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Here are the photos that you worked so hard by clicking the mouse to see. I hope you like 'em !

Well, here is my little Robert again. This photo I consider as my art. I
actually think it is one of the best photos that I have taken. Well... what do you think ? He's cute right ?

And we're off.. to see some more pictures .. wonderful pictures take by Patrick. LA LA LA LA LA

Shhh! The baby is sleeping. Hah that's not a baby up there. That's just little Robert, sleeping on my laptop.

...And , well here is my brother Jonathan.. and guess who again ! ?
That's right ! Robert. This picture was taken when Robert was just little pup.. Well he still is a puppy but you know what I mean.

Is that a monkey down there ?

Nah ! Its just Jonathan acting like one. OHH ! OHH ! AHH ! AHH !

Hey you ! Look at those two puppies down there in the next picture.

Oh no ! Wait ! There is only one puppy up there... and Joshua too.

Sorry to cut this page so short but if you want to see some more photos then just use some effort and just click "Next" again. I know ! It is hard to click the mouse. But guess what ? You can do it, I know you can.

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