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I guess this is growing up
Friday, 10 June 2005

sorry i haven't been too keen on keeping this updated. i'm busy.

Posted by blog/squeegie85 at 3:41 PM EDT
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Sunday, 29 May 2005

i can't say that i fully know how to describe what the last week has been like for me. every day, i feel exhausted. never have i felt so worthless and useless. i get to work by 5:45 am each day and instantly become part of a huge rush. we get a break for lunch, thank God. but, that's only after working between six and seven hours. i do things as well as i know how to--it's still not good enough. it's like i wake up every morning knowing i'm going to fail. and, since it's so stressful and i'm not used to the hours, i'm constanly exhausted. never have i felt so fatigued. after i'm finished working, i get to do at least one type of homework each night. every night, i have to write in my journal what i did that day in exact detail. and everything better be perfect, because chef reads it and tells me what i'm doing wrong. this weekend, i had two extra homework assignments. it's just so much to take right now. i know it will get better. i know i will grow to love what i'm doing. right now, it's just so hard to get used to. this is much harder than school ever was; nothing i did before this could have prepared me for what i was going to face. i'm getting there. i'm sure this week will be much better than last. at least i won't have the first week gitters anymore.

it's difficult to know that your friends are hundreds of miles away. i don't know anyone here well enough to actually hang out with them. it's very lonely. kyle came to visit me this weekend, though. that made things a lot better, to have someone here that i know. once again, it's one of those things that i realize will get better with time. it's just getting to that point that's so difficult.

well, i'm off again...

Posted by blog/squeegie85 at 10:45 PM EDT
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Saturday, 28 May 2005

i'll update it more later, i promise

work is crazy. i've never been so tired, hungry, and stressed in my entire life. but, i love it

my new family is cool, i like living here

more later

Posted by blog/squeegie85 at 4:54 PM EDT
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Friday, 20 May 2005


leaving tomorrow

Posted by blog/squeegie85 at 12:59 AM EDT
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Wednesday, 18 May 2005

well, it's official...i'm moving out of my house for the last time on friday. i can't believe that my vacation is almost over, and i'm starting work on monday. i think i'm ready to start though. i'm done with all this, and ready to move on with the rest of my life. time to get stuff done

Posted by blog/squeegie85 at 10:37 AM EDT
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Saturday, 14 May 2005

so kyle left today for north carolina. it once again proved that my parents love him more than me. when they dropped me off in north carolina, it was just a "hey, i'll see you later." when kyle left, they were all crying and hugging him like there was no tomorrow. i jokingly pointed this out. they really didn't know how to refute it. that's it. it's official. i am the unwanted child.

i really need something to do with my time. when you have nothing to do is when you really miss people the most. then i realized something. all the people that i really care about and expected to talk to, i have. obviously, i wish i was with them, but at least i know they still think about me. that doesn't always help the loneliness...but i know that whenever i need to hear a friendly voice, you're just a phone call away. thank you...

Posted by blog/squeegie85 at 11:10 PM EDT
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Friday, 13 May 2005

it's been a week since i've graduated, and i have yet to do something useful with myself. cassie was home this week, which is always a good time, even in our lovely town. but alas, she went back to school today. on wednseday, they rented harleys again, so i went along. there's nothing like knowing that the only thing keeping you from death is how much you can hold on. i had fun though. kyle is leaving tomorrow to go to nc for the summer. what a miserable state. hopefully he likes his job, but i still won't be able to see him until at least august. my room still hasn't been looks like a bomb went off. i'm definitely putting that one off for as long as possible. i miss everyone, of course. it's not exactly like there's stuff around here to take my mind off everyone. just know that i miss you, and i'm thinking of you. time to go start my day

Posted by blog/squeegie85 at 9:51 AM EDT
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Sunday, 8 May 2005

well, i'm home now after a few stressful goodbyes. as much as i wanted to leave that place, it was incredibly difficult to leave those that i've grown fond of. this is the beginning of a new part of my life, i know. but for now, it's just sitting around in the middle of nowhere, pa, doing nothing but missing everyone. i do have to start getting my life in order so i can move again. until then, know that i'm thinking of you

Posted by blog/squeegie85 at 6:05 PM EDT
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Friday, 6 May 2005

i've been looking forward to graduation for such a long time now. it's obviously such a huge part of the scheme of my life. after graduation, i'll be starting a new job and direction for myself. i knew that it would be difficult to say my goodbyes, but i had no idea. it's so hard to say goodbye to someone if you have no idea if you'll ever see them again. people i've been close to for such a long time, just gone like that. i know that i'll keep in touch with those that care, but that doesn't help the feeling of losing friends. i'll all be ok...

as a reminder:

time is never time at all
you can never ever leave without leaving a piece of youth
and our lives are forever changed
we will never be the same
the more you change the less you feel
believe, believe in me, believe
that life can change, that you're not stuck in vain
we're not the same, we're different tonight
tonight, so bright
and you know you're never sure
but you're sure you could be right
if you held yourself up to the light
and the embers never fade in your city by the lake
the place where you were born
believe, believe in me, believe
in the resolute urgency of now
and if you believe there's not a chance tonight
tonight, so bright tonight
we'll crucify the insincere tonight
we'll make things right, we'll feel it all tonight
we'll find a way to offer up the night tonight
the indescribable moments of your life tonight
the impossible is possible tonight
believe in me as i believe in you, tonight

Posted by blog/squeegie85 at 6:30 PM EDT
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by the time any of you read this, i'll either be graduating or have already graduated.

let's take a shot at this whole adult life thing

Posted by blog/squeegie85 at 7:36 AM EDT
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