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more to be anticipated.


the first to be taken on this camera. not too bad. pretty cool ain't it.

hmmm. these few pics were taken in my bedroom. nice colour yeah? i think i'm getting overly narcissistic. or maybe... just a little too much in love? awww.

i like this one the best. cuz. i think it's the nicest looking one? cheated a little with adobe.

i seldom smile like that.

i look like a deflated puppy as i always call norman. hah!


less contrast alteration. the wonders of adobe.

i used a different flash for this. the previous flash looks better. there're three flashes on this new cam. i'm still trying to figure them out.

this is how it looks like without adobe.

this is sheila! a little too drained after milieu. didn't manage to catch the other girls.

it's norman! i think he's cute. he thinks he isn't. so much for that, he's mine.

my two really, really close girl friends. so close, he's jealous!

put on weight. grrr. black and white.

fatter. and fatter. grrr. i cut my hair.

it looks kinda good as a thumbnail. it's gross when it gets blown up.