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Well .. I put in the order for my new laptop last night at, but once I hit the submit button, it went right back to the main page instead of, say, an order confirmation page. I didn't get an e-mail, so I'm hoping my grandma (ordered with her cc) will get on e-mail, or that she will have the pending Visa status on her card.

Anyways, as for the new site layout, here it is but I'm having a major problem; the stupid banner add in the middle of the page. With this Angelfire page, I was able to select to choose pop-ads instead of banner, but with that one, it apparently wont let me. -sigh- Au revoir.

 //forgotten by mechman on 6:35 AM

Woops, forgot to post this morning. Anyways, nothing exciting today. I'm still working on my new page layout while at school, and I've pretty much got it done. I'll post it within a couple days. Au revoir.
 //forgotten by mechman on 4:01 PM

-yawns- Wow .. I woke up about an hour ago. I had to wait until 5 until band practice was over because all of my rides home were in band. Anyways, I got home and went right to bed. I got up, ate some dinner .. then went back to bed. I woke up at 10, and decided to get some work done. I'll post in the morning when I get to school. Au revoir.
 //forgotten by mechman on 11:03 PM

Alright, it's time I shed some light on my MP3 file sharing views. Personally, I think the RIAA has a bug up their ass. They're sueing all these people for sharing music and such, including a 12 year old girl. Honestly now .. the RIAA needs to be slapped .. .. they have a lot of info there. I love music, and I'll admit to at least 100 mp3's on my computer, which may or may not haven been downloaded on Kazaa. Au revoir.
 //forgotten by mechman on 2:29 PM

-yawns- Its 6:42 in the morning. I should not be at school. Yet I'm the student tech 'round here, so it's my duty. I went shopping yesterday; got some new PJ pants which I'm currently wearing (yes, pj pants at school) and a USB memory stick that holds 256mb .. pretty spiffy. Gettin' the good ol' license next year. -cough-twoYearsLater-cough- .. wow .. allergies .. anyways, au revoir.
 //forgotten by mechman on 6:43 AM

I had a pretty good weekened. I worked Saturday from 4pm to midnight, so not much there. Today, I got up about 11:30am .. got dressed, ate, all that good stuff. I watched the race for a bit before going over to Ryan's house. Stayed there about half an hour before Jenni picked me up. I went to her house, we watched 'The Ring' (good movie, very freaky) and then we went swimming for a bit. Au revoir.
 //forgotten by mechman on 10:19 PM

Wow, I haven't blogged here in quite awhile. I'm a senior in HS now, and it's been a pretty busy first couple of weeks. First off, I'm the head student webmaster for PHS (Palmdale High School) as well as the student tech for the campus. It's pretty spiffy. I'm in the process of making a new layout ("Taped Brass" - you'll see.) and I'll post a link to it once I'm up. I have a habit of making a new account for each blog layout. Mebbe I shouldn't do that. (o.o)
 //forgotten by mechman on 6:51 AM

What should I blog? Bread; it's not just a food, it's a way of life.
 //forgotten by mechman on 3:06 PM

Song of the moment:
Cassius - "The Sound of Violence (Club Mix)"

 //forgotten by mechman on 2:44 PM

Brandon  .//Name
Male  .//Sex
17  .//Age
July 15, 1986  .//DOB
6'1"  .//Height
155 pounds  .//Weight
Blue-green-grey  .//Eyes
Dirty Blonde [bleached, spiked]  .//Hair