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The Truth

        By  The Voice                                                            Do You Solemnly Swear To Tell The Truth,

 What Is The Truth?                          The Whole Truth, And Nothing But The Truth?  

                                                                                                    I Do.  Proceed…

  The power of the truth:                                                 Are you ready for the truth?

 And you will know the truth and

 the truth shall set you free!”                                              Write me at

 (John 8:32)                                                                                  


 Page 1    Feb 26, 2003 What is the purpose of Religion?         

 What is the purpose of religion? There must be hundreds of religions in the world.

 Do they seem like they contradict each other and yet all claim to be the one true religion?

 What can you believe?


 Page 2    Mar  3, 2003  The wide and narrow path
Many people honestly believe that religion is a hoax or that “all roads lead to the same place”.

 In a sense, they are correct on both points. Many people practice some form of religious beliefs

 to some degree thinking that they are free to do so. They are free to do so, but it is not a good idea.


 Page 3    Mar  4, 2003  The origin of false religion
Where did all the false religions come from? After all, if there is only one true God,

 why isn’t there only the one true religion?


 Page 4    Mar  6, 2003  The way of false worship

 Jesus Christ came to us almost 2,000 years ago to teach us his Father’s name and how to

 worship him in truth and spirit. Thus, Christianity began as a pure religion that the apostles

 and disciples began spreading throughout the known world.


 Page 5    Mar  9, 2003  The one true religion

 There is in existence a people who worship The Creator (of us and the universe) in the way he requires.

 Is it difficult? Is it demanding? No! He did not make the rules hard or demanding, men did.


 Page 6    Mar  9, 2003  Tricked into worshiping false gods

 Every year the world celebrates a holiday known as Easter. For Christendom, it is supposed to be

 a most holy day in remembrance of the death  and resurrection of Jesus. Wouldn’t the followers of false

 Christianity be surprised to learn that the holiday is instead a festival for a pagan goddess of fertility?


 Page 7    Apr  2, 2003  By Their Fruits You Will Know Them…

 Jesus Christ came to us almost 2,000 years ago to teach a pure religion that the apostles and disciples

 began spreading throughout the known world. Jesus did not use force or threats in the course of doing his Father’s work.


 Page 8    Apr  5, 2003  The End of This System of Things Part I of 3

 Is the world as we know it coming to an end soon? How soon? “Truly I say to YOU that this generation will by no means

 pass away until all these things occur. Heaven and Earth will pass away, but my words will by no means pass away.”

 (Matthew 24:34-35)


 Page 9    Apr  9, 2003  The End of This System of Things Part II of 3

 1914 was the year World War I began. What was the significance of that? Never was there a war like it in all of               

  previous history.   Total casualties were estimated at 10 million dead, 21 million wounded, and 7.7 million 

  missing or imprisoned.


 Page 10  Apr  5, 2003  The End of This System of Things Part III of 3

 The Bible contains many prophecies concerning Armageddon – the end of the world as we know it now.

 Understandably, few people take the prophecies seriously since this wicked and corrupted world is the only world that they  



 Page 11  Apr 12, 2003  The Mormons

 We learned a little about the history and origin of the Catholic Church (see page 4 of 7). What about other false religions?

 Where did they get their start? According to the World Book Encyclopedia: Joseph Smith, the founder of the Mormon 

  Faith  claimed that in the spring of 1820 he had a vision in which he saw God and Jesus Christ.


 Page 12  Apr 26, 2003  The Moslems

 According to the World Book Encyclopedia: Moslems are people who practice the religion of Islam,

 founded by Mohammed about 600 A.D. The term Moslem comes from the Arabic word ‘Muslim’,

 meaning a believer in Islam.


 Page 13  May  2, 2003  The Protestants

 The Protestant religion came about as an offshoot to the Roman Catholic Religion. Why did it come about?  

 Most people are vaguely aware that a Catholic priest named Martin Luther led the Protestant movement.

 What was being  protested about the Catholic faith?


 Page 14  May  6, 2003  The Jewish nation

 The ancient Jewish people not only worshipped Jehovah exclusively, but they were the only people who did.

 As time went by, they gradually fell away and began worshiping other gods. When it happened, bad things

 happened to the Jews. Was this God’s punishment? Not always!


