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Daily Dose:

...for the joy of the Lord is your strength.

-Nehemiah 8:10

Pic. taken on my first b-day. Birthday countdown: 2 weeks.

Bugger off!

-Be nice to locker mate, freshy girl.(or at least try)
-Try not laugh when Seaman (visual arts teacher) launches her "how to be a better student" speech
-Practice saying, "Hi! we're making magic at Chucke Cheese, how may I help you?"
-Use the stairs instead of the elevator
-Try not to think of those wonderful, wonderful stiletto boots at Winners.
-Stop teasing Diane about her half-bacon, half-bisaya lingo.
-Make peace with Shakespeare and ask him if he's willing to lend his brain.
-Keep a pack of starburst handy
-Stop cursing Macbeth; put in mind that he's nothing but fiction. But that doesn't change the fact that he's an asshole.


Dumb and Dumber

Me: (holding Diane's flip-style mobile phone in my ear) Ay,sira. walang dial tone.

Pry: Hala,bakit wala??


I'm now on a once-a-week blogging basis. I would love to have more blogging time but it's not just possible as of yet. (teachers still living out their titles. wonder when it'll wear off. hopefully soon) School is not laying it off even a tad bit. I swear one more painful jab and I'm seriously out there protesting to the bigwigs. My last few brain cells are now on its last legs and I'm not even undergoing Apoptosis! O man, o man! The blame goes to my wonderful, wonderful counselor who threw in all the tough subjects in one semester. I ought to barge in her office and tell her that I have a life to live just in case she forgot.Kidding. Even if I'll consider that option, it's all too late now. All I can do is..well...nothing. Actually, I could make the most out of it and see what I can do. Hey, no harm in trying. *screeching halt* Was that me trying to be optimistic? Man, that's scary.

I swear I'll go nuts. walnuts.

Okay, now that my optimism has plummeted down again, I'll be whining about how unfortunate I am with teachers. I know it's bad to speak ill of others, but puhleese let me pass on this one. I promise to be as euphemistic as I can. Let's just say i have a pretty talkative teacher who talks even when it's not of utmost necessity. And oh, her voice..let's not talk about her voice. Phew, that was a description crammed with euphemism right there. Gawsh, I wonder when she'll run out of saliva. or have a sore throat. I'll rejoice then.

*teacher on her perpetual "Montage-should-be-done-if-not-your-a-bad-student" speech*

Me: Gawsh, this is like instant headache everyday.

Ropha: Don't worry I have Tylenol.


Today, I'm officially a Chucke Cheese Hostess.Teehee! My debut to the working world!

Earlier, I reported for work. My first ever working day! I was expecting it to be memorable, though not this memorable, so to speak. Let's just say it was not so great and was rather a bit off track. Fine, not a bit, a LOT. First day of work and I WAS FRIGGIN LATE!!! Hold on, not for 10 mins. or 15 but a good half-hour of impermeable lateness. Gee, really. What a nice first impression to impose. Halt the daggers, it wasn't neccessarily my fault.Well, technically. You can't blame me if my mind suddenly wandered off after the branch manager "welcomed me aboard". I was in a stupor and well, that entails forgetting about the details of the whenabouts. So being the responsible (ehem-ehem,how kapal)person that I am, I called to check on the time and the schmuck who answered told me that it's at 5. So I came at 5.

I entered the place, smile plastered and all, I asked the usherette about the orientation and the dreadful picture suddenly revealed itself. They were there, the employees-to-be and Greg(manager) clustered in one corner, talking about...I don't know;I was late. Okay.I'm dead. I thought about my newly-bought shorts ans white shoes (requirements for the job which by the way, I didn't have till then) and how they are history after the utterance of these two words: You're fired! Hala, di pa nga ako sumesweldo, tanggal na ako. Just when I was ready to get fired on the first day of work, my oh-so-nice boss told me to hang on for he'll get me the papers I need to sign. When he handed me the folder, I grabbed it. Just to be on the safe side. You never know, minds tend to be erratic.

Anyways, blogging time is over. Need to catch some zzzz. I'll be playing wonderful citizen of Canada tomorrow and do community hours. Later days!


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Ergo I Poo
Daily Dose:

"God is a little like American Express Don't leave home without Him"

-excerpt from an e-mail

The Return of the Jedi

"That's it! I'm gone to China!!!"

- Andréa, after a horrible, horrible lesson in math

"You're smart. Go away."

-Heather, after I figured out the answer to the undecipherable question (out of sheer luck, btw)

"Go pick your nose."

- Heather, after I told her how pathless her life is

I've gone AWOL again for the umpteenth time. Looks like the word "AWOL" will be hanging around in my blog from time to time. I hope not frequently.

School is the ultimate drab of drabs. Not to mention an effective destroyer of one's blogging life, namely mine. School just started but it felt like a century already. My classrooms are beginning to look like prison cells which is not suppose to happen until the later part of the semester. School's drowning me non-stop. Man, i need air.

Not only that, I'm lockered beside two freshmens, apparently a couple, who I think made their own schedule of when to bicker and when to make up. M-W-F bickering mode. T-Th Making up mode. I'm surprised they're still together. They are seriously driving me bonkers. One time, I overheard their conversation. Actually, make that fighting. Not that I meant to eavesdrop but how could I miss it, they're practically shouting at each other.So anyways, the so-called argument was because of freshy boy closing the locker door without freshy girls consent, which is juvenile since she could just open it up again. It's not like she's gonna die. Apparently to her it was the hugest deal and the ultimate mistake. The drama scene would have been cute with freshy boy practically kneeling for forgiveness but freshy girl is just too annoying. I eyed freshy boy. He shrugged. My sympathies to him.

Eventhough school's acting like a class- A jerk, I would have to say that there are still good things that came out of it. For instance, my gorgy friend Daf is now a certified G2 driver, meaning we won't have to squeeze our butts to get inside the bus; meaning lunch-outs be it Tim Hortons, Wendy's or KFC; meaning gimmicks with utmost convenience. It's a good thing somebody finally took on an extra notch and decided to be a lady. And what can i say, it'd be always Daphne since pry is still a metalloid between being a lady and a child and me of course...well,as if I'd speak ill of myself in my own blog, duh! Anyhoo, I so love Dap-dap. Thank God for her.

