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Welcome to the Sorting Ceremony. First years, line up in a single file row.

Wait for your name to be called, then answer these questions truthfully:

You have failed in Potions, and Snape has told Dumbledore you've passed, covering up for you. You:

a) Jump for joy. Snape's actually done something nice for a change!
b) Stare blankly at Snape as though you don't remember who he is.
Smirk and glare at Dumbledore, thinking "sucker" to yourself.
d) Politely reject and tell the truth.

You just lost in a quidditch match against your worst enemy. You:

a) Shrug it off as his friends mutter horrible things about you under their breath
b)Frown and threaten to punch their face in
c) You DO punch their face in
Swear in their faces and reject to go with your head of house as they pull you away for punishment.

Your best friend has spilled shring potion all over your brand new firebolt. You:

a) Frown and look depressed, promising them you'll never look at them again
b) Smile sweetly and use a charm to turn it back to normal, telling them it was okay
Stare menacingly at them, then use a shrinking spell on them, squishing them like a bug
Act like a complete idiot and run around, yellin, "MY BROOM IS ON FIRE!"

Please neomail all numbers of your answers to Me!