 Page 15  May  4, 2003  Jehovah’s people

 Who are Jehovah’s people? According to the World Book Encyclopedia: Jehovah’s Witnesses are Christians

 who use the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society as their governing body. They took their name from

 the American Standard version of the Bible, Isaiah 43:12: Ye are my witnesses, saith Jehovah, and I am God.”


 Page 16  May 11, 2003 Satan  Part 1 of 2

 As we learned on page 3 of 7, Satan wants to be worshipped. He wants power. From the book of Job,
 we can learn a lot about Satan and Jehovah.


 Page 17  May 21, 2003 Satan  Part 2 of 2

 Satan is a very busy “angel”. The amount of work he does every day would stagger our mortal minds.

 To understand what he is busy doing and why, let us go back to the beginning of his career. 


 Page 18  May 22, 2003 Jehovah    

 Our creator has a name. By now you know what His name is. His name is Jehovah and He wants us to call Him by His

  name. What happens if we do not call Him by His name? “5 For though there be what are called "gods,"

 whether in heaven or on earth (as there are many "gods" and many "lords"), 6 yet to us there is but one 

 God,  the Father, from whom are all things, and we in Him, and one Lord Jesus Christ by whom are all 

 things, and we by Him.”

 (1Corinthians 8:5,6)


 Page 19  May 27, 2003 Jesus is not God

 There are many people in the world who mistakenly think that Jesus Christ is God. This is a false belief promoted by Satan. 

 Why would Satan want people to worship Jesus Christ? Because then worship would be diverted from his Father, Jehovah. 

 How do we know that Jesus is not God, the son?


 Page 20  May 29, 2003 Jehovah’s prophets

 Jehovah Has spoken to people directly down through the ages but usually addresses large populations of people through His

  prophets.  The prophets had a very important work to do: they would be the spokespersons for Jehovah. Why was the work



 Page 21  May 29, 2003 Life on a paradise earth

 The Survivors of Armaggedon will survive because Jehovah will protect them from all harm. The world as we know it now

  will come abruptly to an end. There will be no government officials or governmental structure to be found anywhere on the
 earth.  All of the kings, presidents, dictators and their cabinets will be deceased. There will be no crime because all of the

 criminals will be gone.


 Page 22  June   3, 2003 The work of the apostles

 Almost two thousand years ago the apostles and disciples of Jesus Christ devoted their lives to doing his work.  

 What was it like to be a follower of Jesus Christ? Jesus had a mission while he was here on the earth: to spread the

 information all of us need; there is a true God and one true religion out of all of the false religions proliferating around the 

 world.  This is what Jesus told his followers: 14And the Good News about the Kingdom will be preached

 throughout the whole world, so that all nations will hear it; and then, finally, the end will come.”

 (Matthew 24:14)


 Page 23  June   9, 2003 The Day of Armageddon

 More than three thousand years ago all of mankind was destroyed except for eight people! How do we know that the story 

  Of  Noah and the ark is a true story? Jesus Christ himself talked about it to his disciples: 

37As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man.”

 (Matthew 24:37) (New International Version)


 Page 24  June 11, 2003 The Ten Commandments : Number One

 “You shall have no other gods before me.” (Exodus 20:3) (New International Version) 

 This commandment was given to Moses about 3,500 years ago. Was false religion widespread at that time? 

 The people of Egypt worshipped numerous false gods. In fact, most of the people living back then worshiped many false  



 Page 25  June 17, 2003 The Ten Commandments : Number Two

 “You must not make for yourself a carved image or a form like anything that is in the heavens above or that is

 on the earth underneath or that is in the waters under the earth.” (Exodus 20:4) The second commandment

 should be the easiest one for Christians to follow.  The first one should be easy too. And yet, these two commandments

 are routinely broken, and most of the time the “Christian” people  who are breaking them usually do not even realize it!


 Page 26  June 19, 2003 The Ten Commandments : Number Three

 “Thou shalt not idly utter the name of Jehovah thy God; for Jehovah will not hold him guiltless that idly uttereth his name. 

 (Exodus 20:7) (Darby) 

 Most people do not understand exactly what this commandment means. Another translation is clearer: 

 7Do not misuse my name.  I am the LORD your God, and I will punish anyone who misuses my name.
 (Exodus 20:7) (Contemporary English Version)

 Page 27  June 20, 2003 The Ten Commandments : Number Four

 8 Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. 9 Six days shalt thou labor, and do all thy work;

 10 but the seventh day is a sabbath unto Jehovah thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou,

 nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy man-servant, nor thy maid-servant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger

 that is within thy gates: 11 for in six days Jehovah made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is,

 and rested the seventh day: wherefore Jehovah blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.”

