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Igniting the SPARK

I have spent the last 14 years working with youth, in one form or another. I started out working as a counselor at the Albuquerque Job Corps. Most days, I found myself migrating to the classrooms, where I would work with my clients and generally have more fun. After a couple of years, I decided to return to school and get my teaching certificate.

I made the right decision. Teaching is definitely more fun. I wanted it not only to be fun for myself, but for my students as well. I remember all too clearly how bored I was during high school, and how close I came to dropping out. Thank goodness for Mrs. White, the special teacher who sent an unmotivated, unconfident high-school student to the yearly leadership conference!

During my career, I have gravitated towards working with students who are “at-risk”. I love the energy of ADHD students, the sense of justice that many oppositional students have and the giftedness present in many children who are in the Special Education program. I believe that a classroom should meet the full spectrum of student needs. Critical thinking and basic skills CAN go together, and do, quite nicely.

I combine my social work and teaching skills to better connect students and their families to the community, listen to student concerns and often serve as a mediator of conflicts and strive to involve students in relevant activities that relate to their lives and community. Please enjoy the rest of my site!