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Thursday, 26 June 2003
A blog!!!
Yay! I have a blog!!! I wanted to have LiveJournal, 'cause it seems a lot better, but when I went there, I found out that you need a code, that you can only get by either buying an account there, or asking someone for a code, who already has an account... But first of all, I don't know anyone (IRL) who has LJ, and second of all, I would feel really silly just asking some random person for a code... Oh well, this'll do, I suppose...

I went to buy some trousers today, but the ones that fit around the waist were way to long, and the ones that were the right lenght, I could barely get over my thies!!! So, I decided to never buy trousers again. And I bought a pair of shoes and a People magazine instead... I cannot belive that to buy trousers in this world, you have to either be really tall, or really thin!!! That sucks!

Anyways, back to the LJ thing... If anyone has LJ, and has a code to give me, I'd really appreciate it!!!

AllThat starts soon... I know, I'm really lame to watch that stupid show, but I like it!!! And I'm only 14 years old, so I'm allowed to watch Nickelodeon... Right? It's a fun show! Especially when they have "Bridgett's Slumber Party" on... The goth kid Claudia is really cool! She bit the head of a Barbie doll once... That was fun... Well, I'm gonna go now... So if you have a code for LiveJournal that you want to give me, I'd really appreciate it...

Posted by blog/dominated at 3:56 PM MEST
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