 (Exodus 20:8-11) (American Standard Version)


 Page 28  June 24, 2003 The Ten Commandments : Number Five

 “Honor thy father and thy mother, that thy days may be long in the land which Jehovah thy God giveth thee.

 (Exodus 20:12) (ASV) 

 This commandment is easy to follow when the parents are loving. What happens when the parents are not so loving?


 Page 29  June 27, 2003 The Ten Commandments : Number Six

 “You shall not murder” (Exodus 20:13) (English Standard Version) There is a subtle distinction between “killing”

 and “murder”.  The King James version: “Thou shalt not kill” is not sufficient and has caused confusion for centuries.

 There are many people who believe  that it is a sin to kill anything. It is not the intent of this commandment to condemn

 us for trivialities such as swatting flies, mosquitoes, etc.  Taken to this extreme, the slaughtering of animals, even fish,

 for food would be prohibited.


 Page 30  July  01, 2003 The Ten Commandments : Number Seven

 “You shall not commit adultery. (Exodus 20:14) (New International Version) What constitutes adultery?

 22 If a man is found sleeping with another man's wife, both the man who slept with her and

 the woman must die.  You must purge the evil from Israel.


 Page 31  July  03, 2003 The Ten Commandments : Number Eight

 “Thou shalt not steal.” (Exodus 20:15) (21st Century King James Version) 

 Stealing has always been a crime. What does the Bible say about some of the penalties for theft?


 Page 32  July  07, 2003 The Ten Commandments : Number Nine

 You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.” (Exodus 20:16) (New American Standard) 

 What exactly does this mean? Most people believe that it simply means “do not lie”. Actually, there is a lot more to this

 commandment than that. Here is a clearer translation: "You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor.
 (Exodus 20:16) New International Version


 Page 33  July  08, 2003 The Ten Commandments : Number Ten

 You shall not covet your neighbor's house. You shall not covet your neighbor's wife, or his manservant or maidservant,

 his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor." (Exodus 20:17) (New International Version) While this is the

 traditional translation for this commandment, “covet” is not a word that is used much in conversation anymore. Here is a more

 up-to-date translation: “Thou shalt not desire thy neighbour's house, thou shalt not desire thy neighbour's wife,

 nor his bondman, nor his handmaid, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor anything that is thy neighbour's.

 (Exodus 20:17) (Darby)


 Page 34  July  09, 2003  “Not of This World” Part I

 Jesus spoke of being “not of this world many times” to his followers: “23Then he said to them, "You are from below;

 I am from above.  You are of this world; I am not.”

 John 8:23 (NLT)

 What does it mean? This seems to mean  that Jesus came from Heaven and  does not consider himself to be an

 earthly  inhabitant. What evidence is there?


 Page 35  July  10, 2003  “Not of This World” Part II

 Jesus demonstrated many times that he was not “of this world” by performing miracles. He knew that he was formerly

 from Heaven and  just living on earth for a short time: 11Holy Father, I am no longer in the world. I am coming to you,

 but my followers are still in the world. So keep them safe by the power of the name that you have given me.

 Then they will be one with each other, just as you and I are one”

 (John 17:11 (Contemporary English Version)

 This obviously means that Jesus knew he was about to die and go back to Heaven. However, he still said that his followers were

 also “not of this world” many times as well.


 Page 36  Aug  11, 2003  Should We Listen to Jehovah?

 The Bible has many stories in it about the relationship between Jehovah and the people he created long ago.

 Some of them listened to his voice when He spoke and obeyed Him. Many heard His voice with their own ears and

 still disobeyed Him.  Are the faithful rewarded? Abraham (Abram) was one among the many people Jehovah

 conversed with.


  Page 37  Aug  20, 2003  The Lord’s Prayer

 The Bible has many prayers in it. The Lord’s prayer is an example that Jesus gave us. Most people have a vague idea

 of what the words mean,  but often people memorize it and repeat it in prayer mechanically. Is this the best or only way

 to pray to our Heavenly Father? False Christianity,  especially Catholicism, promotes the idea that mindless repetition of

 the Lord’s prayer is the accepted way to pray to their nameless lord. And that is exactly what they do. This is not

 what Jehovah wants from us.


