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The Wicker Chronicles: Essays, Poetry, Short Fiction
Wednesday, 10 March 2004

All the damaged people you despise
We are like fat black flies on
your starched white soul

You swat even the idea of me away
and laugh

When asked about me
you look sad
eyes filling with
the requisite tears
and say
that I'm damaged
I'm unable to function
I have a big chip
on my shoulder
and my insides don't work
quite right
ever since I was dropped
my clock never
tells the right time
and you've returned me
returned me
for a better son
just the other,
younger one now

It's a damn shame
that such a fine model
is damaged
he has photos from when
I was still in warranty
but they're all
he has left

All you see is scar tissue
contrary and incongruent

I am truant
from your story
as I won't play along
and mouth your words
play dummy to your

All you see is you
and if I am not you
I am for naught
I am damaged
and forgotten

In a world of mirrors
you create your comfortable nest
lined with feathers and soft lies
while all the damaged people you detest
stare back like fat black flies on
your starched white soul

Posted by blog/wicker_chronicles at 12:01 AM CST
Updated: Sunday, 27 February 2005 10:25 PM CST
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Friday, 20 June 2003
In response...

all the plastic people gather
'round the perspex altar
while cellophane angels flap and crinkle
and the neon priest in Prada vestments
offers bakelite bread and vinyl wine

the place
where the rubber hits the road
of faith
is grit and gold

overturned tables
in the Temple courts
and the construction of cathedrals
that span and spend generations

plastic is pliable
oil made honest
fuel, elixir,
God to governments
that wage war
plastic can be all things
to all men
the cheapest material and
the most costly
plastic is omnipresent
and recyclable

There is no escaping
the persistence of plastic
or the grace of God


in response to ?See It And Weep? 07/14/03
via real live preacher

Posted by blog/wicker_chronicles at 12:01 AM CDT
Updated: Monday, 7 March 2005 11:04 AM CST
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