to find there? Well that's pretty obvious don't you think?

Then I'll probably just use the other side of this main page to post announcements.

Well we're just about to hit the one year mark. Meaning it'll be one year until Aaron and I pack up for Liberty University. There's a lot that I want to accomplish and a lot going through my mind at this stage in life. I intend on sharing as much as I can when it comes to mind.

There is a road in front of me full of unknowns and possibilities. I can't wait to see what God has in store for me.

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