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Letters to Life

What Exactly Am I Doing Here?

This isn't for anyone but me. If you come here and gain a better understanding of who I am and where I am at in life, I am glad. But please know that nothing on this page is directed at anyone but me. It's time that I start living, and I welcome you to share the journey with me, but do so knowing that the journey is not for you.

I have been lucky enough to meet some incredibly touching people in my life. People who just glow, who have something inside of them that is special, amazing, something that allows me to just "click" with them. And I thank God that I have been lucky enough to recognize them when I see them.

"I once was lost, but now am found...was blind, but now I see..."

Ciggerettes are cancer sticks
But goldfish make me cry...

I am strong, smart, funny, beautiful, kind, loving, loyal, compassionate, quick, sexy, alive. I have talent. I have worth. I am good. I am human, and I make mistakes. I am not perfect. I can not perform miracles. I have regrets. That is ok. I deserve to be loved, respected, appreciated, and needed. I deserve happiness. I deserve to be alive.

days until I move into my new apartment!

Some days, I am not I have help:

I Loooooove You...

I still haven't gotten my stupid schedule figured out, Manf. I think I'll just let you do it for me ;-) I hope you know what a skary idea that is! :-P

I would love to hear your thoughts:
IM me at "pupetkat" on AOL IM!