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As some of you may know, I play the piano. Some of you may think it is stupid and pointless, I can think of one right off the top of my head, but he shall remain nameless.

I have been playing piano for ever since I can remember. I started out just fooling around, not really knowing what I was doing. I had asked to get piano lessons every christmas for more than six or seven years and finally my parents gave in and decided to get me piano lessons. I have been taking lessons for about a year and a half now. I have met a couple of popular pianists like: Roland Batik, Brian Ganz

I have always loved playing the piano. I can remember going to my grandmothers house and sitting Archer piano downstairs listing to my brother practice on her Archer upright grand piano. I used to sit there imagining me sitting on the bench playing for my whole family, never thinking that it would ever really happen. My brother would sometimes teach me little easy songs on the piano by telling me which keys to press down. I loved doing that but I wanted to know more than just what keys to push and when. I wanted to know everything about it. I had asked my Grandmother if she could teach me but, that one lesson only lasted about two minutes due to the fact that I had to leave.

I guess my grandmother knew that I had potential with the piano and saw that I had an intrest in it. She kept persuading me to continue to ask for piano lessons until I got them. Eventualy my parents gave in and i finally got piano lessons. I took them for about a year until my teacher moved to Florida. My grandmother decided to step in after that and offer to help my parents pay for piano lessons from her past piano teacher. I really wanted to take lessons from her because she sounded like a really great teacher.It took about two years on convincing but again, my parents gave in and agreed to get me lessons. I still take lessons from her. And like I stated before, I have taken lessons for about a year and a half now and I plan on continueing until she cant teach me anymore or I move away.

Here is a link to all of the videos that I have posted onto the popular video site YouTube. If you have an account there please leave me a comment, if you dont, then you should get one. The accounts are all free and you can get one by going here
