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Wanda's Place For Pets And Household Tips
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Now Playing: Those Pesky Fleas!
I am not one to use chemicals in my home. If I won't use them in my home, why would I put them on my pets? Who knows what damage those flea collars are doing to our pets' immune system? As a great alternative, you can buy citronella flea collars in most pet stores. They have a lovely lemon scent. Other options are a pinch of garlic powder in their food every time you feed them, and/or 1 tsp of apple cider vinegar to the water dish. If you're too late and your pet already has fleas, go to any natural alternative store that caters to pets and get a natural, chemical-free shampoo. Get rid of those fleas, and then try the above suggestions. If anyone has any other suggestions, I'd be glad to hear of them.

Posted by Wanda at 1:26 PM CST
Updated: Sunday, February 11, 2007 1:28 PM CST
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A First For Me
Mood:  chillin'
Now Playing: Love Your Job
Hi All: This is my first time attempting a blog, or any king of website, so bear with me. My name is Wanda. I live (right now) in an extremely cold region of Ontario, Canada. Although winter came really late this year, it went from 2C to -19C in just a couple of days. Talk about no time to adjust. My boss even phoned me one morning and told me not to come in to work. That was kind of upsetting because I really do love my job. Speaking of jobs, I think I'm in a minority. I do love my job. I work in a cattery. That is a place that breeds and sells cats. I just do the grunt work. I clean pens and litter, feed and water, and whatever else they need. I get scratched, bit, spit on (and other things). It's a dirty job, and I love it. Are there other people out there who feel the same? Let me know. Tell me what you do for a living and why you enjoy it, or hate it, so much.

Posted by Wanda at 12:45 PM CST
Updated: Sunday, February 11, 2007 1:13 PM CST
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