Screw snapple, starburst is the best stuff on earth! well, it did snatch me a couple of new friends. As soon as I opened the pack of starburst, the omygoshes came in. It's funny because everyone fussed on a bag of starburst.

And ow yeah, thanks to it, I got an adopted child too, Suzy, my spoiled-not-to-mention-brat seatmate who demands that I feed her everyday.(joking)

And the ultimate news, I finally got myself a job!!! props to myself (nyek) I never new smiling could get me a job. Oh no, please, I'm not modeling for anything - that's so far-fetched not to mention ridiculous. I got hired because of smiling too much, which according to the manager is the very quality that they're looking for in a potential employee since business is mainly interaction. Wow. well at least I know smiling works for me.


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What's on Dec.12? *baffled* What? Nothing.
Daily Dose:

"Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you must look not only to your own interest, but also the interests of others"

-Philippians 2:3-4

You know how it is...

when you feel extremely pretty for some pathetic reason...

but in reality you're really not?

I'm having a sudden case of that right now.

Kids can get a bit overwhelming at times. It's intolerable. Trust me.

Gone AWOL again for the longest time. raison d'etre was that yours truly was up in the utopian paradise of niagara, having the time of my life. Niagara falls was at its peak of allure wehn we came there.I don't know what made me say that. it just seemed that way. unmatched, truly.

It was fun. Went inside a (fake) haunted house with 7 children in tow. Assuming it'd be nothing but a juvenile trip made for cowards, I went in first to get it over with. Damn, I was wrong.

Sacre!it scared the guts out of me.

I was ready to head back when I remembered the little tag on the door which said, "No refunds for chickens"

so okay, their little insult hit me right in the brow.

Yes, I did make my way to the end. But it was painful. Add to that the fact that I paid them five bucks to scare my butt off.

In other news...

During our fab-fab trip, I had the chance to get acquainted with a phenomenal boy named Alex.

Oh no, not what you're thinking. Nothing more than platonic. For crying out loud, he's just 7 and I certainly don't want to end up in jail.

Anyways, I had extremely thought-provoking confabs with him. With a 7 yr. old child who still probably sleeps with his nappies on.

I was reading when suddenly, out of nowhere he grabbed my book. and pretended to read. (while oblivious to the fact that the book was actually upside down)

so I asked him, "Do you know how to read?"

and then he told me, in the most indignant way,"Sometimes."

Man, he was serious.

I wanted to laugh my belly out but it'd be a letdown. I don't want to. He was too cute to be vexed.

That was just one incident.

We were talking about his pet geckos when this huge slipup came out of my big mouth: "Who would look after your geckos?" (since we were spending the night there in Niagara).

He,with all his stored wisdom acquired from his pre-school days, answered, "They'll be fine. They'll look after each other. And it'll be good. They'll have sex while we are away."

I stared at him. hard.

He wasn't even a tad bit fazed by the look on my face! worse, he went even further.

"You know sexing or mating. They'll get the chance to have 'em. and after that, they'll have eggs."

That was way too much information.

When I was 7 yrs. old the only thing I knew as far as sexual matters go is that you could get pregnant when kissed by a boy. and it's not even true!

I could stare at him all I want but I knew I would get nothing. so I turned to her wonderful, wonderful older sister, Kristine. I looked at her levelly. she in turn gave me a sweet, naive smile, as if saying, "Hindi sakin galing yan." Pimp.

That was too much daunting to last me a lifetime. especially coming from a little boy. So i told/asked him,

"Those are too big words for you buddy, where did you get all those.....things?"

"From the care sheet manual."

Apparently that time he was capable of reading.

Kids...they say the darndest things.

I'll miss him. I'll miss him and his big mouth.


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When the going gets tough, the tough gets going.
Daily Dose:

God is a little like Scotch Tape You can't see Him but you know He's there - excerpt from a forwarded e-mail

When you don't have anything productive to do, go bang your head on the wall.

I'm on an emotional rollercoaster as of yet. Everything is so fast-tracked. Things have been happening (which I wouldn't go into further detail, thank you) and I'm hating every second of it.

Why am I always a lousy rebound? Damn it!

A good scream would make me better.


Jeez, jed, try to humor yourself.

But there's no sense brooding over it now...I'll just go bonkers.

So I tried this...this...whatever this is. How it works is you enter your name and it tells you your supposed "ideal job".

surprise, suprise! enter weirdness. so anyways, here are the results:

1.) Jed Rovelo - Lo and behold... "Litter Warden" in raw term, garbage collector. May pa litter-litter warden pang nalalaman, basurera din pala bagsak ko.Nice one though.

2.) Jed - "Travelling musician". Now this, I totally agree upon. I used to be in a band back in Pinas. Vocalist. Although my flaming ardour for music, I never thought of it as a "career"; an outlet for my passion and my way of service to the Lord (soloist in my old parish) are all it is and that ends there. Although I've been constantly inkled to join "Canadian Idol" after my singing stint at school. I would have considered that if only I have the guts, which unfortunately I don't.

3.) Marie Jed Rovelo - an ever glorious "Car Thief". Jeez, Thanks. So I suppose I could just drop out now since school is not a requisite. and I don't think they offer a course on pilfering... Wait a minute, that's not even a job! well,technically. then again, who would want to be a car theif?

4.) Marie Rovelo - "Porn Star". Isang malaking HUWAW! The downfall of the porn industry. and may I add, severe depression for the male populace.

5.) Marie Jed Camit Rovelo - "Ballet Dancer" oh I wish! Man, slim chance. scratch that, no chance. at all. Besides, I can't imagine myself in a tutu doing plies, not that I could do them anyways.


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When the going gets tough, the tough gets going.
Daily Dose:

The Lord will accomplish what concerns me; Your loving kindness, O Lord, is everlasting; Do not forsake the works of Your hand.

-Psalm 138:8

Goodbye vacation. Hello school.