 Page 38  Sep  05, 2003   Jehovah’s Requirements

 Since the dawn of history (the beginnings of mankind) Jehovah, the God who created us had requirements for us.

 What kind of requirements? 

 At first, there were only two people living in the world. Adam and his wife, Eve, lived alone in the Garden of Eden.

 For them, there was only  one commandment: “16 And Jehovah God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of

 the garden thou mayest freely eat: 17 but of the tree  of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in

 the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.“

 (Genesis 2:16-17) (American Standard Version)


 Page 39  Sep  10, 2003  Do You Love Jesus?

 People who attend the churches of false Christianity say they love Jesus. These same people claim that they would

 invite Jesus and his apostles in their home to talk to them. Would they really? Jesus and his apostles were

proselytizers: they tried to convert others to their faith  and to their way of thinking. That meant publicly

announcing Jehovah’s name and His requirements. Just like Jehovah’s Witnesses do.


 Page 40  Sep  19, 2003  Jesus Christ - Man or God? Part 1

 Jesus Christ said he was the son of God many times. With his authority from his father he was able to perform

 many miraculous feats.  Perhaps that is why people today believe that he was a god like his father. What did Jesus say

 about himself?  

 13When Jesus came to the region of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, "Who do people say the Son of Man is?"

 14They replied, "Some say John the Baptist; others say Elijah; and still others, Jeremiah or one of the prophets."

 15"But what about you?" he asked. "Who do you say I am?" 16Simon Peter answered, "You are the Christ,

 the Son of the living God." Matthew 16:13-17) (New International Version)-BibleGateway


 Page 41  Sep  30, 2003  Jesus Christ - Man or God? Part 2

 Why do people stubbornly persist in thinking that Jesus Christ is God? What is their point? True, Jesus was more than

 just a man,  he was God’s son; but evidence in the Bible exists in abundance to show that he was not God at all.

 False Christianity teaches that  Jesus is himself God. That is because false Christianity is busy promoting Jesus and

 covering up the evidence that God is named Jehovah.


 Page 42  Oct  10, 2003  Is the World Really Coming to an End? Part 1

 The World, as we know it now, is indeed coming to an end soon. Many prophets in the Bible wrote about the

 “end of this system of things” thousands of years ago. What was the earliest prophecy?  


 Page 43  Oct  19, 2003  Is the World Really Coming to an End? Part 2

 Recently, in the news, a famous magician named Roy Horn of the well-known duo Siegfried and Roy was seriously injured

 by  one of his own pet tigers. As a matter of fact, people and children are attacked and injured by many kinds of wild

 and tame creatures  every day. Even by trusted pets. Sometimes the person is accidentally hurt, like unfortunate Roy,

 and sometimes the attack is deliberate.  Either way, animals can be dangerous, at least, for now. What does the Bible

 say about our animal friends in the near future?


 Page 44  Oct  29, 2003  Which Do You Believe In – Santa or Jehovah?

 'Tis is the time of year when people in many western countries look forward to celebrating Christmas. This includes

 the tradition of  "Christmas shopping". People who observe the Christmas holiday usually think of the day as being

 sacred to Christians and fun for  everyone. What does the Bible say about this tradition?


 Page 45  Oct  30, 2003  Are You Part of the Solution or the Problem?  

 People today live their lives without even being aware that they are in trouble. Even when they are aware that they

 are in deep trouble,  they do not seem to care. What kind of trouble are people having? Look around. What are the

 world news headlines today?  How many people were murdered yesterday? How many today? How many innocent

 people are in prison worldwide?  How many people were robbed? How many people are being beaten right now?

 How many are women and children?   How many people have addictions? Some of the world is safe and happy,

 but most of it is a place of torment and desperation. Did our Heavenly Father intend for our world to be like this?


 Page 46  Nov 14, 2003  Do We Really Have Free Will? Part 1

 People are said to have free will. What does that really mean? It implies that we have the ability to make our own decisions,

 act on our own initiative and decide what we want to do. Do people use their free will for good?


 Page 47  Nov 15, 2003  Do We Really Have Free Will? Part 2

 Most people think that they control their own destiny and their actions. Is it true that we really control our own destiny,

 or do we allow outside influences to direct our actions? To give an honest answer it will be necessary to look at the

 outside influences in our life that quietly control our decisions.


