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This is my wonderful girlfriend Randi. We have been together for 7 months now. She is not only my gf but my best friend. Love ya babe.

This would be my friend Kat. Shes the climber of the group. Actually, shes only climbing accross the floor of Hectors Casa (friends resteraunt) I loved this dog. I rescued him from a friend of mine whoes family really had no clue how to rais a dog. I dont even want to tell you how they treated him. But I took him in when he was just a puppie. But about 5 months or so ago he got out of the yard and started playing with kids in the school accross the street. However he was used to playing with me, we played rough, so the 7 and 8 year olds, and the parents and teachers.....took seths intensions wrong. Needless to say I no longer have my puppie.

Me and Randi outside of her
house on an unusually sunny day
in good old K-Town.