Two more weeks. Two more weeks of unimpeded freedom, late-night t.v. immoderation,and computer usage strictly for personal leisure. Sadly, two more weeks is all I have.

* Double merde!

I'm hoping it's not so bad this time. I remember the last time I started school I was all over the place. literally all over the place. It took me 5 million years to get my schedule and about 10 million to find my damned locker. I swear IT is nowhere in sight. I've searched every corner where a potential locker #99082 could be hiding, but nope, nada. nowhere. My first class is in five min. and I'm still in the middle of nowhere. so I seeked prefessional help; called mr. maintenance guy to help me locate my locker. After walking here and there, we found it. We found it in the same area I went through for like fifteen hundred times. Great. There it is, in all it's glory, smiling sardonically at me as if saying, "Pagod ka noh? Buti nga." Looks like we're not going to be good buddies ,eh? I glowered at it. I thanked Mr. Maintenace guy for helping.

Not soon after, another problem arised. Now it's my lock that's not cooperating.

Just great, just the right formula to trigger a headache. I'm late, I don't know a soul, I have no one to eat lunch with, I don't even know where the friggin' bathroom is!

I practically did everything - swish swooshed, tugged,picked, banged it, (seriously If i did have a saw right that moment, I'd saw it to death.) - nothing. Finally a pretty, brunette girl walked up to me (noticing that I'm seriously going bonkers as of yet) and asked if she could help. I muttered a relieved "Yes" and silently thanked God for people like her. I gave her my combination and within a tad frame of time, it's opened. I then told her, "Now, how did you do that?"

She told me I might have turned it the wrong way on the second number. she ws quite right. I thanked her and thank heavens again that she was my locker mate. You know, just in case I ran into similar problems again.


After a while, I got used to the school - the place itself, the curriculum, the people. Especially the people. When I first came here, the idea of having other nationalities surround you is just....indigestible. However, I don't have other options but to deal. It wasn't bad at all. Actually, I think it's a refreshing concept.

I remember in my english class, I got seated with an intimidating, blonde, blue-eyed, all-American (or in my case, All- Canadian) girl. I was shooting daggers at my teacher who is unfortunately too busy to notice. I looked at her and she looked backed. I was afraid she was gonna eat me. She certainly isn't the type who would allow a new girl into her social circle. But no. I was just a judgemental bitch. She was rather nice actually. I learned from her. From her mad shindigs to her far-fetched family affairs. She even taught me to play "assholes" (card game). We had notable convos too. One that I can vividly recall is this:

Her: So, do you like anyone here at school?

Me: No.

Her: You don't like Mark Carbonelli?

Me: who the hell is Mark Farbonchelli?

Her: Carbonelli. Why? Come on. You're crazy (her favorite saying) I'm not gonna tell.

Me: I'm sure you're not gonna tell. But really, I like no one.

Her: Why?

Me: I prefer older men.

Her: What? You, slut!* shrieks*

(teacher shushing us)

Okay, that was a misconception. I meant maturer (no such word, but hey I prefer to stay colloquial) and capable of being deep.(which are attributed qualities of older men,I think. I think lang ha.I've heard kasi that men age but they never mature. I'm not saying it's true...pero...) anyways, being the corrupt-minded that she is, she thought it was the other way around.

**La conasse!! *peace*

I kind of noticed I'm already out of track and a complete 360 far from whatever I was originally talking about. hehe. I ought to shut up now.

In a few! Later days!

*double shit
** silly bitch


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My Bloginality is ISTP!!!

Daily Dose:

Priest: God said, " Vengeance is mine."
Edmond Dantes: But I don't believe in God.
Priest: It doesn't matter...He believes in you.

-an excerpt from The Count of Monte Cristo

Ey Shorty, Ich Yo Bertday we're gonna parteeh lyk ich ur bertday...

Just finished watching Two weeks notice (Sandra B. and Hugh G.) Ignoring the side comments of my movie critic friends, I think it is passable. ah, scratch that, it's more than passable, actually, i think it's great.(so? I have a romantic streak. SUE ME) hehe. It's one of the movies that we (my friends) consider a "pang -sine" type. The type which we could watch in the big screen and go home totally understanding the whole gist of it. Apparently, some movies - those that are 1% sensible and 99% psychobabble - are better off watched at home or not watched at all.

on another note...

I'd like to greet my uber sexy and gorgeous friend Pry,who btw is now in florida, basking in the sun probably (while I'm here click-clacking on my computer with the best intentions of honouring her..can it get any more unfair?) a hafi barfday!! she's now 18..teehee..yup, you've gained the bragging rights. yay! Unfortunately, she's still not a lady. I actually thought of giving her a "rules on becoming a lady" book but i realized that it's not going to make any difference so why bother?. kidding. so instead i settled for the third sequel of Sophie Kinsella's confessions of a shopaholic; I really think it'd be better for her well-being to get acquainted with her fiction conterpart, Becky Bloomwood.

pero anyhow,i'm really glad you liked my gift. I went broke because of that.jokes. anything for a friend. 8 kita!

Birthday girl!
Happy Barfday and Later days!


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In God, I trust
Daily Dose:

"...and those who know Your name will put their trust in You, for You, O Lord, have not forsaken those who seek You" -Psalm 9:10

picture of the laughing Jesus


After all my misfortunes, I've come to a realization. oh yes, I do reflect. Some people might object to this, but i know in my heart of hearts that I am capable of thinking with unfathomable depth. (hah, I wish)

From the chain of misfortunes I was recently caught up in, I realized that you could never be sure of what will happen hereafter. One minute everything is smooth sailing, the next it's one hellish wreck. Life can be hella erratic.Truly there are things that we just can't prepare for.

The fact that we are totally clueless of whatever that could struck us should not hinder us from living our lives. Living with fear of whatever can happen will just make things more miserable. We ought to remember that God is there and He always will be. At times when we opt to wallow in pain and misery and all we see is darkness, maybe our eyes are closed. Our eyes are shut tight that we can't see the light that God has lit for us. Oftentimes,we tend to forget to look at the brighter side of things; it's always the problems we notice.

