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useless stuff about me

My Short AutoBio:

Name: Clarissa, but Rissa or Cla for short. ^_^
I am: a piecies, deranged, insane, spaz, loud, smarter than your average bear, hopeless romantic, and a push over.
I usually: draw... a lot, listen to music, listen to music while a draw, sleep, eat, and read, and all while isolated in my room.
I love: Beauty and the Beast and Disney movies, read fantasy books, food, baby animals, music, my room, and my friends' little brothers.
I want: the world to admit that unicorns and fairies and other fantasy animals exist, money, peace, and to stop being a couch potato.
I hate: mean people, snoby people who think they're better than everyone else, rich people who are only in honors classes because they can afford tutors, rap, hip-hop, country, and pre-packedged pop, and mostly reality.

More useless stuff about me which I cannot control:
I was born on:
February 27
therefore I am: a piscies (fish)
planet: Neptune
encorages: imagination, sensitivity and idealism.
element: water
symbol: two fish swimming in different directions.
In general:
"The upstream of the two fish show that you fight against the 'currents'; that you make an effort to overcome the negative aspects and happenings in your life by looking for inspiration, while at the same time you are willing to share those inspirations with others. Perhaps pushing yourself and others too hard. The fish in the opposite direction suggest exactly what you would think; you feel, sometimes, as though everyone will eventually get to the point they are aiming for so why put forth the effort. The downstream fish does not have a goal or very much ambition but, Basically, the upstream one has a point to its life but can push so hard that it completely misses the mark. The contradictions in your nature show that you are plotting a course to your objectives while the other side of you says, "why bother"?, This type of inner turmoil can cause you to give people all manner of impressions about you, such as: A genuine altruist to a subtle manipulator, or from the mystic to the misfit. The cause of these misleading impressions are your inner sense of feeling that all is one and one is all; you can do anything, or be anyone. In other words, you can be all things to all people. You are a caring and sympathetic human being but rather than let the world know just how soft hearted you are you have found many ways to camouflage your immense sensitivity. This is also the trait that lets you present one thing as being another, done so that you can enlighten those who listen to you and look to you for help. You are good at understanding others and yourself, more so than any other sign. This is also the sign of the true, and gifted, mystic.You are appreciative of people in all walks of life although you occasionally complain about their ways you usually go back into your usual mode of acceptance, giving everyone the right to act for themselves. You root for the underdog and champion lost causes but they only serve to remind you that joy and sorrow are one and sensitivity is synonymous with suffering. " quoted from: