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And on to the ranting!

6.7 Today I woke up at the ass crack of dawn to get ready for my SAT II. Adam picked me up around 7.30 even though we were supposed to leave at 7.15. We got there 15 minutes early anyway, mostly because I needed to change my ticket around. Ms. Delgado, the testing coordinator at Salisbury screwed me over. Instead of SAT IIs I was signed up for the math and verbal reasoning test SAT I. Oh but there is more. I was supposed to take the good ol' train down to the city and take the test in the Bronx. Balls. So I stood in line while some balding woman who could have easily passed as a butch overweight male wrestler handed me my stub so I could go take the test against my own will. I think I did alright, there was a lot of information we never covered in bio class at school. Also my brain has been fried by useless AIM conversations and Tiger Wooods golf 2003 on that damn gamecube. We shall see how it goes. Last night I bought a bus ticket to go to Cleveland this Thursday. It is an eight hour ride each way, which means a lot of ass picking on the ride. Or I will bring my mp3 player, you decide. Im leaving Thursday and coming back Sunday. If you really break it down that means I will get there around 10.30 at night on Thursday, have Friday and Saturday to goof off, and then on Sunday morning bright and early I return to my beloved ghetto. What a trip! Pops and Stephen are gone this weekend. Steve went back to the house in Ithaca with Emi because her parents came up. Pops is on a fishing trip where a lot gets done. They finish ALL of their beer AND break many things, Im sure. After that he is headed down to Lousiana for a business trip. He should be back at the end of the week, which is good news. I think this is all for now, we will see how this new website works out and how often I update it. Considering I don't have too much going on right now I think the chances are pretty good. Your oscarmeyer weiner friend, Rob


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