I know for sure that there are a lot more people whose lives are way chaotic than mine hence I should be grateful.

To the Big Guy above, thank you for making ways. Thank you for showing me the light.I can't thank You enough.

O well, Later days!


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Cest la vie!
Daily Dose:

"Have no fear of sudden disaster or of the ruin that overtakes the wicked, for the Lord will be your confidence and will keep your foot from being snared." -Proverbs 3:25-26

Happy Christening baby Jason!

Return of the Jedi

I haven't updated my blog for a while. It's now stale and rotten! hah! I've gone AWOL this past week due to unforeseen and inauspicious circumstances. I'm back now. A little shooked from the sudden events but very much on track of coping up.*bleeh*

Anyways, let me tell you about my misfortunes.

Lo and behold, I got the blaster worm. Apparently, I'm too lazy to download the latest updates so there you go. Remember how I'm a complete idiot on anything technology related? Ow yeah, I though it's something that would get flushed the next time i restart my computer. Surprise,surprise - It didn't. I got rebooted for the umpteenth time but still totally clueless with whatever's happening with the PC. I called everyone. My mom, who was no help at all; a technician from our computer's manufacturer,who relentlessly told me to download the removal tool to which i relentlessly retorted that I can't since my computer shuts down the minute i get hooked on the net; Mr. technician from our ISP provider, who i bugged and blamed for the worm.(not knowing it's really my fault) I have to hand it to him for not slamming the phone on me. Anyways, he told me what to do and gave me numbers to call (i reckoned he doesn't want to be bugged anymore).Unfortunately, i had a hard time understanding him because of the heavy accent so half of whatever he said was a total waste of his precious saliva.

Finally, I was able to deworm our PC and download the security patch. Now everything's fine and dandy -SO NOT

The day after that, Ontario and parts of US had a major power outage.

Sacre bleu!

It was quite an experience actually.People were totally freaking out. Kung sa pinas, wala ng big deal yan.Sanay na eh Judging from the people's reaction, from our neighbor's reaction particularly, you would see how much dependent they are on every volt of electricity that comes out of their sockets. Actually, it's true. I, having been well introduced to the concept of blackouts, was still pretty freaked when the outage occurred. Of course I know the basics: No computer, no tv, no lights, no ref and all that but you can still cook. and use your cell phone. and take a bath. here, when you say power outage, it means power OUTAGE. Anyhow, I managed to entertain myself during those indolent times doing these things:

  • Read and finished the first book of the chronicles of Narnia (I know it's a kiddie book,but who cares? It happens to be great you know)
  • Played with the candle; wrote "love conquers all"(don't even ask why) on a sheet of paper after which, I peeled off the cooled wax.
  • Made animal shadows using my hands.
  • Went through my kikay stuff, arranged everything after which i looked at the labels and tried translating the French portions to english. (of course i ended up cheating)
  • Read the dictionary(sue me)
  • Read my brother's French-English dcitionary. (check this out: Si j'avais ta tête a la place du cul j'aurais honte de chier)

6 am the next morning, the power was restored though it was spasmodic. Anyhow, that's better that nothing. Tom. will be the final test-run. Hopefully, everything will turn out good.

Actually I have more misfortunes to tell. Oh yes, there's more. Sure am a lucky gal huh? - not. Au revoir for now! (hah, very French) O well, Later days!


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Cest la vie!
Daily Dose:

"Even when I walk through a dark valley, I fear no harm for you are at my side; your rod and staff give me courage" - Psalm 23:4

Dragon Fire!

The dreaded DROP ZONE!


Top gun!arrgh!


I'm so in the mood to blog today. I'm quite surprise actually. More often than not I have to drastically force myself to blog regularly hence i call this "oblige writing". I'm not exactly writer-material so to speak, but since I am existing in a world where english teachers are dejectedly high-minded and are dangerously full of threats (i.e. " time you hand-in your paper late, you're hamster food!"), i could certainly use some practice. I ought to do real work if i want to get in a decent university; No more product-of-periphrasis essays.

Anyhow,that's not exactly the story I'm trying to tell here. The reason why I'm ultimately thrilled to blog is because I have a lot to tell from the super fun activities i did this weekend. You may not give a soaring fuck with whatever it is that I did, but you see,this is such a notable highlight in my boring summer. Whoever thought something would come out of my jobless, crappy summer? awwww, just so great!

Anyways, let me start blabbing. Wednesday night my bros went to my tita's house for a 3-day sleep over. haha,the house by myself! ha! isn't that the greatest? but you know what, it's just starting. Thursday night we met with my titas at Planet Bowl- well, obviously to bowl. As much as I would hate to say, bowling isn't my thing. (what is anyways?)I suck big time! Actually, I think I'm a notch better at tennis.(that is if my lack of skill for it could go any further up, which i highly doubt) Nevertheless, I had an incredible time.It was a great bonding experience.

Getting back on the track, Friday my mom and I picked up the 30 bucks cellphone courtesy ofDY. After which, we went home to prepare for our individual agendas. My folks for their cell group, and yours truly for our "lala jam"(youth activity). When i got home all i wanted to do was crash for i was damn exhausted. :c

Saturday, woke up early (too damn early) to prepare for our trip to Wonderland. Woohoo. I can no longer tolerate the anticipation, it's about time so bring it on! Kala mo kung ano, pupunta lang kami sa amusement park. Wala sa bundok. I so love riding rollercoasters. It's like being on a spiritual journey and having it completed. Fulfilling indeed. And besides i'm just putting my being non-Acrophobic into good use. (hey, not everyone can deal with heights) Unfortunately, Mr. Weatherman was a little grumpy that day; there was a sudden cloudburst which sure did ruin everything. arrgh! it's a good thing i got to explore before it rained.

Sunday, aw gawsh. spare that please. O well, we did go to church but that's just about it. And even if we do have plans, i'll probably pass. ehehe.

