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Links to Everywhere

My Journal...
My Writing
Lots of Pictures
Miss Tammy's Journey...
Magnifikat's Electro-Techno-Dark-Gothling Goodness...
Join Magnifikat's Magnifi-Group
Beautiful Annie's Reiki Page - For Those in Need...

Welcome to my world, Le Monde Noire. It's where I come to get away and it is a nebulous place...nothing ever disappears here, it simply changes avenues. It's a place about me, my family, my friends and my loves. It's an excuse to self-publish, even the worst of what I write, and a sounding board to vent in my Blog.

Check back often as I update the journal daily and I tend to post new things at least a few tmes weekly.

September 2, 2003:I finally got this to work a little bit...I've uploaded some new pictures...check the picture pages for Randomness. : )

August 14, 2003:Please keep checking the blog, my dahlings. I update that frequently, however, I have been having technical difficulties with our lovely hosts, Angelfire, for some time now and have been unable to put up any new pictures or prose. : ( All of the above links should work though and I am looking for a new home now. So, look at the blog every other day or so, tell me what you think, feel and want to know and please accept my apologies for not putting up anything new on the web page for ages! Kisses on all of you!!! xoxo

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