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02:40 PM i watched Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle opening yesterday. the story was kinda boring. stupid but hilarious in a way. pictures taken these 2 days - the first pic features Richard and i at Osiris. the rest are me and jill with our food at Young's Cafe and Pacific Coffee :)

05:01 PM i went shopping with jill today in cwb. we first went to Osiris, bought a gray visor there and met the sales guy Richard. He happens to be a DJ too, a colleague of Des lol they both have a profile on the hk clubbing scene. then we headed to Roxy Quicksilver and got myself a Roxy key chain. later headed to the rest of the cwb places for a pair of jeans, Royal skater shoes, Mudd tank top, Mudd halter top and a backpack :D now i need some glowsticks! thanks everyone for tagging me on the board and in my gbookie. u guys are the nicest. clare is having her finals, good luck girl, be seeing u soon :)

08:49 PM If you see someone without a smile, give them one of yours! =) no more Monkey Island games. when i was playing on part 3 of Curse on Monkey Island, the scene stopped progressing. damn those free games. but wut could i do? *shrugs* after all they are free games hehe. its all good. i watched catch me if you can with dino today. its a brilliant movie. tight script and well-rounded plot. not mention Frank Abagnale's creativity which put us all in awe. and it shows how sometimes the FBI would rather have these guys - fraud and internet hackers, work for them then let their talents waste away in a federal prison. i havent been going out much lately. i have been sleeping alot for i really need it.  tomorrow im going spree shopping! its time to conquer some items on my wishlist ;) and get my rave gear ready for the coming saturday woOt!

00:02 AM The delayed Friday Five
1. Is your hair naturally curly, wavy, or straight? Long or short? it started out long straight, then it got wavy after i cut it really short when i was 14 or 15 ack! i hated it. then after several times of straightening it has returned to its normal straight pattern :)
2. How has your hair changed over your lifetime? i have done nearly everything. i have cut it short, above my shoulders, grown it out past my mid-back (which is how it is now). i have dyed it, highlighted it. i had bangs when i was a little kid and risked letting my mother cut it :p
3. How do your normally wear your hair? i usually wear it straight down. sometimes i clip part of it back to keep it out of my face.
4. If you could change your hair this minute, what would it look like? i wouldnt want to change a thing about it. i like the way it is right now.
5. Ever had a hair disaster? What happened? hmm.. when i had short hair back then, i had to get it done every morning, which was hell of a work. cutting it that short was such a bad decision.

10:46 PM the interview went ok. stupid questions they asked, wasted my time on preparing it for like 2 days grr. plus it was boiling hot outside. after the interview i had to take off that damn tshirt i was wearing and put on the tank top i bought along cuz i couldnt stand the heat! gosh i cant imagine my life without air conditioner. i would prolly die drowning in my own sweat eww.

dino's grandfather passed away. i hope he finds peace in heaven and is looking down on us, smiling, for he is with God now. i didnt know wut to say when i heard it from dino this early morning. its just so sad and so much for him to take in. my heart goes out to his family, who will be in my prayers.

08:16 PM Paula replied my email within 2 hours. im amazed at how effecient she is. i tried to call her but her phone was off, i had to use this other alternative to seek help from her. her efficiency and her incredibly detailed explanation shed light on my problem. words cannot adequately express my thanks to her. leaving school is leaving a lifestyle. a life that will soon all seem like a far away dream, that never really seemed to exist.

no more...
6:30 alarm clock sounding / school shirt / early morning bus rides, half sleep / greasy cafeteria food / lunch time, lunch A, lunch B / after lunch ice lolly / vending machine / senior privileges / 6th floor computer lab / 7th floor stairs / chapel / naps in the library / basketball court / the bell / falling asleep in class / homeroom / meeting teachers at staff room / homework deadline / sick leave / skipping school / lazy after school naps / rainstorm days
...ever again.

i know there are more. wut can you think of that will never be again? wut are u gonna miss or glad to have over with? high school is over, and life will never be the same again.

07:43 PM i just got back from jill's place. i went there for the news journal she lent me. im so tired now. the father's day went by good. its more or less the same every year, we simply all go out have dinner altogether. no major celebrations. last nite i got this mail from CUHK. they are inviting me for an interview this thursday conducted by the programme - modern language and culture, which i submitted my application to. its gonna be a group interview and will be counted as 1/3 of my overall performance. wish me luck :)

plugs: one, two, three, four, five

08:42 PM comedy is when something embarrassing happens to you. tragedy is when it happens to me.

funny quote. so here i am, back in this box. this html-technovision-filled box... updating once again for my own futile purposes teehee. arghh im so bored at home and its raining outside so im stuck here. today other than being a shitty rainy day, it was an alright day. congrats to Janelle, she is going to have her own domain! however, the cupcake fanlisting will be staying with :) new layout at victoria and Jilly. jilly, boo and the rest of my friends are doing mad revision for their exam, which is  the coming week. seeing them suffering reminds me of my alevel exam days, which was hell. i stayed home straight for like a month, i put my site on hiatus. everyday i would stand in front of my window, looking out wishing i could go out and have fun. heh! the house instantly turned into a jail. i cant even remember how i managed to get thru. i now wish them all the best luck in the world. yea, its hard but thats life..

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