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Maggie McGee & Kiki McFierceson Photos Early November 2003

I am slowly learning how to use the new digital camera and software, and took some pictures of Miss Maggie and her big brother Mr. McFierceson this past week. I am mostly experimenting tonight with what image size is appropriate for these photos for web viewing.

Please bear with my novice web building skills, and I hope you enjoy my kitten pictures.

Maggie Blue

This is Miss Maggie, who somehow manages to do her nicest posing when my house is a complete mess! Isn't she beautiful??!!

Maggie & Kiki's Halloween Night Nap!

Oooh, scarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry!!! On the night of Halloween/going into All Saints' Day morning, Maggie and Kiki decided to start sleeping on the same bed . . . at the same time!!! I wonder if they are sick? After all, they usually exhibit a "normal" sibling rivalry and usually bop each other as soon as I turn my back on them for even a second.

Was it the Halloween Cat Nip they got when they snuck out trick or treating, I wonder?? Maybe I will have to knock some sense into their fuzzy little heads by taking that psychedelic ukulele off the wall and playing it while playing the kazoo. They hate it when I play the kazoo! Muahahahahahahaha!!

While Visions of Gerbil Plums Danced in Their Heads

Okay, okay! So it's evident that The Kidz have ulterior motives for pretending to be nice to each other and napping together: They are on their very best behavior because they want Santa Claus to bring them each a baker's dozen fuzzy gerbils and a pair of parakeets from the Zoo Zone!!