It was a tiring, tiring week. But very worth it. Now i feel guilty for being such a wet blanket. All the while I've been whining about how my summer is a paradigm of ultimate boredom when in fact it isn't. Apparently, I'm oblivious to that fact that it doesn't have to be the "ultimate shindig" for you to have fun; that simple things will do. Now i know. hah! Jeez, it took me a century to realize that! Sometimes i am just so dense.

O well, Later days!


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Do not cry if the Sun sets at the end of the day, because the tears will not let you enjoy the beauty of the Stars.
Daily Dose:

"Yes, I do Love God. He is my source of existence and Savior. He keeps me functioning each and everyday. Without Him, I will be nothing. Without him, I am nothing; but with Him I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me." -(Phil 4:13)

My "reading list"


I am soo back!

Finally, i was able to fix my page, transfer everything and work the directories. Beat that huh? All the while I was profanely cussing the "damned" directory, turns out it wasn't exactly hard to work those chuvaloo ek-eks, just a little tinkering, that's all. (hep,kumonta pangit!) Unbelievably, i was able to do the figuring-out and transferring within 2 hours time (which would normally take me..uhmm..a day.No, a week more likely) and may I add, It was work, work, work..not even a single indolent moment or a boredom attack.There you go, I'm improving my well-being; I'm getting more dedicated.

Anyhoo, enough of that. There are more sensible things to blog about. For instance, the run-down of my week. (halt the arrghs and the ugghs) Lately, I've been amusing myself with tennis. Haha,no, I'm not good at it, thank you very much. In fact, "not good" is an understatement. "horrible" and "stinky" are much better descriptions. Proof? ow, well, i kind of hit my face with the racket when i tried to aim for the ball, which unfortunately, wasn't very cooperative. I got a bump. A big one.that's all.just fine.Really. *bleeeh* I hope that's enough proof.

Besides my tennis escapades, which would soon be over, there's nothing else noteworthy to be mentioned. Ow, if you consider baking notable, well then that's another. Lately, I've been pretty engrossed with baking. Cookies, muffins, scones, loafs. Those things. I once baked a banana chocolate-chip bread, which my mum brought to her office, placed in their lunch room and was noshed in a small period of time.hehe. I even got an e-mail from one of her officemates, telling me how yummy the bread was. My mom even received compliments personally for it. Sheer flattery it is. *blushes* Maybe, I should consider culinary arts as an option. hmmm.. then goodbye Physics, you are no longer needed. hehe.

Errm, I think that's enough blabbing for now. I still have a "reading list" to finish, and a lot of organizing to do since I'm not exactly Ms. anally-retentive.

Sue me!!!!

P.S. - finish driving book; Jeez, Jed you are already 17, you ought to at least get your G1 license. pfft...


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Deceive, Inveigle,Obfuscate
Daily Dose:

"Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity. - 1 Timothy 4:12

my new cartilage piercing


My gorgy friends, PRY and DAF

Moi, fooling around in the loo

MaJoR cRaZiNeSs

hah! long time no blogging! tsk, my overwhelming zeal for blogging has finally worn off!*sus, go figure* I am not the most consistent person, so to speak; one minute I'm uber-fond of it, the next I'm "sick" and "tired" of "how it's always like that".heh. Trollop

Anyways, I've been doing a lot of stuff lately. I reckon that if I don't start moving, I'll end up nowhere, which would assure me of a certified crappy summer. homaygawsh, no no no! It's time that I learn to entertain myself given the circumstances I am in. So much for this assuring-myself talk, let's get things out of the agenda. Last Wednesday, Pry, Daf and yours truly went to the mall to "kill time".We sure did kill time after scouring the whole mall TWICE, yup went to the same stores twice. We bowed not to buy anything, but..well..the depression is overwhelming.Hey, we delved the whole mall, we do deserve something, don't we?

And yeah, i just conquered one of my greatest fears: piercing. Ow yeah, I got my cartilage pierced! beat that huh!

Convo with mamang piercer (MP):

Ako:*kinda squirmish*
MP: Are you nervous?
Ako: uhmm...yeah (ow, heck, you have no idea)
MP: It's not gonna hurt a lot

HEP, sandali, It's not gonna hurt A LOT? What the hell does he mean by that?

*about to put the "gun thing" behind my left ear

Ako: it really gonna hurt?
MP: *explains how it is a tad painful than the regular one since it's on the cartilage, but it's tolerable. REALLY.*
Ako:alright then, do it fast.*gulps then shut eyes*

and... were done!

it really doesn't hurt that much. hehe. kapal. I've gained my bragging rights, haven't I huh? It's just that I tried doing it myself and well, the "scrunching" sound got the best of me. ermm, should have never done it by myself anyways. But really, my fabricated phobia for piercings is just a product of my dysfunctional mind. Good for me, i know! hah!


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Deceive, Inveigle,Obfuscate
Daily Dose:

"...Love endures all things."- 1 Corinthians 13:7

Jason "balong", the cutest thing ever!

My baby pic.

MaJoR cRaZiNeSs

A week ago I was complaining about how my life is an ultimate example of a "life with no life", heck i was wrong! Now it's spinning out of control, just like one of those kiddie beyblades.ehehe. major craziness!

Anyhoo,let me give you a run-down of what has been keeping me busy. Following up on my "tentative" plan to join the choir, well, it's no longer tentative for i have attented my first official practice with them last Thursday. I really wasn't expecting it turn out that good. I made a mental note to myself to give my head a fair banging for giving in to ate marianne's super malambing na urging if things don't go well, which isn't the case, thank God. I was horribly, horribly wrong and I feel terrible for being so judgemental. Grrr..sometimes i hate the way my mentality functions. Anyways, my Thursday practice went great. There were few people who attended, but that's fine because Friday totally made up for it. Our practice ended up late and when I got home I was beat, man. Saturday, I have to get up early to attend the youth prayer meeting and then afterwards go to Christ the King Church for mass and service. After which, I'll be dropped home, take a breather and then get ready to go to Toronto for Kenneth's B-day party.My bratty brothers wanted Aaron to ride with them, so i ended up with my tita. We got lost on the way home, but it was fun in a twisted sort of way.I got to look at the "downtown" side of toronto. Boy, it was uber-gorgeous!heck,I'm coming back there for sure! By the time we got home, which was already late btw, I was so exhausted I could have lounged there in the middle of the parking lot. To top everything off, we have to get up early the next day for the company outing of my dad in Heart Lake.