 Page 48  Dec  17, 2003  Is it true that once saved, always saved? Part 1

 One of the most widespread beliefs perpetuated by false Christianity is the doctrine that “Once saved, you are

 always saved”. In fact, many branches of Protestantism deal specifically with the members being given a ritual

 (such as baptism) that makes them somehow “born again” and therefore “saved”. Where do the ministers of false

 Christianity derive this belief?


 Page 49  Dec  22, 2003  Is it true that once saved, always saved? Part 2

 People who believe they are “saved” or “born again” think that they are going to live forever in Heaven when they die.

 These people find this misinformation from their ministers comforting. They believe that they may sin as much as they

 want to  but Jesus will always love them no matter what. That would be nice, if it were true, wouldn’t it? First, it is

 necessary to understand  that we are not allowed to practice evil every day and expect to be endlessly forgiven for that.

 Would any parents tolerate such behavior  from their children?


 Page 50  Dec  31, 2003  Whose slave are you?

 People live under the false impression that they are free to do whatever they wish to do. Yes, there are countries in the

 world where the governments are harsh and repressive, but most people of the world have a degree of personal freedom,

 or do they? Many kinds of actual slavery still exist in the world today. People are still owned by one or more masters,

 most, without even realizing it! Can these poor slaves free themselves?


 Page 51  Jan     9, 2004  Which God Will Protect Us?

 People have been praying to various gods for countless centuries for many things. There are certainly many thousands

 of gods. Sometimes people pray to them for protection from life’s dangers. Yet when a 6.2 magnitude earthquake shook

 Iran recently (article) almost thirty thousand people were killed there. Most of the dead were Moslems who depended

 on Allah to protect them. Why did Allah let so many people die in this earthquake?


 Page 52  Jan   28, 2004  Are Psychics Helpful To Us?  

 People go to psychics for advice because many psychics have the supernatural ability to forecast the future, see the past

 and describe a person's present situation. Is it a good idea to consult a psychic with proven abilities to learn what the

 future holds for us?  No. It may seem like a good idea, but it is not. Why is it a bad idea?


 Page 53  Feb    3, 2004  Valentines day
hat kind of a holiday is Valentine’s day? Let us look at the information found in the encyclopedia. According to

 the encyclopedia Encarta: Saint Valentine’s Day, a holiday honoring lovers. It is celebrated February 14 by the custom

 of sending greeting cards or gifts to express affection.  The cards, known as valentines, are often designed with hearts

 to symbolize love. The holiday probably derives from the ancient Roman feast of Lupercalis (February 15).


 Page 54  Feb 19, 2004  Not All Good People Go To Heaven  Part I

 Many people think that when they die they will go to Heaven if they are worthy. It seems only fair. Besides, False

 Christianity teaches this belief based on what was written in the Bible. Because of this, most people will probably

 become quite upset to find out that the truth is, they definitely will not go to Heaven when they die.


 Page 55  Mar 2, 2004 Not All Good People Go To Heaven  Part II

 Most people will live forever on the earth instead of in Heaven? Scriptures in the Bible describe how it will happen.

 Here is a vision Ezekiel had that describes how the dead will soon all be restored to life.


 Page 56  Mar 5, 2004 Which Is Real – Jehovah or the Easter Bunny?

 Soon it will be time again for a “Christian” Holiday called Easter. What is Easter?


 Page 57  Mar 24, 2004 The True Story of Lent
 Many Christians celebrate the holy days of Lent before Easter. What is the origin of this tradition?


 Page 58  Apr 6, 2004 An Interview With Jesus

 Normally Jesus Christ doesn’t grant interviews so this is indeed an honor and a privilege to – okay. This isn’t a real

 interview  with Jesus because – like I said – He doesn’t grant interviews. But if I could interview him, it would probably

 go something like this:


 Page 59  Apr 7, 2004 An Interview with Satan

 Normally Satan doesn’t grant interviews so this is indeed an unusual opportunity to – okay. This isn’t a real

 interview with Satan because – like I said – He doesn’t grant interviews. But if I could interview Satan, it would probably

 go something like this:


 Page 60  Apr 8, 2004 An Interview with God

 Normally God doesn’t grant interviews so this is indeed an honor and a privilege to – okay. This isn’t a real

 interview with God because – like I said – He doesn’t grant interviews. But if I could interview God, it would probably

 go something like this:


 Page 61  Apr 30, 2004 The World Is Changing

 Most people have heard that there will be an "end of the world" but do not really expect it to happen. This is

 understandable because even though it was prophesied by many of the Bible's prophets, it was a very long time ago.

