Raghav Subbarao

Hi! I think it would be best if I explain my reasosn for inflicting this site on your sensibilities before we proceed any further.

While I was sitting around getting bored, after completing my undergraduation and watching Friends reruns (Yes...by 2003 even India had Friends reruns) I figured I'd put down for posterity all the stuff that happened to me in my four years of undergraduation. So here it is...my homepage...

My principal preoccupations (when I am not watching Friends reruns) are reading and music. I myself find it difficult to classify my reading tastes since I read most anything. So you can just check out a few of the books which I have read to form your own opinions as to what you would like to classify me as.

My musical tastes are slightly more directed. 'Metal' would about sum it up. You can get more stuff about the bands and albums I like over here.

Movies are another major source of entertainment to me. My tastes are however very contemporary and I dont have too much patience for the slow, drama ala. A Streetcar Named Desire , a movie I slept through. You can get a more detailed description of what I do like rather than what I do not like here.

Another activity that took up a major amount of time at IIT was quizzing. Hopefully some day I'll get enough energy to put a few of my better questions here. For now you can check out the IIT-Delhi Quizzing Club page.

Also, though this might seem extremely hypocrtitical considering I am going to the US, please check this stuff out