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Icons!! Flo's are better tho lol
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Funny PBJ Rap&Dance

<--{[June 22]}--> Met randy today...Chau Marine, this guys cool..azn pride...but u kno how i feel about connie, but i guess it cant be helped. so ill just do nothing about it. plays brood war atleast this guys good in it.i kno i got no chance now, imean with the absolute crap ive been doing yesterday...i gotta find out a few jokes, places to be, things to do..and act myself _______________________________________________________ <--{[June 21}}--> Today was a ok day then turned into a crappy one. I woke up sore from 24hr fitness. I dindt really do anything, cet play games and go online. I then had to go to community service t the library, 10-12, it was sooo boring.jerry was there, gave me a inuyasha book, so at least i wasnt that bored. jannet came over at around 12 and gave me psp7, i guess I'll go and make a website.better than this angelfire stuf.went to see finding nemo at 5 with flo, josh, jannet, stan, some other guy, and clayton.the movie was ok, after that we went to mall...bought pizza & starbucks. i think the mall thing screwed us up...been too nice. cause "it" happened after.WE were too nice/bored(ing) _______________________________________________________ <--[June 18]}--> Today was a pretty good day, altho the school day was so sad to me..ppl were all cryin almost made m cry myself u know? its such a sad atmostphere aye... Well flo was all pushing connie to hug me owell it was good while it lasted...tho I feel it was forced so it wasnt really all that good...she likes randy arg owell again walkin home today, stan kept telling connie i like her well I cant argue, shes the only girl i like now no j/k lots of ppl think i like 15 or 20 girls ur alll wrong k? almost right after school wer all going to connie/asukas house, going someplaces tho it was real boring u kno...better than my house at least, but i wanted to play DDR lol _______________________________________________________ <--{[June 17]}--> Graduation today, the ceremony was borind, i coulnd t hear what ppl were saying, couldnt even hear th flag pledge lol... the band was real good (GO FLO lol that rhymes) classical musics ok with me... the dance was a lot better aye...the musics good, slow and fasts. lol i tried to hook asuka and stan up..had to ask asuka almost 7 times lol the first few were sucky..imean stan ditched alot..when i tryied to dance with her i dint even kno how lol...then when they finally dance for reals dana and her group were all taking pictures and everyone was bothiering us( ex Kevin and Kelvin) damn, i flipped kevin off and socked kelvin...couldnt resist:) it messed up my dance tho, caus i was dancing with sue...grr i will have revenge...after awhile i asked connie to dance with me cause she wouldnt dance with stan(TALL) after our dance we was going back...get better just worried ok? _______________________________________________________ Most of the stuff here is in my Buddyprofile stuff..When I run out of space there I'll write here.

Friends I'm missing (cry cry sniff really)