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I know I may not be the best photographer. Heck, I would just consider myself to be no more than a moment capturer. These mostly are pictures that i thought could never be recreated again so i went ahead and snapped a picture quick. But here they are! If you like them, feel free to tell me what you think by clicking my contact page and sending me a message! Thanks Bryan

Frozen Leaves
Frozen Trees
Frozen Trees
Frozen Bush
frozen Trees

These are Pictures of some of the aftermath from the accident involving Pamela Castenada on March 28, 2007.
Front page of Newspaper
kids pulled from wreckage
Car Part among the leaves
Car part among the leaves
burnt out flares
Crosses for Pamela
Marked Skid marks
Tire marks in the mud
Signs for Pamela
Signs for Pamela

These are pictures from the 2006-2007 senior prank at our school.
Burried Bug