About Me
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Bryan Granger


Hey. If you dont already know me, my name is Bryan Granger. *I'm a pretty much "down to earth" kinda guy. Some of my friends may tell you however that im kinda weird. I have gotten alot of comments on how quite I am and how shy I seem. That is true that I am a shy person, not to the extent that im like hiding behinde your back to try and avoid eye contact with other people or anything. I like to meet people and slowly get to know them. If they dont like the fact that I am quiet and they dont want to hang around me because of that, then I see them as judgmental and have no intrest in hanging around them. When I meet someone I am normally quite because I want to see how that person acts and talks so that way I can find a way to talk to them without offending them in any way. I have found over the years that this is the best way for me to meet people. Once I have met someone and we know eachother pretty well I start to open up. I have had many people tell me how quiet I was when they first met me and how open I have become now. I am very easy to get along with. If you respect me I will respect you. If I say or do somthing that you dont like, tell me and I will try not to do it again. *Keyword* "try", there have been many cases where I stopped doing somthing but after time went on I started doing it again. People make mistakes, and I am just like anyother person.


One of my best friends is my niece, Summerlyn (beside me in the picture). What ever kind of mood I am in, she somehow manages to bring a smile to my face. She seems to look up to me also and that makes me feel even closer to her. What ever I am doing, she wants to do. She normally understands what ever it is rather quickly also. I would say she is really smart for her age, but others may say she is a normal 4 yearold. Just recently I started to teach her to play piano. She got a hang of that almost immediatly. I was very surprised. So far she has only learned part of a song, but when she finishes it I will put a recording of it on here. I also taught her how to draw a little bit. Her favorite thing to draw is people which I taught her how to do.


Besides that I have alot of friends at the school I attend, South River High. Alot of my friends share alot of the same interests as I do. They are in most of my elective classes such as Piano, Art, Computers, ect. Some of my friends dont have anything in common with me and normally we pick on each other about our different hobbies.

still under construction

*-thank you "Russ"