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The Welcome
Welcome to my personal blog site, Sw33t Kisses! Here, Ill talk about my everyday life and such! Hope you have fun reading and hope you have a fun time!

The Girl
Real name is Jennifer, People call me Jenn. 13 years of age. Lives in New York. Loves making new friends. Fav movie is Legally Blond. Loves anime. Loves Final fantasy. Loves website-desiging. Enjoys reading gbook entries. Upsessed with the internet.

The Layout
I got the idea from another site. She had a flower layout, so I wanted to do a rose layout. I got this rose for Google image search. And all the effects and stuff are made in PSP7.

The Contact
AIM: stardreamlite
Email: Click!

The Hits

Hey! Im so super sorry for not blogging in such a long time! I was away on vacation and forgot to put like a hiatus sign or something. Today feels kinda hot, but last week wasnt. Last week felt a bit cool. My summer school had an air conditioner on so I was freezing. Heh! I sit right in front of the air conditioner!! >_< So... my brother is going to wipe my computer clean. Heh!! Cant wait! Whoo!! Heh! It'll be better for me... you'll see. Haha. Well anyways, I have to go to the dentist at 4:00, and its like 3:10. My mom is like yelling because she wants to take me there early. Soo, I cant type much. Im wondering about making a different site with content so that visitors wont be so bored of just reading this. There probably thinking... oh what a boring life, hahaha. Well anyways, my mom is REALLY yelling loud and I gotta go! Ttyl!
Jenn kissed her blog goodbye at 3:12pm

Wow! What a day! Today I went to central park with my family and it was pretty hot. My stomach was hurting the whole time I was there! It really hurt! My brother also had a stomach ache. For some crazy reason, I wanted a popsicle and I got one which made my stomach hurt a lot for a while. But I held it! It hurt!! =( Well, still got a whole day today and I dont know what to do. My stomach is fine by the way. ^_^ Heh! Well, I gotta go! So ttyl!
Jenn kissed her blog goodbye at 2:40pm

Hey! Whats up? I went to Jenna's house today. We played spit for hours... Then we decided to play chinese jumprope and I jumped over the rope and hit into the couch and fell. Yep it hurt. Got some skin ripped off. Heh! Then we went outside and I told Jenna to jump over that chain and BOOM! She fell. Gosh, Im soo mad at myself for telling her to do that!! >.< Now she's got this big bump on her leg. And I just bleeded a little. What a day! Tomorrow is a sunday. Im not really sure what I should do tomorrow. Got like a WHOLE day. I aint going to anyone's house tomorrow since I've been out of the house so much. I like staying home. Plus its hot... Wouldnt you like to stay home with a.c.? =/ Yesterday was the last day of school and I was SOOO happy!!! But now I have NOTHING to do for the summer. Ugh. That sucks. At least it gives me time to work on my website. There's not really much to work on, but oh well! Heh! Later!
Jenn kissed her blog goodbye at 11:17pm