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Alanna's Photo Album
Alanna's Photo Album « previous | index | next »
Alanna's first breath 
In the surgery room, you can clearly see she was born a girl.

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I came across this site while looking for other meanings of my daughter's name. Funniest thing is.... my daugter was born 8-29-05, her name is also Alanna, and she was a tiger for last Halloween. Wierd, huh? I was looking for an e-mail on your site (to send you a picture) but I didn't see one - so, I thought I would give you mine in this blog thing and hopefully you get it: & yes, I think this is crazy too. Anyway, take care and write me back, put something Alanna in the subject, otherwise I delete mail I don't know. Bye for now, Laura
p.s. Cute kid!
Laura & Alanna | | March 29, 2007