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Ramsical's Photo Album

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Ok, I know the pics rn't that great quality... but considering how small they really r in real life, i reckon it's not that bad... ^^

April 2003 April 2003

May 2003 May 2003

June 2003 June 2003

July 2003 July 2003

August/September 2003 August/September 2003

November/December 2003 November/December 2003

sticker fotos:
yea well u all know what sticker fotos r. ^^

Sticker Fotos Sticker Fotos

card fotos:
lil souvenirs from city outings. ^^

Card Fotos Card Fotos

sum photos that rn't polaroids, and better qualities~ ^^

Macleans Ball 2003 Macleans Ball 2003

Macleans Ball School Fotos Macleans Ball 2003 - Professional Fotos

Nancy's 18th B'day Fotos Nancy's 18th B'day Fotos

Lemming-that-i-made-for-William Fotos Lemming Fotos

Cornflake Fotos Cornflake Fotos

NYE Party Fotos NYE Party Fotos

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