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As I stepped out of my car and looked upon the XPWA I smiled. I knew it was time for a change. Time to make an impact in a new federation. I walked up to the door with great aspiration knowing that I would have to prove my self before I would be granted any title shots what so ever. There were many in the XPWA that I wanted to face, many people that I thought would present me with a challenge. Faces like Damian Gray, Arch Angel, Bishop and Doc X. These are few of the many faces that I wanted to step into the ring with. I walked through the front doors and took a deep breath. I walked to the bright red curtains, I paused only for a minute listening to the screaming crowd, probably cheering on the winner of the match that just finished.

Announcer: And the winner of the match Damian Gray!!!!

As I reached for the curtain. A tall man pushed by me. Obliviously it was Damian Gray. As he passed by me he looked at me and nodded as he passed by, I in returned nodded and passed through the curtain. Fireworks explode from the top of the titian tron. Pyro fills the entrance way as I walk through it. A mixed reaction of boos and cheers ring throughout the arena. As I walked down to the ring some fans a flipping me the bird and some are stretching out for high fives. I slide in the ring and call for a mic, the ring announcer tosses a mic up to me.

???????: It seems that I finally made it here in the X. I have been watching the X since I have been a little kid and as of late I have noticed that a lot of things going on around here. I have noticed that The X isn't what it used to be and that just makes me sick. I remember the times when, the X was extreme, every match someone bleed but I don't see that much anymore, I truly hope that I can change this. I see a lot of potential in a lot of these guys, throughout my entire wrestling career I have seen many wrestlers claim that they are "the greatest" and they have fallen beneath the boot of their opponent. I have also seen guys claim that they are untouchable and are immune to pain, and then again I see them squirm around on the mat squealing like a little girl. I truly hope that as time goes by with my stay here in the X, that this changes and I can get a chance to make someone suffer and scream in the ring. I did not come here today to make a challenge to anyone, but as I have been watching you guys promo there are two wrestlers that interest me, two wrestlers that I feel that would present a challenge to me, those two are Doc X and Arch Angel. Doc you are interesting to me because you are mysterious and dark. You are a loner and you like it that way. You creep around and dark corners waiting for a chance to pounce and take your "victim" by surprise, and I like that. You have raw talent and I feel have been overlooked on numerous occasions, you should have the Heavyweight Title around your waist. However Arch you appeal to the lighter side of me, you are humorous and have pure talent. When I was a kid my dad used to tell me about you and all the numerous things you did in your career.

He would rant and rave for hours about Arch Angel and what he did that night. Hell man, you were most of my bed time stories, you were what I feel asleep to at nights. Kind of funny huh? You are the only wrestler that I truly came to hate. It was like your were my dad's second son. Hell he paid more attention to you on TV, then he did to me in real life. But no matter how much I hated you, I couldn't stop laughing at your antics.

But enough about that, I have been rude I come out here and start talking away and do not introduce myself the name is Michael Corvin and I am from Scotland. Yea I am a Scot, I have heard all the jokes so save them. I wrestled in independent leagues for 3 years and finally I got the phone call telling me it was time, now I could have gone to any of these numerous federations out there. But I chose to come to the X, The X exhibited itself to be a very unique and interesting federation and I hope in time that it will live up to its reputation. I have not come alone however I have brought my beautiful manager with me. This young woman has been there with me through it all. She is very talented and knows a lot about the wrestling business. So with out further ado here she is the lovely and beautiful Nikki Adams!!

The lights go out, for a moment there is silence. You could hear a pin drop, it was like death himself settled in on the crowd. The all of a sudden a very boom rings throughout the arena, followed by a bright light. When the lights come back on you see a young woman standing at the top of the ramp with pyro spraying all around her. Her music starts to play.

Click to play

She starts to make her way down to the ring

A mixed reaction of boos, cheers and whistles can be heard echoing throughout the arena. She bends over sexily stepping through the ropes. She walks over to where I stand and holds one hand up in the air as pyro explodes from the ring. She walks over and gets a mic from the ring announcer and walks back over to where I stand.

Nikki: (speaking in a Scottish accent) Well it looks like we are finally in a worthy federation. Now maybe you will actually have some competition. It was getting pretty pathetic in the last one we were in. You were running over the competition without even breaking a sweat. I have researched a lot of these wrestlers here and this time Michael you will actually have to train for your matches. Guys like Michael Edwards, Jason Wright, Hellraiser and Nemesis might actually give you some trouble, including the ones you have already mentioned. I hope your ready for this, you practically begged me to get you booked to come here so you better not let me down, you remember what happened last time don't you?

Michael Corvin: Yea I remember, there is no need to go into that right now. We need to keep focused on the road ahead of us. As for my first match it doesn't matter who it is, I will take on anyone in the XPWA. I never back down from a challenge, because that is who I am. I will take on the top guy to the bottom of the barrel, if I win then that’s great, if I loose then that is just a learning experience for me and I will learn from my mistakes.

Nikki: Who do you want to face in your first match? There are so many great wrestlers to choose from. I have a couple in mind that I think you should go up against first. Why not go challenge Hellraiser for the World Title and beat his ass and take that title away from him.

Michael Corvin: Whoa!! there sweet cheeks. There is no need for me to be jumping right into the lions den and challenging the World Champion as soon as I set foot into this federation. And besides I need to earn my spot first, I need to be able to take down other champions first before I start challenging the highest rank one. But no! I do not want to challenge a champion, I want to challenge someone without a title. Someone like Bishop, Arch Angel, Little Kuta, someone like that. I need to see how things work around here before I jump head long into the fire. What you don't understand Nikki is that times have changed, champions don't want to face the new kid on the block. They want to see what the "kid" is capable of and if he is worth a title shot. That is why I have to challenge and beat all of the competition because if I do that. Then I might prove myself worthy of a title shot, only time will tell.

With that Michael walks over to the ring ropes and pulls them up for Nikki to step under. The bends over and steps underneath the ring and to the ground. Michael takes a few steps back and back flips over the top rope and lands on his feet. They both walk up the ramp and to the back