It was tiring, true, but it did cure my fabricated "summer sickness".

Anyhoo, as the brits say, TATA for now!

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Ala ako maisip na title

"I'm not crazy, I'm just a little impaired, I know right now you don't care, But soon enough you're gonna think of me and how I used to be me."-Unwell, Matchbox 20
Daily Dose:

" close, i believe, You're holding me now in Your hands, i belong You'll never let me go..."- So Close(I Believe),Hillsongs

Back in my center for pop days. God's gift to me.

My Service

It's been a long time since my last service to the Lord. Don't get me wrong,i still live out my Catholic faith and go to Church every Sunday by all means, but the thing is, I don't get to serve Him the way I used to back in Pinas.I know I can serve Him in any little way and I know for a fact that It'll be greatly appreciated even if it is just a tad of a fragment but I just can't bring myself to do that. As a result, my zeal to serve the Lord decreased to a great extent. I no longer feel the enthusiasm I used to feel back then. I know it's wrong and it feels terrible.

You see back in pinas, i served as a choir-soloist in our church in Fort Bonifacio.Everytime the mass ends, i feel like I have done such a huge thing for the Lord. He gave me this wonderful gift hence, I'm using it to serve Him in return. It's like a drug, only instead of harming me, it does the extreme opposite;I got hooked in serving the Lord. Through my service, my faith grew. I felt my life changed directions - because of it, my life is now pointed towards the Lord's bearing. Cutting to the chase,my service affected my life and myself a whole lot. If not for it, maybe I'm still the old,unimproved, devil-may-care Jed.

Yesterday, ate Marianne of L.O.J (Light of Jesus) called and asked me to join the youth choir.All of a sudden, it hit me. This is my calling, to start all over again,to renew my service to the Lord. Eto siguro ung sagot ni God sa prayers ko.Although I'm still a little apprehensive; I know nobody except for ate marianne and trust me,socializing and making friends aren not my best areas. But hey, socializing isn't really the reason why I'm coming, well, it is part of the reason, but mainly it's because of my longing to finally serve the Lord again.I pretty much believe that if it's really God's will, then everything will fall into place.

Tomorrow we'll be having our practice. If everything works out, not only will i get to serve again, I'll gain friends as well. Now, that's a pretty package.

And besides, it'd be nice to stretch my vocal chords every now and then. It'd be good since i don't get to sing as much now.Oh well, I think that's too much blabbing for one day and I ought to shut up now.

Later days!

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"Love wins. Love always wins."- Tuesdays with Morrie
Daily Dose:

"...not as trying to please human beings..."- I Thessalonians 2:4



Breathing in summer; Every bit enjoyable -NOT

Long time no blogging!It's quite surprising that I don't have the time to write when in fact I have nothing to do except for bum around.Ow, now it hit me; my fascination with html has finally worn off. Does that mean less blogging?Who knows and who cares anyways?

My past week, believe it or not, went well. Pry dropped here after work and well, bugged me.( the thing she's good at) We went to Timmy's and had our medium ice caps (we just had to) and impulsively bought king-size onion rings at BK.(for the second time around, we just had to) After which, we went home,sat in front of the computer and and decided to enter a chatroom, which triggered our "chat tripping" session. The name says it all. Don't get me wrong; were subtle trippers. (if there is such a thing)We werent bastos or mean to anyone;ugh, basta, it's really hard to explain.The thing is, the experience turned out to be utterly hilarious.There was this one guy who kept on describing himself as "tall and complexion"; we were baffled with what he meant by "complexion" so we asked him if he meant having a fair-complexion, but he insisted that he's, well, "complexion". O well, can't argue with that. share lang naman...

My summer's getting duller and duller by the moment.Aw, I wish I could do something to make me say,"Now,this is what you call summer fun", but I'm afraid that as of now there is nothing to make me utter those blissful words. When then?hmmm..I have no clue!

Perhaps, I should stop whining about things. Siguro kaya ayaw ni Lord. Mental note to self: halt the complains. There you go, another goal to accomplish.

For the meantime, I'll satisfy myself with reading. Stored knowledge; useful for the next school year.*wink* I'm currently reading Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden and Her by Laura Zigman. Hehe. You might wonder why I'm reading the two books at the same time.One specific explanation: I'm crazy. Kidding. Anyhu, both books are equally interesting and deliciously exciting. Must-read books.*thumbs-up* Sign my guestbook
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I always thought that love can melt away the pain no matter how painful it is, but i realized that pain can also melt the love no matter how great the love is...
Daily Dose:

"...for you yourselves have been taught by God to love one another." -I Thessalonians 4:9 Handy Latin Phrases Non sum pisces.- I am not a fish
Raptus regaliter.-Royally screwed.
Fac ut vivas.-Get a life.
Ut si!-As If!
Vescere bracis meis-Eat my shorts.
Quantum materiae materietur marmota monax si marmota monax materiam possit materiari?-How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
Te audire no possum. Musa sapientum fixa est in aure.- I can't hear you. I have a banana in my ear.
Vah! Denuone Latine loquebar? Me ineptum. Interdum modo elabitur.-Oh! Was I speaking Latin again? Silly me. Sometimes it just sort of slips out.
Utinam logica falsa tuam philosophiam totam suffodiant!- May faulty logic undermine your entire philosophy!

Hillary Duff, gosh,I can't believe i watch her show

I'm sad.waaaaah!I feel useless, yep, that's the right word. Yesterday, i mentioned that my friend was having her interview, and guess what? she was hired, that very instant! Of course, I'm happy for her..but I'm not happy for myself.=( I wanna work so badly. ehehe. o well, too bad, so sad! Ow heck, hope I didnt give you the impression that I'm a desperate wench because I'm absolutely not.well, a little, maybe.

