Je m'appelle Andy, et J'ai une poisson rouge !

The name is Frenchboi...due to my success at French..not summit to be proud of really...Im 16 at 17 in November....I live with me Maa and Daa and little brother Mark who is 13...err...Im about 5ft 9..Medium Build...Bleached hair at the minute!....I've just finished school and did me exams...awaiting results tho!....gan into 6th form afterwards...But who wants to hear about school!!....I got a gud set of mates although err 3 of em are Mackems(Sunderland supporters to none Northern people) which im not really proud to say!..Closest mates include Danny, Ford and Sean and probs Woody..others well theres loads man...You kno who you are!.IM currently unattached and single, but i'm open to offers..I call myself an Intermediate Alcoholic...cos I usually say I don't get pissed all that often..but drinkin evrynight and getting pissed more and more is becoming a regular occurance..errr I love playing me Bass Guitar which Ive had since about July around a year and a bit now it is...Im getting better and better at it like...Im not in a band at the mo...but I want to be in one..As I've said I love going out with me mates...checking out girls...who doesn't?..I dont have such a same music taste as many of me closest mates..although we all like Rock music it's kinda different tastes...for instance I like the Mellow stuff and Britrock...bands like Idlewild,Feeder and Ash...but I love the American ones also..bands like The Strokes I think spend way too much time on the computer like...Msn in particular.. Im quite a cleaver little boy(so my maa sez lol)looking to do Journalism in the future...I have a phobia of Vomitting..(Puking)..I hate it and I can't stand seeing people being sick...or even seeing it on the deck lol.....My Great loves include me Bass...Family..Friends..Football(of course)..Newcastle United..Cricket..Music..and me country..Im proud to be British..but I can't stand Bastard politicians.....My Hates include..Sunderland Football Club...Shitty music where you can't understand the words..Politicians..Governments.Bigheads....Puking..Manchester United..Barcelona...GERMANS!! GRRR ... My fave TV shows include Bo Selecta, Auf Wiedersehen Pet and Peter Kay's Pheonix Nights ...My idol is Alan Shearer because he's such a gr8 player..and evry1 givs him shit..and thts shit!... As I say Im going into 6th form now to study English Language, Psychology, Law and Business Studies... ENJOI DA SITE...FROM FRENCHBOI !!


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