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Eazi Now,


Welcome to Bobby's Bong Shed. All the shit on this site is protected so don't even dare try twok it! Anyways, enjoy the shit on my site, got loads more stuff to add in the near future. The idea of this site is to chill out, do drugs, fuck bitches, do crime, make money and view some of our shit!
Send in your pictures, we are always looking for fine hoes, ugly people and just pictures of general funny shit and pictures of people who are truly FUCKED UP! If you want to post messages, shout outs or have anything to say about owt you have seen on this site then use the forums! We are also starting to add reviews on stuff (films, bitches, drugs, phones)!
 Translation Of Tha Week:

Suspicion  : ' Wot the Fuck Have You Nicked'

 Pic Of The Week :

Bobby facial! (Oh Shit Son)



If you are finding it hard to understand the language on this site (or you are just plain dopey) then here is a Glossary or whateva the fuck its called!
Eazi Now : Hello
Twok  : Stolen
G  : Gangster

UGLY.jpg (34168 bytes)
Ugly Of Da Week

If you have not grown pubes yet then you are not old enough to view this shit!
We advise that you DO ONE!