Anyways, moving on to a more optimistic topic, our(me and pry) baking session went great, of course. naks, feeling pro! The cookies were unbelievably yummy! ow, and white chips are better than the chocolate ones, I'm telling you!! sheesh, now I'm overly enthusiastic...arrgh,sometimes I think I'm a schizophrenic.pfft!

I got addicted with quizilla; i endlessly took the quizzes..well,lo and behold,that's one way to waste your time. anyways, here are some of the results i got... You're Perfect ^^
-Perfect- You're the perfect girlfriend. Which
means you're rare or that you cheated :P You're
the kind of chick that can hang out with your
boyfriend's friends and be silly. You don't
care about presents or about going to fancy
placed. Hell, just hang out. You're just happy
being around your boyfriend.

What Kind of Girlfriend Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla entrancing
You have an entrancing kiss~ the kind that leaves
your partner bedazzled and maybe even feeling
he/she is dreaming. Quite effective; the kiss
that never lessens and always blows your
partner away like the first time.

What kind of kiss are you?
brought to you by Quizilla You are Psalms
You are Psalms.

Which book of the Bible are you?
brought to you by Quizilla You are a traditional bride.
Congratulations! You are a traditional bride!

What Kind of Bride Will You Be?
brought to you by Quizilla Yuna
You are RIKKU!! Cute friendly and Bubbly. You are
the sweetest of the pack, yet you can also pack
a nasty punch as well in battle. Sexy, cute,
fun and sometimes annoyingly cheerful! Clever
and cunning in the uses of trickery and
grenades (hehehe) You ROCK!!

What Final Fantasy X Character r u???
brought to you by Quizilla

Some are pathetic, but most of it does have some logic to it.(or as it appears to me, that is)Anyways, it's better than being a couch potato.Ow heck, i have to stop to blabbing; it certainly isn't doing me any good.

Ciao for now!

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Things You Should Know About Me

My fave teddy bear(can't sleep without it)

Fooling around

Fooling around

Rama(cousin/bestfriend/soulsister) and I

Chen (isn't she a doll?)

Kristine, my sort-of-cousin friend (whatever that means)

ThInGs YoU OuGhT To KnOw AbOuT Me

Pyscho Stuff

1.) I still sleep with my teddy bear. (*grins sheepishly*) I love it so much! I’m stuck like glue to it and I am NEVER (hear that?) going to give it up… not a chance!
2.) I have this huge fear of spiders, even the smallest ones. (ick, gives me the creeps!!!)
3.) I have a thing for eccentricity. I prefer things altered and given a new edge to it, not the boring typical stuff.
4.) I’m a bookworm (good connotation please!). It became shoddier when pry came into the scene, armed with her to-die for books and overwhelming passion for reading. I guess it’s an inflammatory thing. Lolz. I’m currently reading “Tuesdays with Morrie”, a very inspirational book with loads of lessons about life, love and death. Definitely must read! I’m looking forward to reading “Memoirs of a Geisha” by Arthur Golden. It’s a book about a geisha, obviously, which really bothers me. Don’t ask me why, because I don’t know either. I just feel totally compelled to read it. Perhaps, it is my evolving-to-being-unfathomable mind that’s bugging me. Hell, whatever! Good thing, my sexy and uber gorgeous friend (makes gurgling noises, then chokes), Pry is willing to lend me her copy so I don’t have to worry buying one for now. Hahaha. I’m itching to buy my own books. I guess I got that again from Pry. Shax, nahahawa na ata ako sa kanya eh! Is that a good thing or a bad thing? Your choice. Lolz. Well, it does feel different when its yours, doesn’t it?
5.) I have this weird preference for older guys. Please, don’t ask me why.
6.)I now appreciate little things and look beyond the "generic". Hey, don’t get me wrong. What I mean is that NOW, I appreciate little details, say a pretty little, embroidery on someone’s bag, which normally I wouldn’t have noticed. I can now differentiate r&b from alternative not just “a song I randomly heard on the radio”. Does that mean I am starting to think with unfathomable depth? Hahaha, sure jed. Dream on!
7.)I have this tremendous ardour for music. Every since I was a child, music has always been a big influential factor on me. I grew up and now it’s an integral part of my system. It’s sort of like my outlet for my passion.
8.)My biggest fear is to have my ear pierced. Sure, sheer cowardice, you may say but I never really realized until I did it to myself. I thought it wasn’t a big deal before but when I tried it, holy shat! Ugggh, I heard my tissues scrunching…ewww.. sorry, that’s really gross.
9.)I’m not really a radical or anything, but I am fond of tatts.I'd like to have a cross perhaps, or the phrase “God saves”, say, in Hebrew. (see, I’m not an agnostic or anything) I’m dying to have a navel and tongue pierce, but since I can’t even manage a freaking ear pierce, I might just forget about those because they are not very good options for me.
10.)I love photography! I love photography! I love photography! and ow, did i mention that I love photography?
11.)I’m beginning to like Shakespeare. He’s not bad after all. Interesting how he just made up words that eventually became part of the English lexis. Astig! so may similarity pala sila ni Miriam Santiago, pareho sila magaling mag invent! The only difference though is that Shakespeare is deemed worthy, while on the other horrible hand, Miriam is viewed as a crazy wench! Anyhoo, it really fascinates me how he managed to write superlative literature when he only attended grammar school. But then again, you don’t need formal education to write. It's all about the words you use and how creative you are linguistics-wise.Guess it’s an inborn thing. (which unfortunately I don't have)
12.) I have this bad habit of biting my nails. Arrrgh, I just can’t get it out of my system! Palagi tuloy ako nasasabihan ni mamah ace, “neng, maubos yan!”. Hay life!
13.) I love eating. Don’t ask me why.
14.) I delight in small things. In layman’s term, yes, I’m mababaw!
15.) There was a certain point in my life, (which is long ago, by the way) when I was completely infatuated with singer gil ofarim. Ehek! I went as far as daydreaming that we’d eventually be together. See, see, one proof that my mind works in a completely bizarre way.
16.) I consider myself religious. (although some people may object to that) I have strong views when it comes to religion. God is such a huge part of my life, and He always will be.
17.) I have this extreme dislike for boy bands. No offense to those who dig’em, pero they’re not really high on my “fondness” list. Stereotypic lang tlga siguro ako. O well, personal view lang naman.
18.) I am vain.- not
19.) When it comes to fabricating sensible and snappy comebacks,in layman's term, pambabara, I am the weakeast link, goodbye! *laugh all you want, sure*
20.)I have this zany fetish for G-TECH .4 pens. wala lang,feeling ko lang mas maganda sulat ko pag yun gamit ko..hehe
21.) ---more to come, I cant fish out ideas which could actually pass for sizable intelligence. So I’m considering not to say anything that would do damage to my…well..not-so reputable reputation---

