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_____Brokyn Aynjel_____

Webmistress: Amber
Site Name: Brokyn Anyjel
Opened: 04/24/2002
Version: 3.0
Featuring: Ryan Phillipe
Layout Credit: Sarah

This is credited to Sarah. The layout features Ryan Phillippe.

The Girl:
Senior\Choir\Singing \Friends\Shopping\Lipgloss\Pictures \People\Designing\
\NikitaPrice \Roleplaying\MakingBanners\Lovin
MyPeeps\HanginOut \JustinTimberlake\
Team \June25th1986\JustMe\JustAGirl.

Right Now:
Date: Tuesday, June 22nd, 2004
Mood: Happy
Listening: Torn - Natalie Imbrugalia
Watching: My Computer Screen.
Eating: Winterfresh Bubblegum!
Drinking: Tea!
Craving: Nothing.
Surfing: My Site.
Wearing: My black T-shirt that says BHS and my jeans and white shoes.
Talking: To Danny, Amanda, and Matty.
Doing: Nothing, but being bored.
Wanting: Dunno really
Thinking: About Someone *:)*


Tuesday, June 22nd, 2004

Wow!! I haven't updated this shit in about a month of sundays. So yeah I need a new layout woo friggin hoo! Lmao anywho yean I'm about out of things for this paragraph.

I finally came back online around Christmas this year and stuff had a blast, then I moved schools for the fifth time in one year how much fun can THAT be. Anyways, I'm about out of things to say about this website besides its still awesome and I lurve it. Anywho I'm izout.. .~Peace
-Brokyn Aynjel\Amber

-Kill Me-
Here I am..All alone with another broken heart
Isn't it great how I'm the one that suffers..
you borrowed my heart..and now its a sacrificial
lamb Hung upon a cross with a dagger through it..
Its now
You borrowed my heart
You killed all feeling
You made me lose all hope
All hope for humanity
You ruined my life
But hey its just me..

These lyrics are very simple
But they mean the world to me
The only thing I have to put faith in
These few simple words

I lie here on my floor
In a puddle of my own
No matter how much i bleed
You still won't love me

What is it going to take
To make me happy
I dont want to cry
I dont want to rhyme
I jsut want you with me..

You are my heart
You are my soul
My soul burns with
Hate that you killed my heart with
You can kill my heart
Yet I can't kill yours..
Why is that..its unfair
no matter how much im shoved down
I get back up
i still love you..
I want to kill your heart
make you hurt like i hurt
I want to split your soul
Like you split mine
I want...words that aren't heard from me often
I'm sorry I even loved you..I regret all of it now
None of the pain seems to be worth any of it
At all..
I give in..
I surrender..
I run the iridescent blade over my skin
This Time I've found the courage to press it in..

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