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I Have No Idea!!
« August 2003 »
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Friday, 18 July 2003
Just mumbling....
So I decided that I would do this blong thing just to let the world know how screwed up I really am. I will not be letting any of my friends or family know about this, just because I do not think that they should hear some of the things I say.

So yesterday was my birthday and I go to a dance club with a big group of friends, and my boyfriend (now ex-boyfriend). I get up and go to the bathroom, when I come back the table is empty...I look around for my friends, when I finally spotted them I got sooooo mad. They were at the bar, getting shots without me! I happen to think that is such an asshole thing to do! I mean come on it was MY birthday we were celebrating and they went to the bar to get shots without me......I am still mad about that.

Lemme explain the *now ex-boyfriend thing*
My best friend Tara and I go out all the time together and my boyfriend usually comes along. Welll about a month ago, I realize that they are perfet for each other, and it is obvious they are in love. I kinda just let this slide.....cause I don't rally care....Well a few weeks ago Tara brings here ex to the bar with her. It ends up I spend all night talking to him and she spends all night talking to my boyfriend. This does not bother me. We decide that we will all go get breakfast together. Well we get to the restaraunt and Tara and my boyfriend go next door to get beer...Me and her ex (whom I will give a name later) go inside. I am wasted he is wasted, so we decide that they are taking to long at the gas station, and we leave....hehe (that was so mean of us). Well blah blah blah. Eventually her ex and I are spending alot of time together. Tara comes to me and says "I don't think that I am comfortable with you and *ex's name* spending so much time together. So I tell her I will back off. Well I didn't mainly cause I really really like this guy. So I hang out with him behind her back. (I know that right now you are thinking I am a major ass, but just wait) So la la la this leads up to last night. So when I got pissed off at my friends for getting shots without me I found some army guys to hang out with. I stood at the bar all night talking to these guys (I had a perfect view of the table that my friends are sitting at). I look over and there is my supposed best friend and my boyfriend making out. So I walk towards the table and hear someone say here comes *my name* So they move away from each other. I act like I know nothing. Later I asked Tara if she liked my boyfriend, she tells me know. I then asked her if anything ever happened between you guys would you tell me? She tells me "first of all I would never do that to you, and I would never lie to you" And I asked her if she considered with holding information lieing. She says yes. So being the little bitch that I am, and knowing that little slut is lieing to me, I leave. (I drove so they were stuck 30 miles away from home, and no way to get home). So I am now trying to deide weather I am going to beat her to death, or get revenge (her ex). I'll keep ya updated.

Posted by blog/justjess21 at 10:54 AM CDT
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