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Carpe Diem

Carpe Diem
FaVe SoNgS

1.)Unwell- Matchbox 20
2.)Dragonfly- Spongecola
3.)If You believe- Rachel Lampa
4.)How The Years Go By- Amy Grant
5.)Wonderwall- Oasis
6.)Semi-Charmed Life- Third Eye Blind
7.)Fast Cars- Tracy Chapman
8.)Drops of Jupiter- Train
9.)When I see you smile- Uncle Sam
10.)Say it- Voices of Theory
11.)Drive- Incubus
12.)If I could be like that - Three Doors Down
13.)World's Greatest -R. Kelly
14.)Lullaby- Shawn Mullins 15.)Stranded- Plumb
16.)This Side- Nickel Creek
17.)Color Everywhere- Youth Asylum
18.)Water runs dry- Boyz II Men
19.)The color of love- Boyz II men
20.)Endlessly- B44

Ho-Humness Victim Dead


Not so productive morning. Did nothing but sit in front of the computer, brood over my still screwed up page and type nonsense things, which I'm doing right this very moment and apparently I'm doing good at.I have a love and hate relationship with html.As of now, I'm in the "hate" mode.Stupid, stupid...waaaaaaah! I wonder how long this fascination with hmtl will last.It certainly isn't wearing off as of now.

Later, Pry will be coming over then we'll be baking cookies, nieman-marcus, white chips substituted with the morsels.*yumness* =)There you go, something productive. Afterwards, she'll be having her summer job interview at Chucky Cheese's. I'm green with envy.Apparently, the music school I'm applying at isn't showing the least interest in hiring me.heck, their loss not mine.-not =(..ohhhhh..i wanna work so badly!!! Pry's here. gotta scram. TATA for now!

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Gorbellied, Beef-witted Coxcomb!

at la senza

Knickers, anyone?

lingerie here, lingerie there, lingerie everywhere!

June 30, 2003 - Monday - [ 9:49 pm ]

wooohoo,another successful attempt! o my gawsh,I'm getting the hang of these things. I'm not hopeless after all, and totally not a computer illiterate.(u-huh) Jeez, nice to know! anyways, enough of that crap; it's only myself that I'm fascinating anyways.

Earlier my mom and I went shopping for undergarments since I am in dire need of them. My old ones are all feigning sick and are about to surrender so I think it is quite imperative that I buy new ones before the latter and hanging moments of my undies come.Horrible, horrible! so anyways, i had fun, believe it or not. When i was younger, it kills whenever we shop for a bra.Let me impart to you why: it really embarrasses me to let anyone know of my especially huge boobies' size. Hey, i was a kid then! but then again, if given another chance, I'd opt for a smaller breast size.

That was when I was younger, but now I love shopping for undies, even more than shopping for clothes. I don't know why; it's just the feeling of wearing something cute or zany or whatever for that matter, underneath your clothes that no one is absolutely aware of except for you.It's a weird notion, i know.

I bought 2 bras and 3 panties (Jeez, pardon me if I'm that detailed)and they are majorly cute! Though i have to share something that really amazes me; i have this habit of always checking where it's made so yeah, as part of my norms, i checked and guess what i found out? all of the items are made from different countries. Jeez, very costly labour, if you ask me. or is it the other way around? ow, heck, i don't know and I won't bother knowing. But it's really amazing, isn't it? or is it just one one of my weird notions again?

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~THE 411~

NICKNAME: Jed, majed
AGE: 17
TURF: in a boring, empty-as-an-abyss place called Canada (SARS, anyone?)
SCHOOL: Philip Pocock Catholic School


Hobbies: singing, surfing the net, reading, bumming around =)
Fave food: ow, i'd eat anything as long as it's edible.
Fave band/type of music: I dig everything; i have a tremendous ardour for music that i'd listen to anything, even classical.
Fave book/s: sheesh,i hate to admit but i am a huge bookworm; fave books namely: harry potter(I-IV-still don't have V),Her,Tuesdays with Morrie, Princess Diaries(all books),Trash,A Walk to Remember, Memoirs of a Geisha..i could go on forever.



Aww, im so gonna cry! This, lo and behold, is my OWN work! *does cartwheels and shouts,"I so rock!"* I worked my butt off figuring how these so called "html" thingies work. I think I've done enough to quite fascinate myself.Excuse my obssessive-compulsive behaviour, it's just that i really want to learn, which i think is very apparent to all of you (if there are any, that is) now.I know, i know (and stop rubbing it!) this is not the most extra ordinaire piece of art(maybe not even close to the definition of what you can actually call "an art")you've seen...well,to hell with your opinion, i DID this (read: proudness)...and you are just my lowly viewer, so back off!

of course that was a joke-not.

I'm not a scrapper, don't worry...just a bad case of pms, i guess. =)

anyways, swerving to a more sensible topic (i hope),pardon the big so-to-scare-the-rats/mouse picture in my thing; if you say screaming vain, i apologize. I don't consider myself vain; i'm far from being vain and there is absolutely nothing to be vain of so please halt the "ow,f'king gudness, she is so vain" thoughts swarming in your minds right this very moment.The primary reason for that piece of junk is to test the html tags for the pictures but if annoys you that much..uhmm..well,i don't know, figure out something. but then again, whether you like it or not, i'll be posting pictures every now and then and chances are big that i'll be in most of the photos.So buddy, i guess you just have to'll eventually get used to my face.(i hope)

O well, this is spiffy! yayness.

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