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Welcome to my Webfolio. My webfolio is about some of my school classes and other good stuff. One of my future goal is to become very successful in life and have a great career as a professional dancer, mechanic, or a computer guy. Some of my school goals for this year are to try to get strait "A's" this next semester, study hard for tests, and turn in my home on time. My high school goal is to learn new things and remember it forever. I'm usually around my friends all the time at school. I'm intrested in playing video games and using the computer. Some of my hobbies are raising fish. I started raising fish when I was about 8 years old. All of my friends are very nice to me and they never put me down. Some of my personal goals are to have a nice healthy life. In the future I would want a career that I really like to do. Academic goals are to get A's and B's throughout the whole school year. Go to a nice college. Clovis East High School is a very cool school. It's kind of larger than other schools. The principal, Mr. Eban , is very nice. All the teachers there are also nice. They have a great community and you can make friends really easy. Everyone there is so cool. You can hang out with anyone you want at anytime you want. You will never feel left out.
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