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Stuck in the Middle
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Down in the South
Tuesday, 29 November 2005
Holiday Sandwhich
Mood:  not sure
Now Playing: My Opinion
Topic: Stuck in the Middle
Have you ever really took time out and looked at the four weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas to wonder what the hell is going on? Everyone is going completely nuts! It is the same from L.A. to Mayberry. People worrying insesently about what to give as gifts, are they picking up weight, what side of the family's turn is it, and is the $400 worth it for a video game system. And out of all of this mess is my favorite comment that everyone says,"I'll be glad when the holidays are over." If that is the case why do we even put ourselves through the torture? Wouldn't it be a little wiser just to say I'll Christmas shop if and when I feel like it. And that if w were a "family" why can't we ALL gather at one place together? I mean really doesn't the majority of people buy what they and their children want year round anyway? I know we do. So maybe the is a good reason for all of the rush. We should rush to buy presents and food not for ourselves, but for those who don't get their wants year round. For those who have no family to decide on which to visit. And those who will shout that a $400 is not worth it for a gaming system.

Posted by blog/countrypeach at 1:56 PM CST
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