 The most recent credible prophesies by Jesus and the apostle John were written almost 2,000 years ago and as we

 can plainly see, the world has still not come to an end.


 Page 62  May 28, 2004 The Power of Pride

 As we draw near to a holiday, known as Memorial Day, Americans will be displaying symbols of their pride for their

 country. People will display American flags from vehicles and buildings. Some will display bumper stickers with

 “The Power of Pride” printed on them with the American flag logo.


 Page 63  June 12, 2004 What is “Babylon the Great”?

 Most people have a religious belief of some kind. This story is for the people of Christendom who attend their

 churches faithfully.


 Page 64  June 16, 2004 The Christian Legacy of Babylon Part 1 The Holy Trinity

 There are many Babylonian beliefs besides the Trinity that still persist today as Christian beliefs such as the

  “immortality of  the human soul”, infant baptism, Christmas, Easter and hellfire.


 Page 65  July 16, 2004 The Christian Legacy of Babylon Part 2 The Immortality of the soul

 The“ immortality of the human soul” is the belief that a “spirit” leaves the body at death and continues

  to exist outside of the body in some way. 


 Page 66  Aug 16, 2004 The Tampered Scriptures

 The Bible was written thousands of years ago by the prophets designated by Jehovah, the God 

  who created us and the entire universe. Through the ages, many people copied the scriptures carefully

  and accurately because they knew that the words written were from God Almighty Himself.


 Page 67  Sept 28, 2004 The Days of Terror

On September 11, 2004 America celebrated a holiday that is only three years old. The new holiday – Patriot Day –

 did not exist prior to September 11, 2001. It is a subtle reminder of the terrible event in New York City that made

 the word “terrorists” a household word people all over the world now use daily. The destruction of the World Trade

 Center was not the first act of terrorism at all, but it now serves as a symbol for all acts of terrorism that continue to

 occur daily in the world.



 Page 68  Nov 18, 2004 The Holiday Called Christmas
The Bible says that in the "Last Days" - people would love pleasure rather than God.

 This is the time of year when people in mostly Christian countries look forward to celebrating Christmas.
 This includes the “sacred” tradition of "Christmas shopping". People who observe the Christmas holiday

 and all of the traditional festivities usually  think of the day as being sacred to Christians and fun for everyone.

 What does the Bible say about this tradition?


 Page 69  Feb 28, 2005 The Holiday Called Easter 
Every year the Christian world celebrates a holiday known as Easter. For Christendom, it is supposed to be
 a most holy day in remembrance of the death and resurrection of Jesus.
 How do we know that Jesus did not really die on Good Friday and then become resurrected Easter Sunday?


 Page 70  April 10, 2005 Blessed Are The Meek
 Just about anybody who hears this phrase recognizes it as being a well-known quote from the Bible. Jesus said it:
 "Blessed are the Meek  FOR THEY WILL INHERIT THE EARTH."
 (Matthew 5:5) (King James Version)
 What does this mean? To a typical Christian, it is not obvious, yet the Bible is full of similar messages.


 Page 71  April 20, 2005 And Justice For All?
What kind of a world do we live in today?
 Many people would cheerfully say that the world is a better place now than it was, say, two thousand years ago. In most countries, especially the Westernized

 ones, we can see a great deal of prosperity and technological advancement. Famines, pestilence, earthquakes and other forces of nature all still take a toll all over 

 the world. But what about justice? Has mankind, after two thousand years, been able to mete out justice any more competently?


 Page 72  June 19, 2005 Blind Faith or True Knowledge? 

 A lot of people have a religion to believe in but do not know anything about the history or origin of their religion. Is it wise to have “blind faith” or    

 would it be better to understand what we believe in?


 Page 73 June 27, 2005 Babylon The Great and Christendom

 Most people have a religious belief of some kind. This story is for the people of Christendom who attend their churches faithfully.   

 Christendom is comprised of the Catholic and the many Protestant religions which includes the Mormons, Seventh-Day Adventists, Baptists, Presbyterians,  

 Lutherans, Born-again, Charismatic, Methodist, etc. Together with all of the non-Christian religions of the world such as Buddhist, Moslem, Hindu, Tao, Shinto,  

 etc. they are known collectively as Babylon the Great.



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 I hope you enjoy the articles. More articles will appear soon. Feel free to comment.