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august 11, 2003 & 9:55 pm
hey, whats up? well of course this blog can't get blogging... until I get a host. i want to set up content/fanlistings/etc when I get a home, obviously. lol. well I think that's all there is for now. i love my layout. no brushes at all, unusual for me, lol.

;! welcome

since: august 10, 2003
host: none [yet]
type: personal/blog
ran by: sammi
hits: soon as we are hosted.

;! content - coming soon.

;! about me
sammi. 13. minnesotan. 8th grade. blonde/brown/green hair. hazel eyes. dance. classic rock. the beatles. the stones. kelly clarkson. afi. ks95. couch potato. soap operas. amc. keytar. trumpeter. black cats. the extreme socks. swimming. ashton kutcher love. punk'd. procrastinator. grease. save ferris. wants needs more money. picture coming soon.

;! whats playin?
brainstew / greenday
stacy's mom / fountains of wayne
stupid girl / cold
what i like about you / lillix

;! at the moment
date: 8/12/03
time: 1:25 PM
wearing: flame pajama pants/relay for life shirt
makeup: none right now
eating: clam chowder
drinking: n/a
watching: one life to live
thinking: better go work out soon...

;! fanlistings/cliques
coming if and when we get a host...

;!contact me
AIM: littlexhellion67
email: thehottesttopic@hotmail.com
yahoo: bowlingbabe142